Tom Carper, (if this is true) You Are A Lowlife POS. Case Closed.

Filed in National by on March 25, 2009

Jack Cafferty was on CNN about 15 minutes ago saying that Tom Carper’s “centrist” Democratic caucus is siding with the Republicans to defeat President Obama’s budget.

I just have to point out that the other Democratic “cenrtists” are from red states – while Carper allegedly represents Delaware, a state with a PLUS 6 Dem partisan voting index (PVI).

I’m willing to leave a shadow of a doubt regarding Carper’s shitheadedness, because we are talking CNN – however, If Carper really wants to walk this road I would hope that giving him holy hell would become the obsession of Delaware’s active Democrats.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. a. price says:

    maybe he’s thinking of going home to west virginia and running as a repuke

  2. jason330 says:

    The gap-toothed, racists, inbread, moonshine drinking, black lung hacking, illiterate fuckwits can have him.

  3. jason330 says:

    I forgot “banjo playing.”

  4. a. price says:

    “rawr” kitty dipped his claws in venom. I see Carper at the Y all the time, maybe i’ll mess with his tred mill settings

  5. Shoe Throwing Instructor says:

    The republicrates, leading our nation ever downward towards the gates of hell.

  6. He may get my vote if he tries harder. So far he has cast some pretty good votes. We will see if he has the courage to follow through and say no to bankrupting America’s children.

  7. John Manifold says:

    Carper has been good on all issues and votes so far this term. He happens to be a friend of Bayh, so it’s unsurprising he’d join this meaningless caucus. When the whistle blows, Carper will be fine on the budget and other important legislation.

  8. jason330 says:

    I love your steadfastness.

    As for Carper, I wish his meaningless caucus wasn’t going around giving the psycho-freaks on the right bi-partisan cover.

  9. jason330 says:

    Worse than the cover, they are giving Republicans veto power by blocking reconciliation process, thereby blocking an up or down vote on the budget.

    The fucking devious a-hole. Don’t get me started.

  10. Unstable Isotope says:

    Keep up the pressure on Bayh and Carper. The pressure is working because they’re spending a lot of time defending themselves.

  11. Frieda Beryhill says:

    Thousands of us worked very hard to get the $50 Billion for the nuclear industry out of the stimulus pkt. Tom Carper and REPUBLICAN Bennett got it back in This caused such a uproar, we got it out again in the nick of time.

    Carper is a Republican we just don’t know it. Remember when he voted against the CAFE standards?

  12. flutecake says:

    On this site, on March 13th, I pointed out that Rachel Maddow has started a nightly segment to excoriate these Blue Dog misbegotten-so-and-sos, which she calls ‘Conservadems’.

    I blogged about it on my tumblr…

    I was on the phone for a bit on the first run of Rachel’s show on MSNBC with the sound down and she had a nice head-shot on the screen during her ‘ConservaDEMS’ segment of OUR TOM. Great!!

    With friends like this…

  13. flutecake says:

    Oh, yeah, don’t forget his support of his lobbyist pals with great votes FOR the MONEY Party against the likes of us, the poor working schlubs of the old DemocraTIC Party; like the bankrupcy bill and FISA bill last July (immunity for the Telecoms, gutting the 4th ammendment).

    Each more egregious than the last. He is SO out of touch. Or, as some friends here tell me, most of his constituency has no idea about these issues.

    Wake UP, SHEEPLE!!!!

  14. I’m still pissed about his torture votes. Ef him. And he’s always a smart ass.

  15. kaveman says:

    What’s this?

    Dems eating their own?

    Love it.

  16. flutecake says:

    Here’s Rachel on this tonight…