Breaking:’Sanctity of Marriage’ Bill Defeated

Filed in Delaware by on March 26, 2009

Sen. Robert Venables’ attempt to permanently outlaw same-sex marriage was defeated in the State Senate today. The roll call for SS1 for SB 27 was 9 in favor, 11 opposed, and one not voting.

Because this was the first leg of a constitutional amendment, 14 affirmative votes were needed for passage. Instead, the vote failed to even yield a simple majority for the bill.

Ginger Gibson of the News-Journal has a great quote from Lead Troglodyte Bob Venables:

Sen. Robert Venables, D-Laurel, who authored the bill, told chamber after several members spoke in opposition of the legislation that “it doesn’t sound like much I said sunk in.” 

Oh it sunk in all right. And it helped sink the bill. As soon as ‘bulo confirms the roll call, he’ll be back with some more incendiary rhetoric.

UPDATE: HB5 passes today in the House — 26 Yes 14 No 0 Not Voting 1.

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    Good news! Let’s hope the bill stays dead.

  2. It fell 5 votes short of 14, the amount required to pass a constitutional amendment. It’s dead.

    BTW, UI, one of the ‘yes’ votes was Tony DeLuca from the Bear/Newark area. DeLuca has never really been an electoral powerhouse, having first lost to the insipid Donna Reed before edging her 4 years later. If you want ‘better’ Democrats, challenging DeLuca in a primary would be a nice place to start. He’s nothing but a bully. Oh, and his role model Tom Sharp got him a nice cushy job at the Department of Labor when Sharp was the no-show Secretary of the department. That can be wrapped around his neck.

  3. a. price says:

    issnt there also a senate bill of the same homophobic nature? or was this the whole shebang

  4. anon says:

    My wife is late getting home from work. I think she stopped to see another woman. Coincidence? Curse you, General Assembly, for destroying my marriage!

  5. a. price says:

    i meant house bill, this was the senate bill *Puts head in toilet*

  6. Unstable Isotope says:

    Come to think of it anon, my husband was also late coming home from work. He said it was “traffic” but we all know what that means.

  7. Unstable Isotope says:

    Ugh, DeLuca voted ‘yes.’ Well, we have a few years to see if we can recruit a challenger for him.

  8. a. price says:

    someone from DL should run.
    convert the website into a campaign hub….. any takers?

  9. PBaumbach says:

    HB5 passed the house

  10. anon says:

    Wife is still not home. On second thought, that’s kinda hot.

  11. If the Senate had any shame, it would be ashamed. The House has the roll call for HB 5 up, you can see how every Rep. voted. The Senate only provides the numerical result, no roll call by Senator. Pathetic.

  12. a. price says:

    damn…… so what does that mean? another senate battle? LETS GOOOOOOOOOO

  13. PI says:

    The roll call vote for SB27 is:
    yes votes: Adams, Bonini, Bunting, Cook, DeLuca, Ennis, Marshall, Simpson, Venables.

    Bethany Hall Long, not voting

    Defeating the bill: Blevins, Bushwaller, Cloutier, Conner, Henry, Katz, McBride, McDowell, Peterson, Sokola, Sorenson

  14. Geezer says:

    If you color in the districts of senators who voted down SB27, you get a handy map showing the borders of civilization in Delaware.

  15. Unstable Isotope says:

    THANK YOU Blevins, Bushweller, Cloutier, Conner, Henry, Katz, McBride, McDowell, Peterson, Sokola and Sorenson!

  16. R Smitty says:

    Bethany Hall Long, not voting
    must…resist…sarcasm. can’t…stop…it…failing…resistance…

    What? Miss taking a potentially controversial stand on something in a very public eye? NOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo. The.shock!

    Damn. I really must get a better sarcasm-stop switch.


  17. LaNuit says:

    RSmitty – Like the smoking ban?

    Let’s see how she votes on HB 5. you know, the one that actually means something…

  18. Another Mike says:

    DeLuca just votes however Thurm tells him to.

  19. anon says:

    Hopefully this is the end of it! Now maybe they can turn their attention to, oh I don’t know, the small budget problem?

  20. PI says:


    Hardly. Now we have to see how the Senate handles two controversial bills…HB 1 and HB 5. Remember, the desk drawer veto was abolished with the new and improved rules? Well, now we need to watch the Dixiecrats find another way to skirt the issues. We can be sure there will be games played. These non-money bills are important to the progession of open government so we can once and for all know where our tax dollars are being spent. The budget is certainly the elephant in the room….but please don’t discount the importance of the ‘process’ that has been opened up in the House.

  21. outside observer says:

    BHL has always voted in favor of similar rights bills when in the House. She voted for HB99 and other versions. I look for her to vote in favor of HB5.