Delaware Liberal

Guest Post From Senator Tom Carper

Dear Pencil Dick,

I see you have your panties in a knot again. I’ll bet you wet your pants when you heard about the golf trip I just took with Mitch McConnell, didn’t you?

Guess what, I don’t even play golf. I Just did it to fuck with stupid little worthless pukes like you. Just like I’m fucking with your hero right now. Green energy in the budget, give me a fucking break. Shown me some green and show you some energy. That’s my budget proposal.

My other proposal is this – stop putting my name in the fucking headers of your shit ass blog unless you want me to use your nutsack for a change purse.

Have a nice day!


PS. I didn’t play golf with Mitch, but I could if I wanted to. Hell, I could play nude jacks with him on CSPAN and I’d get re-elected, so eat it.

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