Speak Now Or Forever Hold Your Peace

Filed in National by on March 26, 2009

Hey Democrat,

You hate the Delaware Democratic Party? Too “old boy” for you? Too moderate? Too (insert pet peeve here)___________?

Well now is the time step up or shut up.

This email from Rebecca lays out what is going down. You now have a voice in how the Delaware Democratic Party is going to be run. You can use it or lose it. (note: I have not blockquoted it make it easier to read.

Hey hey!

As you probably know, every four years the Democratic Party reorganizes itself after the presidential elections. We’ve seen the DNC select its new leader in Governor Kaine from Virginia, and we’ve all been watching to see what happens with the 50-state-strategy. Because our party won in November, the shape and policies at the national level will be largely determined by President Obama and
his campaign organization. That’s how it is. But, that’s a subject for another loooong post and we need to focus closer to home today.

Here in Delaware we are also reorganizing from the District Committee members up to the State Party Chair. There are approximately 1000 District Committee members divided among 41 Districts in Delaware — the Districts cover the same geographic areas as the State Representative Districts.

Democrats in all these districts have been meeting since January to elect two members from each Election District (other states call these precincts). While a few Committees are still working on this, for the most part this process is complete. You should be proud that Gemma Buckley is now Chairwoman of the 21st District Committee and Jennifer Thompson is now Chairwoman of the 24th District Committee. There are dozens of other PDDers serving on their committees in various officer positions and, in total, about 100 PDD members now serve on their District Committees. Huzzah!

The next step in the process is to elect Subdivision officers. The Delaware Democratic Party is divided into four Subdivisions — The City of Wilmington, New Castle County (not Wilmington), Kent County and Sussex County. Each of these Subdivisions will hold a convention some time in April to elect a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Vice-Chairwoman, Secretary and Treasurer. These officers lead the Democrats in their subdivision and help deliver victory on Election Day.

New Castle County will hold its convention on April 22nd, (Wednesday) at 7:00 PM at the IBEW Union Hall on Basin Road in New Castle. The convention is open to all registered Democrats residing in New Castle County; however, only Committee Members will be allowed to vote for the new officers.

At last night’s New Castle County Executive Committee meeting several members announced their intention to run for office. They are: for Chairman, Erik Schramm; for Vice-Chairman, Ciro Poppiti; for Vice Chairwoman, Rebecca Young; for Secretary, Vikki Bandy; for Treasurer, “J.J.” Johnson. In addition to these self-nominated candidates, the Convention will recognize nominees from the floor on the night
of the election. Needless to say, I endorse the slate that was announced last night. These are all dedicated folks who will work hard. Did I mention these jobs are not remunerated? Despite what you read in Ron Williams’ column, these folks all volunteer their time for free.

Moving up the organization chart, the State Party is governed by the Delaware Democratic State Convention. Any Democrat who has been registered and resided in a given District for six months may self-nominate to be a delegate from that District to the State Convention. The delegates are elected by the members of the District Committee and serve a four-year term. All District Committees are required to elect their delegates by April 15th, no exceptions. If you wish to be a delegate you need to put your name in nomination at your District Committee Caucus. The schedule of Caucuses is on the DelDems website on the Events Calendar.

If you have any questions or need help with this please call me at
302-234-3364. Oh, if you cannot attend your District Caucus you may submit your nomination in writing to the District Committee Chair.

The Delaware Democratic State Convention will be held on May 16th, 2009. Registration opens at 8:00AM and the Convention will start at 10:00AM. The meeting will be held at Dover Downs Hotel on DuPont Hwy in Dover, Delaware. The main order of business will be to elect officers for the Delaware Democratic Party. There are seven positions open: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Vice Chairwoman, Secretary, Treasurer, and a Democratic National Committeeman and Democratic National Committeewoman. As I write this, no nominees have announced for any of these positions. Other items will be added to the agenda as we approach the date.

Once again, if you have any questions or need help with any of this please email me or call me.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (22)

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    I have joined my committee, the fightin’ 9th, but I haven’t told Mrs. Geek yet. Perhaps I’ll step up to another level in a few years…

  2. Susan Regis Collins says:

    I strongly oppose elected officials (J.J. Johnson for instance) serving in Party positions….that is one thing that keeps Wilmington City Committee sooooo corrupt. The is NO reason for an elected to hold a party seat that should be held by a ‘rank and file’ Dem. It is greedy, controlling, self serving, and undemocratic at best.

    It is my sincere hope that Rep. Johnson will take him name out of nomination and that eligible party voters will not lend their support to elected officials who opt to further close the party.

    I served as a city committeewoman for over 20 years (not the four the writer suggests). This is another way the party stagnates. Please be advised there are also ‘deputy’ committee seats avaiable to.

    Good luck to all.

  3. Rebecca says:

    Note to this post: The State Party Chair, the State Party Vice Chair of the opposite gender to the Chair, the Democratic National Committeeman and the Democratic National Committeewoman are all “super delegates” to the National Convention in 2012 under current party rules. Just FYI.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Rebecca, are these 4 year terms?

  5. Susan Regis Collins says:

    “Ajax” would not permit me to edit my comments above so here goes:

    Re: ‘Deputy’ committe seats are available, however, you will note this is not well known nor well advertised…..proving my point about the ‘hold’ on the party by those with vested interests.

    Renumeration indeed! Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

  6. jason330 says:

    I have joined my committee, the fightin’ 9th, but I haven’t told Mrs. Geek yet. Perhaps I’ll step up to another level in a few years…

    You make me happy. Am I gay?

  7. Rebecca says:

    Yes, the party reorganizes every 4 years and essentially we start from scratch as of December 31st of the year of the presidential election. Many of us serve for multiple terms — see SRC’s comment — but the rules require that we be reelected every 4 years. There are no term-limits. Conversely, a Committee Member or officer can elect not to run again after his/her 4-year term.

  8. Susan Regis Collins says:

    In the 20 plus years I served on the city committee: I was appointed (yes this happens all too often) to my first ‘term’. In the following 16 + years I ran for ‘election’ once! So much for party rules…….

    Also, RY states that the districts have been meeting since January……was there any public notice prior to January? Is there to be any public notice of current proceedings (other than DL)?

    I rest my case on the exclusionary nature of the Delaware Democratic Party.

  9. Rebecca says:


    Actually, we begged “J.J.” to run for NCCo. treasurer because he has done such an outstanding job for the past four years. He is a great addition to our Executive Committee. I have never seen him manipulate the party to his own advantage. He runs his own campaigns and contributes a lot to the overall coordinated effort. We are lucky to have him serving.

    I can understand how this sort of thing might be abused, but not in “J.J’s” case. It is all above board.

  10. Susan Regis Collins says:

    RY….Yada, yada, yada…..please akownledge that electeds in party positions are ‘hogging’ a seat that belongs to a rank and file Dem.

    I am in no way questiong the verasity of Rep. Johnson. Those who ‘begged’ him are misguided in ‘growing the party’ by not recruiting an unelected party member for committees.

    In Wilmington, for instance, almost every member of city council also holds a seat on the city committee or is a committee chair.

    Isn’t there something in the DE constitution forbidding ‘dual office holding’?

  11. Rebecca says:

    I don’t share your history so I can’t comment on your remarks.

    What I can say is that in New Castle County we work very hard to follow the rules. Including posting public notices in the News Journal of our reorganization meetings. They were there in the front of the classified with all the other public notices. I know they were also posted for Sussex and Kent Counties in the local papers and I’m pretty sure they were posted for Wilmington in the News Journal.

    The reality is that we want as many people as we can get. This is not meant to be exclusionary. For example, you mentioned the “associate member” provision. That is there to allow people to join their District Committees even if the Committee has a full compliment of ED reps. Any Democrat who is willing to make the commitment is more than welcome.

  12. Rebecca says:

    Hokey Smokes Susan,

    I can’t keep up here.

    Believe me, if volunteers were crawling out of the woodwork to take on the responsibilities of office we’d make room for them. Somewhere, somehow. “J.J.” is committed to the party and serves as a favor. A BIG favor.

  13. Unstable Isotope says:

    There’s still time to become a delegate for the state convention. Some committees are full, but you can still get added to many of the committees. If you feel strongly, you can run for county and state party positions!

    Thank you, Rebecca, for the update. Check the Calendar of Events on the Delaware Democratic Party website: http://www.deldems.org/ht/d/Events/pid/294000
    For your local district.

  14. anon says:

    I think Sussex already has its leadership selected. Have to dash now, but I think redwaterlily posted on the new county chair being Pat Ewing from Bridgeville.

  15. Susan Regis Collins says:

    RE: ‘associate members’….sure if folks know the positions exist and realize they are (in Wilm. anyhow) not permitted to vote!

    I know you fancy yourself a good government crusader/proponent as I consider myself the same.

    We have taken different courses: I came into party politics from the pro peace movement being told: you must be on the inside to effect change. Well, twenty plus years down the line and I, finally, realized I can better effect change from the outside.

    You are relatively new to Delaware politics so I cheer on your good gov. effort. However, once the stars in your eyes come into focus and you realize what a cut throat gang you are involved with (and how your efforts have hit a brick wall w/the powers that be) that you will make your experience public as I have done.

  16. Susan Regis Collins says:

    Can’t Keep up? Shoot! Rep. Johnson could recruit someone for the position he is considering. Volunteers do not crawl out of the walls (or woodwork) but must be recruited….that’s one of my big beefs: there is no organized recruitment effort. This ensure a small circle of people in control.

    Get Gov. Markell’s/ Pres.Obama’s state wide email list…….RECRUIT registered Dems from those successful recruitment campaigns.

    The state party needs to hire a volunteer recruiter…..and not some hack either. AND should make a concerted effort to inform all registered Dems of what their respective electeds are doing while in office.

    I give you the WTF ‘moderate’ Carper….who keeps getting elected because the party supports him. He is not representing the people of this state but, rather, the business interests.

    No Excuses!

  17. Kennedy Comer says:

    I live in Trolley Square… does anyone have any suggestions for getting involved in the associated committee?

    I’ve left a few messages for people but never get a call back… I even filled out one of those little cards given out by the state party a while back requesting to be part of my committee… but never heard back.

    Thanks in advance,

  18. Rebecca says:

    You are right Susan,

    I’ve only been at this in Delaware for six years, but I have seen change. Not enough, but I expect to see more of it. I think I’ve had a different experience from yours — different times and places, different players. Or, perhaps it is just because I haven’t been trying for twenty years. That is some track record and I probably won’t last that long. You have my respect.

    If it’s all the same to you though, I want to keep trying. Maybe I’m misguided, but I see progress being made. And, I believe that the party members and officers I work with are dedicated and talented folks who are honestly trying their best.

    Just call me Pollyanna.

  19. Rebecca says:


    As you probably know, we’re in the middle of staff changes at DelDems so things may be slipping through the cracks. Sorry.

    I’ll be working at HQ tomorrow and I’ll follow up on this personally and get back to you.

    Oh, just to clarify, I’ll be working as a volunteer. I don’t get paid by the party. I don’t hold a state, county or city job. I have no vested interest here whatsoever.

  20. flutecake says:

    I would be keen to join up, hey, they’re too moderate… taking things in turn. Gov. Jack shook that up quite a lot!

    I’d sure like to see some changes. Starting with Tom Carper. He needs populist wake-up call and/or a primary challenger on his next election time.

    I am a terrible wonk about national politics and too left for some of my left-leaning pals. I have a LOT to learn still about statewide politics (you folks a re BIG help!).

    I live in Dover, with WONDERFUL representation, Sen. Brian Bushweller, Rep. Daryl Scott and even my 2 city councilmen (3rd dist.), Slavin & McGiffin. I participated in varying degrees on all those campaigns, the last time they were up.

    I am one of those who love to meet with the Progressive Delaware Dems but the first Wednesday each month conflicts with the non-profit org board that I serve upon.

  21. Rebecca says:

    Hey flutecake!

    We’d love to have you at PDD but understand about conflicts. You could always gather a few friends and form your own PDD. There’s a wonderful group that has done this down in Sussex. If you need help give me a holler. young.rh@comcast.net

  22. Susan Regis Collins says:

    K.C. your (Trolley Sq.) 8th district committee chair is City Councilmember Loretta Walsh….her number is in the phone book (woodlawn ave.) or you can leave a message w/her at the city council office.

    Let us know how this works out for you……