The Wall of Hate

Filed in National by on March 26, 2009

John C. Atkins
Brad Bennett
Donald Blakey
Greg Lavelle
Joseph Booth
Biff Lee
Daniel Short
George Carey
Pam Thornburg
Bill Carson
Robert Walls
Gerald Hocker
David Wilson
Bobby Outten

Those above hate their fellow man, not for anything a person has done, but because of who a person is.

In my perfect world, these people would not be allowed to operate heavy machinery, yet alone decide the weighty issues of the day as an elected representative. These people are bigots, and bigots deserve no quarter.

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  1. nemski says:

    In the spirit of Philadelphia fans when visiting sport teams get announced, I give you the following:

    John C. Atkins SUCKS!
    Brad Bennett SUCKS!
    Donald Blakey SUCKS!
    Greg Lavelle SUCKS!
    Joseph Booth SUCKS!
    Biff Lee SUCKS!
    Daniel Short SUCKS!
    George Carey SUCKS!
    Pam Thornburg SUCKS!
    Bill Carson SUCKS!
    Robert Walls SUCKS!
    Gerald Hocker SUCKS!
    David Wilson SUCKS!
    Bobby Outten SUCKS!

  2. jason330 says:

    This is the glass half-empty post.

  3. nemski says:

    This is a glass full-of-hate post.

  4. a. price says:

    ugh i feel like such a moron for having to ask this… who represents where?

  5. Delaware Dem says:

    As you can see, except for Lavelle, most are from downstate.

    John C. Atkins 41
    E. Bradford Bennett 32
    Donald A. Blakey 34
    Joseph W. Booth 37
    V. George Carey 36
    William J. Carson 28
    Gerald W. Hocker 38
    Gregory F. Lavelle 11
    Clifford G. “Biff” Lee 40
    William R. “Bobby” Outten 30
    Daniel B. Short 39
    Pam Thornburg 29
    Robert E. Walls 33
    David L. Wilson 35

  6. a. price says:

    ok good. i had a lapse, but Dennis Williams is my guy and isn’t on that list, so he wont be getting a bag of poop

  7. Looking at the list, a few names stand out to ‘bulo. If Brian Bushweller can oppose SB 27 (kudos to the new Senator), then surely Brad Bennett, who has many election districts in common w/Bushweller, could vote ‘yes’ on HB 5. Bennett is shaping up to be no better than his green eyeshade dad, former Rep. Ed Bennett.

    Most of the D staff thinks that Bill Carson is a preening popinjay, especially after everyone spent so much time helping him in that special election. To say that he put a lot of thought into his vote would be giving him and his brain far too much credit.

    Both could be targets in the ‘not just more Democrats, better Democrats’ category.

    Perhaps even more surprising is media whore Greg Lavelle, who represents a Republican, but pretty progressive, House District in Brandywine Hundred. The numbers have actually flipped to give the D’s a slight edge. This would be a prime district in which to recruit a good progressive D for 2010.

  8. is this in order of hate? or alphabetical? or both?

  9. Delaware Dem says:

    Uh, not in any particular order. They are all equally hateful.

  10. jason330 says:

    Brad Bennett disappoints out of the gate. Not a good sign.

  11. R Smitty says:

    Honestly, I don’t know if I’d call them all bigots (and hopefully by now you know where I stand on issues that HB5 addressed and SB27 freaked out about). Looking at that list, I’d say a good handful probably bought the ‘reverse’ discrimination – or whatever the complaint was – that fear mongers put forth.

    On the other hand, though, I certainly know at least one who has been very, very consistent on issues like this and let’s just say I still don’t understand the race-to-support this person got from a certain someone else. I certainly don’t want to name any names, though. 🙄

  12. Pro HB 5 Delawarean says:

    This post is so hypocritical. You are hating on legislators who voted against a bill for tolerance and acceptance of alternative view points.

    Many of these legislators were personally in favor of HB 5, but their districts forced them to vote no because they were flooded with constitutent calls. If it came down to whether or not the bill was going to pass, many of these legislators would have voted for it regardless of what their district wanted. But when it had 26 votes already, there was no need for these legislators to vote for it and completely screw over their entire future in their district.

    If you talked to these legislators, you would quickly find out that many of them supported HB 5, but elected officials are elected to represent the people in their district, not vote based on how they feel when it goes against the people they represent.

  13. R Smitty says:

    Many of these legislators were personally in favor of HB 5, but their districts forced them to vote no because they were flooded with constitutent calls.

    I would consider this as a very possible reason, too.

    Again, as I mentioned in my comment, I wouldn’t be willing to call them all bigots.

  14. Pro HB 5 Delawarean says:

    Well if the pro-SB 27 leaders can get over 1,000 Delawareans to show up on a Thursday afternoon in the rain to protest gay rights, imagine how many calls the senators and representatives in Kent and Sussex county were getting the past few weeks. If the rally was any indication, people were very up in arms about preventing equality in Delaware.

  15. R Smitty says:

    I don’t disagree, Pro HB5, but my opinion of a certain one won’t be easily persuaded.

  16. John Tobin says:

    From what I can tell Darryl Scott’s 31st district is adjacent to Brad Bennett’s 32nd district and S Quinton Johnson’s 8th District and Dick Cathcart’s 9th District are adjacent to Bill Carson’s 28th District.
    Since Scott, S Quinton Johnson and Cathcart are not listed ,I assumed they voted for it which means a few people below the canal other than Schwartzkopf did vote for this,although no others from Sussex.
    I was wondering how these adjacent districts could be different on this issue and maybe
    Pro HB 5 Delawarean is on to something. Maybe in those districts the opposition was louder or the supporters not as loud as in the districts that voted for it.

    Kent County House seats:

    New Castle County House seats

  17. Pro HB 5 Delawarean says:

    The 31st district is much more liberal than the 32nd. Which is why Rep. Scott and Sen. Bushweller could vote more liberally than Rep. Bennett.

  18. R Smitty says:


    Your assumption of yes-votes is correct. Here is the page of the voting tally.

  19. Delaware Dem says:

    Point taken HB 5 and RSmitty. Yes, perhaps it is hypocritical. But I have always said I am intolerant of those who are intolerant. And if those who are voting for intolerance are only doing so because their constituents are intolerant, than that means they have no inner moral compass, principles or courage.

    There are votes that require you to go against your constituents, just because you know what is right and you know your constituents are wrong. Sure, you may get voted out, but the comfort is you did the right thing. It is a Profile in Courage.

  20. cassandra_m says:

    There are votes that require you to go against your constituents

    This certainly seems to be the case when there are golf courses or sweetheart developer deals to be had. So I’m not buying the constituents made me do it thing…

  21. Bushweller and Scott got a lot more calls in support of traditional values as well as other contacts as of a couple of days ago. They were not as overwhelming as the rest of Kent County. Notice that only one Kent and one Sussex county representative took the liberal position. Only time will tell if those two where courageous or foolish.

    I think that Rep. Scott is in a better position than his senatorial counterpart except that the Senator has 4 years to make up. In one sense he likely threw away more votes than he won by because a lot of people who contacted him where African American and Hispanic Democrats who voted for him last election. His race was a close one. In another sense, HB 5 is a much more defensible position than not supporting marriage. HB 5 was an imperfect bill which was not very well thought out for being 10 years in waiting. The premise of it does have some resonance. Who wants to see people mistreated? People who disagree with one on the issue can understand the other position is reasonable. If he loses next time, this will be part of it. The next minefield will be even more dangerous, whether or not he supports the Markell budget in a district loaded with state employees and retired people who hate tax increases.

  22. Alberta Smith says:

    I believe that the bible says it best. A marriage is
    to be between a man and a woman. My arms are too short to box with God. It is always better to
    have God and not need him then to need him and not have him. I believe God is the final voice
    on these type of issues. After all he is Alpha and Omega. All things began with God and they will end with God. Some may say that they don’t believe in God. Some may say I can’t believe in something I can’t see. Well We can’t see air either, but we know it’s there. Marriage is defined on the principals of God. Why not leave it in the hands of the one that instituted it in the first place. After all it does say that which God has joined together, let no man put asunder. He
    only put together what the bible says. When he decided to make Adam a companion he created
    Eve. One that he could replentish the earth with. A man and a man cannot do that naturally. A women and a women can not do that naturally.
    They have to alter the original creation or find other ways of becoming a family. When you stick with Gods original plan it just happens. Let the Lord lead you. Don’t mess with the master piece unless you get permission from God. When God created this world he said ” It is good”. Since he created this master piece, who are we to change it. Remember, our arms are too short to box with God. We reap what we sew.
    (Sodom and Gamarah)!!!!!!

  23. Now of course, I must defend these folks. It is unseemly and bitterly divisive to declare every disagreement as an issue of hatred. Maybe these leaders actually read the bill or listened to the informed views of the people they represent.

    This legislation is the first step into turning us into NJ or CA which have become bigoted in their own way. People who disagree with the secular progressive values are persecuted. Children are taught what most people would consider shocking material at young ages. The tolerance that we show is not shown back to us once the legislative regime gets enacted.

    The vitriol on this site and others illustrates that the fears of many are real. I think many people have much more of a problem with were this is going than the real and specific hangups with HB 5.

  24. Delaware Dem says:

    I believe in God, Alberta. I believe, as He says, that we are all His children. I believe he sent His only Son to teach us forgiveness and compassion.

    God does not hate. God does not discriminate. Jesus did not shame the prostitute, or call her names.

    The Bible says many things. Especially the Old Testament. It is helpful to know that the Bible is an allegory for early man, and not necessarily the literal word of God in all cases.

    For example, the Bible says I can sell my child into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7.

    The Bible says those who work on Sundays must be put to death, according to Exodus 35:2. Alberta, have you killed your neighbors who work on Sundays? The Bible tells you to do so. Why are you rejecting the World of God?

    Leviticus 11:7 says makes it immoral and against God to eat the flesh of a pig or even touch the skin. Enjoy that bacon, this morning Alberta? Planning on having Ham for Easter?
    Are you an Eagles fan?

    Do you plant crops side by side? To Hell with you says the Bible. Do you wear clothing consisting of two or more threads? You are boxing with God if you do.

    h/t the West Wing.

  25. cassandra_m says:

    The tolerance that we show is not shown back to us once the legislative regime gets enacted

    David, you — of all people — have no business lecturing anyone here about tolerance.

    American civil rights are not to be subject to the whims of your irrational fears. While you are busily making excuses for these folks, you need to remember that these very same type of folks who fought long and hard to ensure that African Americans were second class citizens too. That fight probably looked vitriolic too, but thank goodness no one paid attention to being nice when Americans were being denied their rights.

    Take your culture war and go home.

  26. a. price says:

    D.D they don’t read the bible, they can quote ONE LINE. they aren’t real Christians, they hate people and pretend to know what God wants. they are arrogant, ignorant, hateful, scared little, small-minded people who feel so threatened by the idea of something different, they are willing to actually… in America, deny rights to people based on what “God wants”. You people are disgusting. get the image of your sons blowing their gym teacher if gays have rights out of your heads… you KNOW that is the core of it, and all that means is that your love for them is conditional.
    and DONT give me the bullshit about what “you believe”
    that NAZIS had their beliefs… your defense for your hate is an endorsement of the Holocaust.

  27. Alberta Smith says:

    You need to know that today we live under grace and not under law as in the old testiment.
    Jesus came to fulfill the law. I don’t hate anyone. I just believe that if God set specific rules for marriage we need to stick with it. I can see you believe what you believe and I believe what I believe. I try to live everyday pleasing to God. I’m just speaking for myself. If God says no to something then for me its no. If he says yes to something then for me it’s yes. I have to be clear on what I believe, because he said a double minded man is unstable in all his ways. I stand firm on what I believe. God created all of us and he loves all of us, but he will never favor sin of no kind. Thats what I am saying. I love everyone, but I can’t love the action of going against the will of God. The bible never ask me to kill my neighbor who worked on Sunday. It simply set an example that under grace, you are to remember the sabath and keep it Holy. If I go and pray for the sick on Sunday is this not the work of a servant? It is also keeping the sabath Holy. Rightly divide the word of truth. In the word of God it also says that which I call clean let no man call common. So if God says its good,
    to eat ham or bacon, then I shall. Besides I pray over everything I eat or drink. The bible says in all thy ways acknowledge him. I am not stepping outside the word of God, I just live in the new testiment. We are no longer under law (old testiment, but under grace(new testiment). Some of the very same actions that are going on today were happening in Sodom and Gamarah and God destroyed them all. If he was angry then, what makes you think that he wouldn’t be angry now. God is a God of love and wrath. He means just what he says. He ask us not to add to the word of God nor take from it. It is what it is.

  28. JohnnyX says:

    Happy to see SB 27 go down in flames, and especially happy that my Senator (Dori Connor) was one of the ones voting against it. Proof that not all R’s are evil, DelDem!

    Regarding Alberta Smith’s posts: If you’re going to make ludicrous claims about what the bible says and means, it helps your credibility just a tad if you can properly spell words that you’ve presumably read over and over again like testament, sabbath, and Gomorrah.

    Just sayin’

  29. a. price says:

    where in the new testament does it address homosexuality i thought that was one line in the Torah. and just so you know, the way to properly beat your wife gets more attention.
    I remember a day when freeing black people from slavery was considered an affront to God. Alberta, you are grossed out by the idea of 2 men together and all of your high moral arrogant justifications come from that.

  30. Alberta Smith says:

    A. Price,

    I am not asking for people to believe as I believe. I am just stating my opinion as you are. I don’t hate gays or anyone who is fighting for their rights. I am simply a follower of the bible. I didn’t ask for followers or anything else. This is just my belief. It dosen’t change the way that I feel, nor does it change the way that you feel. I try to know more than one scripture, but thats your feeling. I always try to show more love to everyone. I help people everyday of my life, and I don’t know who they are or what they believe. I just know that they are people and I need to treat them the way I want to be treated. I just don’t waver in what I believe as far as God is concerned.

  31. Alberta Smith says:

    thanks for the spelling tip. Your right.

  32. Alberta Smith says:

    It is not a vision in my head, its just that I know that God is not for it. What eles can this lead to.
    I spoke with a senator and he let me know what other doors can be open and lead to terrible things. The marriage part is the least of the problems. Everyone does not want this to pass just to become a family.

  33. Jennifer says:

    The entire mess over this is only fueling my desire to move back out of this state. I yearn for life in liberal cities again.

    Alberta Smith – No, you’re not asking anyone to believe as you believe.. Just asking that what you believe become the law so that everyone is forced to live by it.

    If you support people being treated as second-class citizens under the law because your religion says so, that’s hate, I don’t care how you dress it up.

    It’s good that you have beliefs regarding marriage (I hope you’re not a hypocrite and also think that remarriage after a divorce should not be legally permitted, since the Bible is also pretty clear about that, mainstream protestantism just ignores it), but religious marriage and civil marriage have not been the same thing for a very long time.

    I can already marry another woman in a church. That’s not what I care about. I want the legal rights and recognitions that anyone else gets as a result of signing a legal contract with a romantic partner of their choice.

    Also, the snowball argument was used against interracial marriage back during the legal struggle over that. People didn’t marry donkeys then, and they won’t marry donkeys now, so calm down, Chicken Little, the sky ain’t falling.

  34. Tom S. says:

    “If you support people being treated as second-class citizens under the law because your religion says so, that’s hate, I don’t care how you dress it up.”

    What right do I have, under the law, as a heterosexual that you do not have?

  35. Miscreant says:

    “Also, the snowball argument was used against interracial marriage back during the legal struggle over that. People didn’t marry donkeys then, and they won’t marry donkeys now, so calm down, Chicken Little, the sky ain’t falling.”

    Not according to the drooling, bigoted asshats on WGMD radio this afternoon (except they also used goats and dogs as their example).

  36. The first rule of arguing with a Christian Activist is that only they can use their Bible to prove their point.

    You are not a Christian Activist, so you can’t use it.

    If you are a Christian Activist, and you are arguing another Christian Activist, you must be reeducated, because you are wrong.

  37. Another Mike says:

    “In another sense, HB 5 is a much more defensible position than not supporting marriage.”

    Many of those who voted against SB27 said they did so because we already have a law against same-sex marriage. Others said they didn’t want to discriminate against someone who is homosexual. Not one said or, I’m guessing, voted against the bill because they didn’t want to support marriage.

  38. jab says:

    Tom S.
    Imagine you are in a terrible accident and you are unconscious. The police notify your next of kin (whom you haven’t spoken to in 20 years.) They come to the hospital to pray for your soul. Meanwhile, your soulmate, the person you share every intimate thought and feeling with is refused entry into the room because your family doesn’t recognize your relationship. Happens more than you would imagine. That is why HB 5 must pass.

  39. Unstable Isotope says:


    LGs do not have the same right as you and me to marry the person of their choice. They can also be kicked out of the armed services.

    Speaking biblically, how many times did Jesus speak about homosexuality? NONE

  40. ‘Bulo calls BS on Pro HB 5 Delawarean. The 31st more liberal than the 32nd? Where’s the proof? They were previously represented by Donna Stone and Nancy Wagner respectively. Neither could be considered liberal under any circumstances. They both have roughly the same breakdown of D’s and R’s. Bushweller’s Senate District has the same # of election districts each from the 31st and 32nd, didn’t stop him from doing the right thing.

    And your basic premise is wrong. If they can’t vote for HB 5 when it passes overwhelmingly, how do you think they’d vote if they were the deciding vote?

    No, this was a stand-up-and-be-counted vote, and the naysayers, including Brad Bennett (for whom you seem to be Chief Apologist) voted ‘no’.

    And the fact that ‘privately’ they say they support the bill is pathetic. They are public officials, and publicly they opposed it.

    Case closed.

  41. anon. says:

    Bulo, the proof is that Wagner voted for hb5 and Stone voted against it. just as their replacements Scott and Bennett.

  42. Also one year Donna Stone abstained instead of voting no on the predecessor to HB 5. She almost lost her seat to a more socially conservative Democrat and never did it again.

  43. liberalgeek says:

    Ah, one of the members of the wall has shown up. Big anniversary for you today, anon.

  44. RSmitty says:

    Damn your cryptic messages, Geek!

    All I am saying (in reference to my comments earlier on this thread…link and partial copy from The News Journal):

    Several people testified in favor of the legislation, including Nicole Theis, executive director of the Christian group the Delaware Family Policy Council.

    Millsboro Democratic Rep. John C. Atkins also voted against it, and after the vote he thanked Theis and kissed her on the cheek.

  45. h. says:

    Since when do politicians listen to their constituents.

  46. a. price says:

    “Speaking biblically, how many times did Jesus speak about homosexuality? NONE” -UI
    He didn’t have to. didn’t you know? true pious christians like Alberta and David and Venables can read Jesus’s mind… in fact, they are SO HOLY they tell Jesus what to think.

  47. Not a peep about the Newark reps no shows. Both of mine were too chicken to vote either way. Hall-Long and Schooley. Booooooo.

  48. a. price says:

    what the hell do these people run for office for if they dont show up to vote…. chicken shit morons… someone PLEASE run against them who will go to work.

  49. Alberta says:

    for all who wanted to know when homosexuals were first mentioned in the bible, read Genesis 19: 1-13. You can read about lot and his family.
    The 5th verse is where they wanted to know them. In the explanation part of my bible(The Life Application Study Bible) King James Version, that means that they wanted to know these men sexually. No we can never tell Jesus what to think. The bible lets us know the mind of God. In the 28th verse is where he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. The bible sets examples of what God is pleased with and what he is not. That was not the only sin there. God just got tired of the wrong doings and allowed it to be destroyed. Now we live under grace. He does not deal with our sin as harsh as he did in the old testiment. He is a forgiving God. He loves everyone, but he cannot compromise with sin.

  50. a. price says:

    so you wish God’s will to be legislated by a human government on other humans? who are you? the pope? a prophet? why not enforce other laws and examples in the Bible? sacrificing goats pleased God in the Bible.. you do that right? Do you wear contacts or glasses? if so, you aren’t fit approach the alter of the Lord.
    I stand by my claim that you pick and choose what to believe in based on what is gross.

  51. Alberta says:

    sorry if this makes you angry. I just thought someone really didn’t think this was in the bible.
    I hope you understand,that the comment was made earlier.

  52. There is no way that Schooley would’ve missed that vote w/o a legitimate reason. She is a strong supporter of the bill and of equal rights for all. One of not even a handful of truly progressive legislators in Dover.

    And Hall-Long’s not voting had the same impact as a ‘no’ vote on SB 27. 14 affirmative votes were required. By not voting yes, even in this chickenbleep manner, she in effect voted no.

  53. Alberta says:

    I am done now. Say what you please, my job here is complete. I’ll be praying that the will of God is done.

  54. Unstable Isotope says:

    Sodom and Gomorrah is a really interesting biblical story – it’s destroyed because Lot refused to let the town have his guests. Instead he gave his daughters to the townspeople for them to use sexually. Then, later, his daughters get impregnated by Lot because they think they are the only people left in the world. I’m really not sure what lesson I’m supposed to take from this story.

  55. RSmitty says:

    Not a peep about the Newark reps no shows. Both of mine were too chicken to vote either way. Hall-Long and Schooley. Booooooo.

    I covered the BHL no-vote on another thread. A touch of sarcasm, it ’twas.

    I believe Schooley was absent all day, not positive, though.

  56. RSmitty says:

    UI – yeah, that Old Testament is quite a hoot, isn’t it? Funny thing is, the Old Testament is the time of a wrathful God and the New is the time of a forgiving God. My background in Christianity is that we are to be living the New Testament right now (in a free will manner, by the way, meaning we choose to live by God’s will, else consequence…nor are we to coerce others to follow (only educate, suggest, and lead-by-example), lest someone who follows by coercion and not by will is akin to a non-believer anyway AND the person enacting the coercion is sinful to God in that action…hence emphasis on free will). The Old Testament is still taught and lectured, for some guidance, but more-or-less to know from whence we came.

    OK, that’s all I will offer on that. FWIW, it is more-or-less a rebuttal to those who come here and use Old Testament verse in an offensive (or I guess a defensive) attack against this world. While I am a practicing Christian (dodging frequent lightning strikes), I can’t throw charges around, for I am as far from perfect as are many. To correctly use the bible, paraphrasing from a parable, who am I to point out the speck in your eye when I can’t even see the plank in my own?

  57. jason330 says:

    With regard to the bible and gays, I think it is interesting that Jesus is silent on the topic – but Paul just can’t get enough of dissing teh gay.

  58. RSmitty says:

    Well, when you disown the main dude, upon whose coat-tails you’ve been travelling for a long time, THREE times in one pre-dawn morn, what can you do, but go way over-the-top to try to impress?

    Question…when all your body hair starts to stand and you feel a tingle, does that mean a lightning strike is imminent?

  59. Von Cracker says:

    “I’ll be praying that the will of God is done”

    Ah yes, but whose god?

    If it’s Bacchus – well, yes, I’ll be drunk and high this weekend, fer sho’ and his/her/its will WILL be done.

    Tinkerbelle, Fairies and Unicorns!

  60. Que Qhe says:

    Oh Bennett. Your constituents elected you because they trusted your judgment; use it.

    Freshman Democratic Rep. E. Bradford Bennett said he was following the wishes of his Dover-area district in voting against HB 5.

    “My district is overwhelmingly opposed to this bill,” Bennett said.

  61. MJ says:

    First – is “Alberta Smith” for real? Being a bit of an Old Testament scholar (I went to a Yeshiva for a couple of years) I need to point out a few errors. First, the part of “what G-D has joined together let no man put asunder.” Um, where exactly in the Bible is that? I always thought it was a marriage prayer written by some priest way back whenever.

    Classical Jewish texts do not stress the homosexual aspect of the attitude of the inhabitants of Sodom as much as their cruelty and lack of hospitality to the “stranger.” (See Jewish Encyclopedia on the importance of hospitality.) The people of Sodom were seen as guilty of many other significant sins. Rabbinic writings affirm that the Sodomites also committed economic crimes, blasphemy and bloodshed. One of the worst was to give money or even gold ingots to beggars, after inscribing their names on them, and then subsequently refusing to sell them food. The unfortunate stranger would end up starving and after his death, the people who gave him the money would reclaim it. Oh, and Sodom & Gomorrah were destroyed because the angels of G-D could only find 4 honest people in the cities – Lot, his wife, and their 2 daughters. G-D had first said he would spare the cities if they could find 50 “good men,” then 33, then 20 and then 10 (a minyan) But they could only find 4.

    So please, if you are not up on the Five Books of Moses (the original Aramaic text) don’t quote from it.

  62. La Narcolepsia says:

    La Narcolepsia believes Alberta is a fake. Brad Bennett happens to be the son-in-law of Brian Bushweller. I wonder if Brian believes Samantha married well now. They also share many of the same election districts, except that Brian has some in the 34th that are much more conservative than the 32nd. So Brad, who has already proven to be small-minded and boorish, is also lying about his constituents.

  63. La Narcolepsia says:

    La Narcolepsia also believes you should add Bethany to the Wall of Shame, or Shamelessness, as she is a shameless panderer. Even though she has a doctorate in nursing and served on Governor Minner’s cancer task force, she voted fort Rep. Thornburg’s unsuccessful attempt to derail the smoking law. Rather than so easily sell out her principles, she could have recognized the teachable moment and explained her position to her constituents. She is of that special breed of Delaware legislator who always runs scared, even though she has not had a close race since her first loss to Cathcart.

  64. BH-L’s first and only principle is to climb to the top as fast as possible. She thinks that being a crony of Uncle Thurm’s is the quickest way to do that in the Senate.

    ‘Bulo thinks that she might be wrong as she could well be on the wrong side when/if Adams retires in 2010. No doubt, she’ll be looking for the easiest way to ‘flip’ and become best buds with the new powerbrokers. You can do that when you have no guiding principles.

  65. jason330 says:

    I think you’ve pretty muched summed it up.

  66. anon says:

    “So Brad, who has already proven to be small-minded and boorish, is also lying about his constituents.”

    Not necessarily. If 90 percent of the calls he got were against the bill, that’s a fair statement he made. He can’t poll everyone in his district on every vote.

  67. La Narcolepsia says:

    Dear ‘Bulo,
    Not quite sure what happened to Lavelle. He became a sleaze along the way. On several occasions he has done the unforgivable (even by Leg Hall standards) – promised his vote eyeball to eyeball then voted the other way. An interesting ranking would be Most Principled to Least Principled. Interested in your take on Most Principled — there’s a big fat clump of Least Principled.