Happy Anniversary, John Atkins

Filed in Delaware by on March 27, 2009

It was on this day, 2 years ago that John Atkins tearfully resigned on the floor of the State House of Representatives. That was a great day.  Too bad we’ve had a string of bad days with him since.


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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    Happy Birthday Geek.

  2. Geezer says:

    Difference between John Atkins and a vibrating dildo:

    With the dildo it’s easy to figure out where to insert the batteries.

  3. What’s the difference between John Atkins and an outhouse?

    The size of the hole.

  4. Rebecca says:

    Happy B’day Geek.

  5. jason330 says:

    Never underestimate the stupidity of the 41st district voter.

  6. anon says:

    Atkins truly is a charmed individual. If not for the forbearance of several individuals who declined to press charges – he’d be in jail or on probation right now.

  7. Unstable Isotope says:

    Happy bday, LG!

  8. Unstable Isotope says:

    Totally OT, but here is an interesting article from Simon Johnson who used to run the IMF. It’s about “too big to fail” and how the things we’re seeing now are very similar to what happens to collapses in emerging markets.

  9. RSmitty says:

    OMG…Iz best birfday evaaaaah!

    You old bastard.

    I like this John “Pete really helped get me elected, but eff his effing platform” Atkins post.

  10. Correction Officer says:

    Love him or hate him Atkins has more balls than alot of other legislators. He is a winner!

  11. cassandra_m says:

    Oh, I don’t know. I’d bet there are more than a few legislators out there who skate by on their membership in the GA.

    Happy Birthday, LG!

  12. anon says:

    I like this John “Pete really helped get me elected, but eff his effing platform” Atkins post.

    Pete didn’t do a darn thing to get Atkins elected. He did help pave his way into the Democratic Party. But Atkins would have won even as a candidate on the Wolfgang vonNutjob / PornstacheRouter IPOD ticket.

    What a lot folks seem to forget is that Atkins won among Democrats by 8 points even BEFORE winning the general. If you wanted him to lose, supporting Lifflander would have been your best option.

  13. RSmitty says:

    Pete didn’t do a darn thing to get Atkins elected

    Door-to-door and radio appearance notwithstanding, I guess? That does classify as “helping.” If you can’t admit that Pete stood up as the head cheerleader for Atkins, you’re sticking your head in the sand.

  14. liberalgeek says:

    And money donated to his campaign.

  15. RSmitty says:

    I don’t want it to get lost here that I respect Pete Schwartzkopf in general. What bothers me, though, is the odd-bedfellow relationship of Pete and his counter(contra?)-part for the election, but Pete’s insistance that it was nothing to do with politics. There really is no apparent synergy.

  16. anon says:

    Sorry – I don’t think I was clear enough in my earlier post. Here’s my take, in full.

    Yes, Pete helped Atkins out – with campaigning, endorsements, whatever.

    But the only thing Atkins needed from Pete was his open arms. Once he knew he wasn’t going to face a huge party backlash from the Democrats, he was golden. He didn’t need a bit of help.

    Other Democrats may have given their blessing at higher levels (Gilligan?). But Pete provided him the Sussex County cover, so it didn’t appear that Atkins was being anointed by the northern Democrats. That would have been the kiss of death.

    Atkins 53 %
    Hastings 47 %
    … pretty much tells the story.

  17. vyllyness says:

    Shit, I thought you were touting his sobriety anniversary – so the date of his last drink?? oops sorry.

  18. Miscreant says:

    I have known Pete since before he was Troop Commander at Troop 7. Aside from being a bit political, always having his sites set on the next higher position, he was a respectable law enforcement officer. When he put his weight behind Atkins, I lost what respect I had for him. There has to be more to his decision to back that maggot than is readily apparent.

  19. anon says:

    For additional insight, these numbers from the 41st are very interesting indeed.

    In the gubernatorial primary, Carney beat Markell, 1,104 to 968, indicating a more conservative Democratic bent.

    In the general, Markell beat Lee, 5,875 to 4,726.

    Denn beat Copeland, 5,618 to 4,785.

    But McCain beat Obama, 5,795 to 5,132.