Archive for March, 2009

Good News/Bad News?: Tweety Re-ups w/MSNBC for 4 Years

Filed in National by on March 23, 2009 6 Comments

Arlen Specter can presumably breathe easier. Chris ‘Tweetybird’ Matthews has signed an extension w/MSNBC that will keep him there until after the 2012 elections. Matthews denies that he was raising the specter (too easy, ‘bulo knows) of a possible race as a bargaining ploy: Mr. Matthews said that he had been serious about the Senate […]

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These Are The Days #1

Filed in National by on March 23, 2009 9 Comments
These Are The Days #1

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A Gun Aside

Filed in National by on March 22, 2009 69 Comments

I don’t like gun posts.  They are just about as bad as abortion posts when it comes to generating interesting threads.   Having said that, I think I should mention that the only murderer I know personally, killed his victim with a gun he made from a kit. It was a cap lock pistol and […]

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Radical Eco Buddies

Filed in National by on March 22, 2009 10 Comments
Radical Eco Buddies

As I mentioned in another thread, Ed Begley is a very non-political guy. His message at the Delaware Great Green Expo on Saturday was very common sense oriented. He said, for example, that he was raised by an old style conservative. (The kind who liked to conserve stuff.) He said that whether or not you […]

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Submarine and Surface ship collide in Persian Gulf area

Filed in National by on March 22, 2009 5 Comments

The submarine USS Hartford and amphibious ship USS New Orleans arrived Saturday in Mina Salman pier to “to further assess and evaluate the damage that resulted from their collision at sea,” the service said in a written statement. It is no surprise that there are Submarines out there, no doubt they are hunting for some […]

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Live Blog Obama on 60 Minutes

Filed in National by on March 22, 2009 9 Comments

It all makes sense on the surface, but he still seems very beholden to the Wall Street system to me.

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Evening Reading Requests

Filed in National by on March 22, 2009 3 Comments

Hopefully you had a nice day in the semi-spring weather today because it is going away for the week and you get to freeze your man and lady parts off the next 4 mornings. El spellhisnamesomhowblo had a good post on articles worth reading, but I’d like to add two more for you this evening […]

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Filed in National by on March 22, 2009 37 Comments

Which Amendment could we do without and still survive as a democracy/republic?

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Sunday Afternoon Quote this picture

Filed in National by on March 22, 2009 7 Comments
Sunday Afternoon Quote this picture

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More Possibly Erroneous Ed Begley Trivia

Filed in National by on March 22, 2009 4 Comments

In 1997 Ed Begely Jr. played Dr. Chris Vanderkamp on one episode of “The Drew Carey Show.”

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A Stunning Thing To Face

Filed in National by on March 22, 2009 104 Comments

To all you 2nd Amendment extremists, it’s time to shut up and do something about the guns in our streets. If you don’t, one can only assume you hate the police.

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Read All About It in the Sunday Papers-March 22 Edition

Filed in National by on March 22, 2009 5 Comments

LEAD STORY: Philadelphia Inquirer: HOW THE FEDS GOT FUMO. Somebody’s got to say it. There is not a newspaper in the country doing better investigative work than the Philadelphia Inquirer. Today’s ‘howtheydunit’ is a definitive analysis of how the best the Federal government has working for them can take down even the most powerful lowlife. […]

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Filed in National by on March 22, 2009 10 Comments

I snapped this picture with my phone yesterday while on RT13.  It’s a picture of the HUMMER Store out of business.  What you can’t see to the left is that TOYOTA is expanding and buying up more land to showcase their cars.

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