Archive for March, 2009

From the Office of Obvious Findings

Filed in National by on March 24, 2009 16 Comments

On kindergarten testing: Replacing kindergarten playtime with formal lessons and standardized tests could have a wide range of negative consequences, according to the Alliance for Childhood, a nonprofit that advocates for children’s health. – via kos Other findings: Moderate alcohol use makes adults more sociable. Attractive people are more popular than unattractive people.

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March on Wall Street

Filed in National by on March 24, 2009 14 Comments

NATIONAL MARCH ON WALL STREET SATURDAY, APRIL 4 – 12 NOON SPONSORED BY UNITED FOR PEACE AND JUSTICE RIDE THE PACEM IN TERRIS BUS – SEE INFO AT END The human costs of the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan mount every day, and each month upwards of $12 billion are drained from our national […]

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Does Markells Budget Mean He Isn’t a Progressive?

Filed in Delaware by on March 24, 2009 26 Comments

There was a lot of talk during the election by people on this blog and others about Jack Markell’s progressive street cred.  He certainly convinced a lot of progressive Democrats that he would represent their interests.  He also convinced a number of moderate Republicans that he would represent them, as they changed party registration to […]

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Deep “Too Big To Fail” Thought

Filed in National by on March 24, 2009 2 Comments

I’m not yet a Geezer, but I remember when we had laws that banks had to follow…that was nice. Using The Bank: Actual audio from a 1947 educational film from scottbateman on Vimeo.

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Senator Proposes Bill to Enable Newspapers to Be Run as ‘Not-For Profits’

Filed in National by on March 24, 2009 23 Comments

An intriguing proposal from U. S. Sen. Ben Cardin of Maryland. This would not in any way help the giant media conglomorates, but it appears that this might help local newspapers survive and, maybe eventually, thrive. Cardin introduced a bill that would allow newspapers to choose tax-exempt status. They would no longer be able to […]

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God Bless Tommywonk, O’Mara & Markell

Filed in National by on March 24, 2009 1 Comment

Doing the right thing. Will Collin O’Mara, Markell’s nominee to head DNREC, focus on economic development rather than protections and enforcement? When I asked O’Mara, he said climate prosperity starts with the proper enforcement of polluting industries. Put another way, a thorough regulatory regime should capture all the costs and benefits of clean and dirty enterprises, […]

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Whenever I see “common sense” I shudder

Filed in National by on March 24, 2009 16 Comments

I know, I know, we already beat the Marriage thing to death, but a Letter to the Editor in NJ This past SUNDAY (ironically) revisited it and the person writing the letter made a great point: A majority of Americans have supported the Marriage Protection Amendment in every state where it has been put up […]

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TAKE ACTION NOW: Kill Bill SB 27 (Anti-Civil Unions)

Filed in Delaware by on March 24, 2009 20 Comments

A tip from esteemed reader MJ: SB 27 by Venables has a hearing tomorrow at 1:00 PM in his committee(Small Business). This is a DE version of DOMA. It appears that the swing vote is George Bunting. Please contact his office at (302) 744-4286 and tell him to vote against this bill. It’s more than […]

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Update on Cape Henlopen School Board Election

Filed in Delaware by on March 24, 2009 15 Comments

Meyer Persow has his website up and running. If you are interested in supporting this progressive candidate you can contribute to his campaign via this website or signup to volunteer. They are definitely looking for folks to help staff their phone banks over the next month or so.

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Correction #200

Filed in National by on March 24, 2009 10 Comments

Everything I said about Geithner and Obama regarding the economy was wrong. The markets have spoken and nobody can dispute the all knowing wisdom of the markets. footnote: That sound you just heard was a champagne cork popping. Not because the economy is back, but because this is my 200th correction post since I’ve been […]

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Don’t buy Chinese….

Filed in National by on March 24, 2009 13 Comments

Condoms.  Based on their history, if I were anyone trying to NOT knockup a girlfriend I wouldn’t. Sadly, its’ our own government buying them and putting 300 Americans out of work.

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FYI: Obama is doing an awesome job

Filed in National by on March 24, 2009 5 Comments

Obama is the greatest president in a long long while.  We had a historic jump in the DOW yesterday, that’s how I know. Oh, and his approval rating is still at 64%, sorry folks, people still like him and know he inherited a mess from the pompom toting sham of a president we just had.

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A Stray Thought

Filed in National by on March 24, 2009 25 Comments

I think anyone who anxiously awaits The Rapture should not serve in public office since they really don’t have any incentive in making a better future.  In fact, it could be in their religious interest to make the future worse. /sorta snark

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