Archive for March, 2009

Limbaugh has more power than Cheney

Filed in National by on March 23, 2009 7 Comments

I find it AMAZING that Congressmen, potential governors and senate candidates all GOP’ers went ON RECORD to tell Cheney to STFU and go back under his rock. Yet, every time a Congressmen or Senator says something negative about Rush Limbaugh in 24 hours they are recanting. Rep. John Duncan Jr. (R-Tenn.) said, “He became so […]

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That Didn’t Take Long

Filed in Delaware by on March 23, 2009 6 Comments

New Jersey files a lawsuit today to overturn a sports-betting ban: A group representing gaming and horse-racing industries in New Jersey filed a lawsuit on Monday seeking to overturn a federal law that bans sports betting in New Jersey and most other U.S. states. The suit filed against the federal government claims the Professional and […]

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Dr. Dean is getting the old band back together

Filed in National by on March 23, 2009 7 Comments

Good stuff. I think Howard Dean the outsider is going to be a powerful force in Dem politics.

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Breaking: Powerful Law Firm to Close, Delaware Heavy-Hitters Going to…

Filed in Delaware by on March 23, 2009 19 Comments

Philadelphia-based Wolf Block, a very powerful law firm with strong governmental ties, will dissolve, according to this report on 10 attorneys from its Delaware office, including former AG Charles Oberly and his former deputy, Kathleen Jennings, appear likely to move en masse to the firm of Drinker, Biddle & Reith. This group of attorneys also includes […]

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Filed in National by on March 23, 2009 8 Comments

I suggest anyone that has questions regarding the new and latest greatest bailout go here

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Obama and Geither are Shockingly Clueless

Filed in National by on March 23, 2009 16 Comments

Duncan Black nails it:

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Perks Watch

Filed in National by on March 23, 2009 3 Comments

If nothing else, Perks Watch, The New York Times’ blog about various perks, incentives and cash American capitalists have received, should give Don Viti an aneurysm.

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Science, With An Assist From Mother Nature, Trounces Jindal For The Win!

Filed in National by on March 23, 2009 5 Comments

It really must be embarrassing when Mother Nature turns the mocker into the mockee.  I doubt I’ll look at another volcanic eruption without thinking about Bobby Jindal.  Hope they don’t use trains to help evacuate people! Mount Redoubt Erupts!

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Quote of the Day

Filed in National by on March 23, 2009 1 Comment

I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life. But failing to complain over the last 8 years wasn’t one of them. – Paul Krugman

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News Journal Deathspiral News

Filed in National by on March 23, 2009 18 Comments

Gannett confirms more furloughs. Despite all of your truly remarkable efforts to reverse the trend, our revenue numbers continue their downward slide and we have been faced with more difficult decisions. One of those choices was between more layoffs or another round of furloughs. We chose, for most employees, a furlough program consisting of at […]

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The World According To Americans

Filed in National by on March 23, 2009 57 Comments
The World According To Americans

h/t YesButNoButYes

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Trading Local School Control for More Federal Money

Filed in National by on March 23, 2009 13 Comments

According to this CNN Poll, Americans would cede some control of their school systems for more Federal funds: A new national poll indicates that most Americans would be willing to give up some control of their public schools to the federal government in return for more money from Washington for those schools. Fifty-six percent of […]

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Filed in National by on March 23, 2009 9 Comments

Can a free market really exist with tort reform?

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