
Filed in National by on April 2, 2009

If you’re a third generation Republican and not rich do you attribute your financial situation to not having worked hard enough to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps?


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (21)

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  1. jason330 says:

    No. You blame Mexicans.

  2. pandora says:

    Hmm… I thought I scheduled this for 8:30. Sorry for stepping on your post, J.

  3. No, it just happened yet. duh

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    Nope, it’s affirmative action.

  5. jason330 says:


    I bumped it up. Not every post needs its full 30 minutes in the sun.

  6. pandora says:

    Nice to know I’m not losing my mind! 😉

    Actually, this question came about in a discussion with LG. I just don’t understand how a party that doesn’t hide its love and admiration for the rich, who holds their success up as the ultimate goal, holds onto those who never reach the promised land. It strikes me as an abusive relationship.

  7. Tom S. says:

    “If you’re a third generation Republican and not rich do you attribute your financial situation to not having worked hard enough to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps?”


  8. Rebecca says:

    The GOP, the party for masochists and folks with low self esteem. Well, they are out there and they need a political home I guess. But I think Pandora nailed it. It seems like an abusive relationship.

  9. pandora says:

    Thanks for the honesty, Tom, because I actually understand rich Republicans – that makes sense.

  10. You blame Democrats for taxing too much.

  11. anon says:

    Tom’s ancestors probably worked on the pyramids and thought if they worked hard enough they would get promoted to Pharaoh.

  12. jason330 says:

    Pssst…Tom S is lying.

    If there is a Republican alive that takes personal responsibility for his or her own misfortune, I’ve never heard of them. They have no shame when it comes to making crackpot excuses for fucking up.

  13. Geezer says:

    What always cracks me up is the Republican position on the estate tax, which they insist on calling the “death tax” (even though it applies to only a small fraction of those who, y’know, die).
    They want it to be zero, essentially guaranteeing a small class of people who can live off of inherited wealth. Meanwhile, they preach the glories of personal — not family, personal — achievement and responsibility.

    What the GOP practices is basically bait-and-switch. Take the “fair” (actually “flat”) tax. They appeal to the public on the grounds of “fairness,” meanwhile ignoring the fact that this would have the actual effect of raising taxes on low- and middle-income workers and lowering them for the rich. If you move the discussion from practical effects to emotional reactions, it enables you to get people to vote against their economic self-interest — and to do so with passion.

  14. Mrs XStryker says:

    LOL, Pandora, I was actually just having a conversation like this with my friend yesterday. She was complaining about this jerk who was saying the most ignorant, insensitive things, and said “Yeah, he lives with his parents and works at (name of store). Nice bootstraps you pulled yourself up by, ass.”

  15. Nosy says:

    I’m not a third generation Republican (and I’m not even close to be being rich) however I do attribute my financial situation to the choices and decisions I’ve made in my life — good and bad.

    The only thing I have going for me financially is that I own my home. Well, the bank actually owns it but I’m current on my mortgage and have a fair amount of equity. I’ve worked three jobs at a time (currently working two) to make my mortgage payments on time and didn’t fall for those “no-doc” or interest only loans. I bought a home that I could afford. These are good choices that I made which is why I’m not in foreclosure right now.

    I made bad choices too in the years that I’m now paying for in the form of high interest credit card debt. Another reason why I sometimes have to work multiple jobs to bay my bills on time. Also I had a child at a very young age and wasn’t able to go to college. Another choice I made that had impacts financially and otherwise on my life.

    These are my decisions and I reap the rewards or the consequences of them. I had the same opportunities as everyone else. My opportunities changed with each decision/choice that I made. Who else is there to “blame” but myself? Maybe my parents but they did the best they could.

  16. RSmitty says:

    If there is a Republican alive that takes personal responsibility for his or her own misfortune, I’ve never heard of them. They have no shame when it comes to making crackpot excuses for fucking up.

    How about a combination of personal responsibility and circumstance? I’m a little at a loss for a crackpot excuse. Crackpot would be an insurance company blaming my two-year-old daughter (happy birthday, sweetie!!!) for causing the extent of injuries suffered by my wife being hit head-on two years before-hand. That’s crackpot.

  17. anon says:

    Smitty – send in the card.

  18. Tom S. says:

    “Pssst…Tom S is lying.”

    Do you know me?

    “If there is a Republican alive that takes personal responsibility for his or her own misfortune, I’ve never heard of them.”

    Hi, I’m right here.

    “They have no shame when it comes to making crackpot excuses for fucking up.”

    Hey – why is Delaware’s economy all fucked up again?

  19. a. price says:

    because Bush and CO let the investors get away with connecting the entire financial well being of the world to high risk mortgages. and because of you Tom S. you, and you alone.

  20. Miss AO says:

    Actually Bush & CO.’s reform that would have stopped this mess was killed by Democrats, a.price in ’03 and ’05. And just which party is it that’s been in charge of the Delaware budget for decades? Can’t blame that one on Bush and CO.

    And I’m a 2nd gen Republican, and I am probably “richer” than my parents were at my age. They made sacrifices to get their education and helped me with mine, too. But I don’t measure how rich I am by how envious I am of the things that others have.

  21. Miscreant says:

    “… ancestors probably worked on the pyramids and thought if they worked hard enough they would get promoted to Pharaoh.”

    And yours thought they would get there by eventually hitting the lottery?