How Not To Make A Stand

Filed in National by on April 3, 2009

Sanford gives in on stimulus, will seek funds for S.C.

WASHINGTON — Gov. Mark Sanford will comply with a midnight Friday stimulus deadline and become the last governor in the nation to seek millions of dollars in federal economic-recovery funds for his state, aides said late Thursday.

Sanford will continue contesting $700 million in education and law enforcement money for South Carolina, but his 11th-hour move to meet the deadline buys time for schools fearing mass teacher layoffs and draconian cuts.

I’m going to start calling these stunts Republicanitis, for I truly believe they are a disease or a disorder.  I also believe that the constant moving of lines, so adamantly drawn, is one of the main reasons Republicans can’t attain a shred of credibility.   With this reversal, Sanford joins the ranks of Republicans who criticized Rush, then apologized, who voted against the stimulus bill, then went home and bragged what their state would receive, who trashed Obama’s budget, only to finally submit their own – which everyone (including the GOP) ignored.

The real problem for Republicans is that America has real problems.  The days of a catchy sound bite and flashy headlines are gone.  People are paying attention, and they’ve learned the difference between saying what you mean and political posturing (Gas tax, anyone?).  Sanford has only himself to blame for looking like a fool.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. What? He made a stand. You see he talked the talk. In the end, that is all that matters

  2. Von Cracker says:

    These GOP governors, of course, wanted the cake and eat it too….meaning grandstand against the stimulus, but all the while knowing that the state legislatures could override and accept the funds on the state’s behalf.

    Well those Govs got screwed earlier this week when the WH ruled that if a Gov rejects funds, the state will not get them, no matter what…

    Now you see the true nature of these charlatans…weak

  3. Rebecca says:

    It is so refreshing to see Democrats using the stick as well as the carrot. It is so refreshing to know that we actually have a stick. After watching Reid collapse in the Senate every time the R’s say boo, I’m glad that the WH has the courage to stand up to these yaa-hoos.

    Our Senior Senator might want to take note of this and realize that we don’t have to Start from a compromise position anymore. We won. They can’t beat our brains out anymore — especially if our Senators all vote to support Obama.

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    I have to agree with DV. He made his stand, and got a lot of attention from the right people. The fiscal conservatives and the big money guys. I’m sure he’s betting that most people won’t remember what happened 3+ years ago when he’s running for president in 2012. He’s not up for election again in South Carolina and I’m sure that he’ll say he was “forced” to take the money despite saying he didn’t want it.

  5. Perry says:

    Right, Sanford is pulling the old trick: In 2012, he will use a half-truth to rightly claim that he took a stand against out-of-control spending. I don’t think this tactic will work anymore, since opposing campaign activists, cable media and bloggers follow up immediately and intensely on campaign statements. Sanford is out of touch and an eventual loser!

  6. Truth Teller says:

    Now lets make sure he spends it the way the law says if not indite his ass.

  7. pandora says:

    I’m with you, Perry. The old playbook is obsolete. Can you picture Sanford going up against Obama?

    Hmm… do the Republicans have anyone who can go up against Obama?

  8. anon says:

    I’ve got the latest GOP budget archived… the one where they propose to end Medicare, and give the rich a 25% tax cut.

    That ought to come in handy in 2010.

  9. anon says:

    … I mean, cut the top rate to 25%

  10. a. price says:

    I think Cantor is their only hope. Now, today it seems like a moronic claim.. a.price… why don’t you just say Reagan will rise from hell and come back on a horse made of gay-no-Mores.
    But if Cantor lays low and does things correctly, he’s young, he’s southern…. he’s JEWISH…
    Ultimately Obama has created for himself an ace/fail presidency. if things are going well in 2012.. and they will either be going REALLY well or REALLY poorly, it wont matter who the repukes put up… he could win like the Dark Lord himself did in 84′. If things ARE going poorly, he said it himself “we’ll have a new president.
    all the republicans can do is sabotage him. and considering how bad they are at hiding that sort of thing anymore and how obvious it would be… that wont work.
    If ANYONE can beat Obama under the ONLY circumstances that he can be beaten… right now, i say Cantor

  11. anon says:

    But if Cantor lays low and does things correctly, he’s young, he’s southern…. he’s JEWISH…

    How cool would that be, to watch Republicans choose between the Jew and the Mormon..

  12. a. price says:

    one things evangelicals know, is that the Jews MUST occupy israel in order for jesus to come back. Cantor is Jewish, so will naturally be sympathetic toward Israel… much more than a darkie-muslim. he has the added benefit of looking and sounding like Joel Olsteen, whom I’m SURE would endorse him. He issnt a new york jew… he is the “like us” (said with a souther accent)

  13. Unstable Isotope says:

    I agree I think how the economy looks is going to decide 2012.