Thank You Glenn Beck!

Filed in National by on April 3, 2009

Thanks Michelle Bachmann!! Great work Sarah Palin! Thanks Rush!

Thanks for keeping mum while your party goes of the deep end Mike Castle!

Report: 4 shot, hostages taken in Binghamton, NY

BINGHAMTON, N.Y. (AP) — At least four people were shot and several people taken hostage Friday at an immigration services center in Binghamton, N.Y., according to police and news reports.

At least 41 hostages were in the building of the American Civic Association, The Binghamton Press & Sun Bulletin reported. Nearby apartments were being evacuated.

The condition of those shot wasn’t immediately clear.

A man went into a building and started shooting, according to police scanner traffic reported by WBNG-TV. The gunman had a high-powered rifle, Mayor Matthew Ryan told the newspaper.

When the shooting started, people escaped to the basement in search of safety. More than a dozen people were hiding in a closet for more than an hour.

The American Civic Association’s Web site says it helps immigrants and refugees with counseling, resettlement, citizenship, family reunification, interpreters, and translators.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (70)

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  1. nemski says:

    But jason330, it’s not the Radical Right’s fault — they only allude to violence, they only instigate violence, the do not commit acts of violence. The Radical Right is a pure as a Rt. 13 whore.

  2. jason330 says:

    That’s right.

    How can they help it if their nit wit followers take them seriously?

  3. jason330 says:

    Also – it is the victim’s fault. If they had only been heavily armed this would not have happened.

    More guns are the solution to this type of thing.

  4. anon says:

    Yes, this is why illegal aliens need to be allowed to carry guns.

  5. a. price says:

    its a real dick time to say this… but tom s, weer’d, kaveman, Rhymes….. et al told ya so. but of course you are all probably jerking off while you read this story anyway so what’s the point?

  6. nemski says:

    Tru’ dat, tru’ dat.

    Also, if these people would stop coming to this country, they wouldn’t have been shot.

  7. a. price says:

    and jason, lou dobbs gets credit for this too

  8. jason330 says:

    Actual comment from “Red State”:

    10ksnooker Friday, April 3rd at 12:13PM EDT (link)

    Isn’t this what we can expect when you release terrorists into society …

  9. Von Cracker says:

    You know how this will end?

    Big Gay Conservative Man Pile.

    “They took our jawbz!”
    – South Park Redneck

  10. nemski says:

    You know how this will end?

    Big Gay Conservative Man Pile.

    Isn’t that what they call the RNC?

  11. a. price says:


  12. anonone says:

    Um, can we wait to see who it really is until we blame everybody on the right?

  13. nemski says:

    The apocalypse is nigh as anonone takes the high road. 😉

  14. pandora says:

    I think someone has stolen A1’s name again. 😉

  15. Von Cracker says:

    LOL, Nem…

    Actually, reports are stating that the shooter is an Asian male. So the wingnut freakout may not be appropriate…

    But what does that say about those folks on the far right when most of the country sees a shooter in an immigrant center and automatically believes that it’s a Palin/Dobbs supporter?

  16. a. price says:

    sigh. way to end the party A1 we (me included) ARE also joking about a situation where a lot of people were hurt and killed. hopefully this is the only time it comes to a head…. but i doubt it. Bachman, beck, dobbs, limbaugh, hannity, palin… they will all have much more blood on their hands. fuck em.

  17. a. price says:

    he can be asian and wingnut look and john wu

  18. jason330 says:

    Regardless of ethinicity, I’m willing to bet he is a wingnut.

  19. Von Cracker says:

    Hearing Johnny Boy’s name always makes me think of this:

    Are you with me Doctor Wu
    Are you really just a shadow
    Of the man that I once knew
    Are you crazy are you high
    Or just an ordinary guy
    Have you done all you can do
    Are you with me Doctor

  20. anon idiot says:

    who’s john wu?

  21. Von Cracker says:

    He wrote opinions for Bu$hCo justifying torture techniques, also Gitmo.

    In effect, he gave the Executive “legal” cover for their actions….though any legit legal scholar would’ve laughed in Wu’s face, if presented with such amateurishly drafted arguments.

  22. anonone says:

    John Yoo, not John Wu.

  23. Von Cracker says:

    Wu – Yoo – WHOOHOOO!!!

    Yeah – that guy!

    Not this guy –

  24. jason330 says:

    The timesonline is reporting that police sought a Vietnamese translator to debrief the immigrants evacuated not the suspect.

  25. Mrs XStryker says:

    Binghamton is where X and I attended college. That building is a couple of blocks away from my old apartment. So far, we haven’t had any news about friends who may have been in the area. If anyone is interested in the reports from the local paper, they can be found at

  26. Andy Daniels says:

    There have been at least three mass shooting incidents in the past week… and they occurred within about ten days of Michele Bachmann’s (R-MN) extremely irresponsible call in which she said (repeatedly on WWTC-AM), “I want people to be armed and dangerous…”

    I don’t think anyone can know if there’s any cause-and-effect in any of these cases… in fact, that’s probably unlikely… but I think some people in the organizations that claim to be in the business of news and/or public affairs should AT LEAST ASK Ms. Bachmann if she doesn’t think her statements were extremely irresponsible.

    Her “armed and dangerous” statements were vicious in their tone and as irresponsible as anything since the days of Joe McCarthy. It’s even possible that some of the people killed in three mass shootings this week died because some nut felt encouraged by her vicious words that were intended to incite action (of some kind) from her right-wing supporters, and which specifically mentioned “armed and dangerous.”

    Please contact “news” outlets and help spread the word.

  27. “I don’t think anyone can know if there’s any cause-and-effect in any of these cases… in fact, that’s probably unlikely… ”

    yes. agreed.

  28. Tom S. says:

    “its a real dick time to say this… but tom s, weer’d, kaveman, Rhymes….. et al told ya so. but of course you are all probably jerking off while you read this story anyway so what’s the point?”

    No asshole, at this time we’d point out that New York has the strictest gun laws in the nation and limiting their freedom didn’t do jack to protect these victims.

    “But what does that say about those folks on the far right when most of the country sees a shooter in an immigrant center and automatically believes that it’s a Palin/Dobbs supporter?”

    It says that the left wing media is doing its job.

    I rarely say this, but you all need to shut the fuck up and stop jumping to conclusions.

  29. a. price says:

    mark my words. once we find out how this guy GOT his guns… we will once again have our point…
    and than there is this

    “Yes, this is why illegal aliens need to be allowed to carry guns” – anon, i assume you were mocking the right wing view that if we all had guns, less people would get shot (moronic) if you were serious….. well whatever.
    Tom.. you, someone who has given right wing views are saying that if foreign not-yet *US citizens had only been allowed to carry guns that they would be alive….
    bullshit. if non citizens were carrying guns, the right wing would be up in arms…. so THAT point of yours is dead.
    you have to place to say this horrific act is a call for more guns. shame on you.

    this is the case of people who loved america so much, they were willing to go to classes and train to be americans. to be in this club that so many who were born here take for granted and don’t really understand.

    and they were killed because of how easy it is in this country to buy a device that kills multiple people so easily.

  30. Tom S. says:

    “mark my words. once we find out how this guy GOT his guns… we will once again have our point…
    and than there is this”

    How? He carried out a shooting spree in the state with the most constrictive gun laws in the nation. New York has taken away the rights of its citizens in order to make them safer and they are clearly no safer.

    “Tom.. you, someone who has given right wing views are saying that if foreign not-yet *US citizens had only been allowed to carry guns that they would be alive….”

    Would you like to point out where I made that claim?

    “and they were killed because of how easy it is in this country to buy a device that kills multiple people so easily.”

    I’m pretty sure they’re dead because someone shot them. Could be wrong.

    There are foreign countries with greater rates of gun ownership that are more peaceful than we are. Plenty of shooting sprees have taken place in countries where guns are illegal. Its pretty moronic to just say “GGGGRRRRRRR if guns was illegal bad things wouldn’t happen”.

  31. a. price says:

    ‘I’m pretty sure they’re dead because someone shot them. Could be wrong.’ typical

    it also speaks to your zero logic. FIRST of all who says he got the guns in NY… maybe he couldn’t get them there and got them somewhere with more “have all the guns you want” laws….. second.. YES they ARE dead because they were shot WITH GUNS!

  32. Tom S. says:

    “it also speaks to your zero logic. FIRST of all who says he got the guns in NY… maybe he couldn’t get them there and got them somewhere with more “have all the guns you want” laws….. second.. YES they ARE dead because they were shot WITH GUNS!”

    You haven’t been in the gun debate all that long have you?

    It is illegal for the New York resident to buy firearms outside of New York. Very illegal.

  33. a. price says:

    ooooh well that clinches it. was he a ny resident? did he buy the guns before he became one? too easy

  34. jason330 says:

    A law-enforcement official said that Mr. Wong had a New York State pistol license that listed two pistols, a 45-caliber Beretta and a 9-mm Beretta. The authorities matched the serial numbers of two guns found with the gunman’s body to the serial numbers on his license. The authorities were trying to trace the guns to determine where Mr. Wong obtained them and their history.

    Hmmm…. That odd. registered guns? I thought only street thugs with illegally obtained fired arms killed people.

  35. a. price says:

    if only EVERYONE had guns this wouldnt have happened.

  36. Weer'd Beard says:

    “if only EVERYONE had guns this wouldnt have happened.”

    Oddly enough when guys with guns entered the building (in this case Police) the guy shot himself.

    According to the Chief of Police he still had a satchel filled with Ammo, so he decided to cut his little spree short when the Five-Oh entered the building.

    I don’t know about you, but I would have preferred he have stopped sooner.

    NY is still honoring the Federal Assault Weapons ban you flat-Earthers still think will accomplish ANYTHING, and they have extra restrictions on the sale of handguns, and I’m pretty sure they closed that “Gun Show Loophole” you like to pretend exists.

    So essentially this shooting is the end-result of a Delaware liberal wet-dream of gun control.

    This is why I fight your foolish dogma.

  37. Geezer says:

    And while you fight this foolish dogma, the shootings continue.

    We’re reaching the point where we have several of these guy-goes-off-his-nut-and-starts-shooting stories every week.

    I get a chuckle out of how we’re supposed to be afraid, very afraid, of a potential terrorist attack. Meanwhile, the equivalent of a suicide bomber — in this case a suicide gunman — attacks somewhere in this country every couple of days.

    We have met the enemy, and he is us.

  38. jason330 says:

    We get it. If everyone was armed there would be no shootings. That makes no sense whatsoever, but we know you think that. There is no need to keep saying it at this point.

    Thanks for commenting. Have a nice day.

  39. Tom S. says:

    “Hmmm…. That odd. registered guns? I thought only street thugs with illegally obtained fired arms killed people.”

    And the residents of New York were led to believe that gun registration would end crime

  40. jason330 says:

    Silly dead asswipes they turned out to be.

  41. jason330 says:

    FYI – that is my last comment on this thread. Feel free to jerk each other off with your NRA talking points.

  42. Weer'd Beard says:

    “We get it. If everyone was armed there would be no shootings. That makes no sense whatsoever, but we know you think that.”

    Of course we don’t think that, we’ve never said that, we will never say that.
    “Arm Everybody” is a strawman thrown out by anti-gunners to push logical fallacies.

    As are physical impossibilities like “nobody would get shot”

    What I did point out that in this shooting, the Oakland shooting, Virginia Tech, Columbine, the Trolley Square Mall, the Omaha mall, the Colorado New Life Church, The Recent Shooting in Germany, and I’m sure others that don’t immediately spring to mind, all ended two ways. Either somebody who was protecting life (Police, or lawful private citizens, it really doesn’t matter) shot the shooter and stopped the attack, or the shooter encountered armed resistance (again Police, or lawful private citizens, it really doesn’t matter) and took their own life.

    Most of these shootings occurred in areas where guns were banned (Not all but the vast majority), and the MO was startlingly similar.

    There will always be guns, you can’t unring that bell. There will ALWAYS be shootings like this.

    What I’m pointing out is the length of time the shooter has between when they stop shooting, and somebody stops them often correlates to how much harm they can do, and the stopping point happens with another gun, this time held by a good person enters the equation.

    In the case of this shooting the killer took his own life when Police entered the building after he had already killed 13 people (Some of the wounded may also not survive).

    Potentially a lawfully held gun might not have changed this equation at all, but you’d have to be certifiably insane to think it could have made matters worse.

    Certainly New York’s ridiculously strict gun control laws certainly did not help anybody that day. Seeing as New York has some of the strictest laws in the country, a logical person can easily see the laws do not work as proposed.

  43. Weer'd Beard says:

    FYI, Jason330, Run coward, Run!

    One side has facts, the other has religious dogma and run like rats!

  44. anonone says:

    Seeing as New York has some of the strictest laws in the country, a logical person can easily see the laws do not work as proposed.

    A logical person can easily see that they are not strict enough.

  45. anonone says:

    One side has facts, the other has religious dogma and run like rats!

    One side sees mass-murdered people and wants to prevent it.

    The other side cares more for metal things than human beings.

  46. jason330 says:

    (Private to A1 – this is not a comment on this thread.)

    Can you really stand the sad, desperate, recitation of NRA talking points that is going to ensue here?

    I can’t. If you can, more power to you.

  47. anonone says:

    Only in small doses, j330.

    Someday these freaks will realize that the world honors most those who peacefully resist the guns, not the murderous cowards holding them.

    Peace out, my friend.

  48. a. price says:

    same nut jobs who would rather america be feared world wide, than listened to. let them start their fires in their caves. i will be trying to see the whole world act civilized.

  49. Tom S. says:

    Any of you liberals want to tell me why Switzerland and Finland have fewer per capita gun deaths than we do?

  50. a. price says:

    i see what you’re getting at, and those are 2 totally different countries with totally different cultures. one of them doesn’t fight wars…. and our culture of “fix it with bombs” has a lot to do with the violence at home. another fail for the tomminator.

  51. jason330 says:

    The high capital gains tax rates drive away the wing nuts.

  52. easy Tom. they arent religious

  53. Tom S. says:

    “i see what you’re getting at, and those are 2 totally different countries with totally different cultures. one of them doesn’t fight wars…. and our culture of “fix it with bombs” has a lot to do with the violence at home.”

    Interesting – so you concede that guns are not the problem?

    “The high capital gains tax rates drive away the wing nuts.”

    Ever met the Swiss People’s Party? You know, the biggest party in Switzerland.

  54. a. price says:

    gun alone are not the problem. we as a society are too stupid and uncivilized to handle guns. so like little children, gun must be taken away until we learn how to use them

  55. Tom S. says:

    “gun alone are not the problem. we as a society are too stupid and uncivilized to handle guns.”

    But the Finns and Swiss are not?

    “so like little children, gun must be taken away until we learn how to use them”

    Has that ever worked?

  56. a. price says:

    worked with me and my toy fire truck. i stoped hitting my sister with it when it was taken away i learned not to because i was too immature to have it.

    and yeah i guess the finns and swiss are smarter and more mature than us

  57. Weer'd Beard says:

    Sometimes it’s just too easy, isn’t it Tom?

    It’s like they WANT to make our arguments look even better!

  58. a. price says:

    you guys are like someone who has just gotten the crap kicked out of them and being laughed at by everyone asking “had enough yet?”

  59. Weer'd Beard says:

    You obviously haven’t been keeping score.

    But thanks for the Irony and the good laugh.

    Don’t worry, I don’t care what you think. You’re of the religious sect of gun control. Showing facts to you would be like explaining to a Mormon that a cup of coffee in the morning is hardly a “Sin”.

    Still I think it’s pretty obvious who’s who to the others reading. : ]

  60. a. price says:

    you- think if everyone had guns, less people would get shot

    i- want to make it harder for unstable people to own guns all willy nilly

    you- ride the short bus

    1- ride my bike

  61. Weer'd Beard says:

    Straw man argument + Ad hominem + Logical Fallacies = Lost Argument!

    Thanks for Playing!

  62. a. price says:

    blind following of Glen Beck + failure to see reality + asinine suggestion to lessen violence by introducing more weapons = short bus

  63. Weer'd Beard says:

    I actually don’t much care for Beck. He’s a shock-jock and an peddler of emotions over reason…much like you.

    Oops, you lost again!

    May I point and laugh?

  64. a. price says:

    you think im “losing” this argument because i am posing a different argument that you. that is why ive said you should ride the short bus. i’d explain but i’m sure it would be lost.

  65. a. price says:

    that is, you are arguing about something else… not sure what it is, but im sure it has a license and a big gun collection

  66. Weer'd Beard says:

    Heh, you’re not even trying now!

    You must enjoy getting dusted up in these discussions, otherwise you wouldn’t keep setting me up for the easy wins.

  67. a. price says:

    mission accomplished. right weerd?

  68. Weer'd Beard says:

    I’d say so. Wouldn’t you?

    But no rest for the weary

  69. Tom S. says:

    “you- think if everyone had guns, less people would get shot”

    Feel free to point out where I have made that comment. Ever.

  70. Weer'd Beard says:

    Nobody has, Tom, That’s why they have so much fun repeating the strawman.

    They can’t beat us, as you can obviously see, but they can beat a strawman and then CLAIM it was us.

    Cheat cheat, never beat, as my Dad always said!