New Rules.

Filed in National by on April 6, 2009

Hyperbole: A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in I could sleep for a year or This book weighs a ton.

Writers generally and bloggers specifically tend to make use of the above referenced literary tool quite often, whether they lean left or right politically.

Today we discover that hyperbole is the same as, if not worse than, actual crimes.

For example, when I said that I wanted to round up all Republicans and shoot them back in September, in admitted haste and out of anger due to the rapid collapse of the economy due to Republican policies (words that I have profusely apologized for ad nauseum for months), I revealed myself to be as bad, if not worse than, an actual right wing murderer who killed three cops as a result of his political beliefs and shows no remorse or regret.

If our “friends” on the right wanted to make a logical argument for the first time in all history, they would compare my hyperbole to that of Glen Beck and Michelle Bachmann. That would be at the very least plausibly analogous, except for the fact that I at least admitted I was wrong and stupid to say what I had said. To date, right wing blowhards continue with their talk of armed and violent overthrow of our federal government with no regret (even today after three police officers are dead because of it. And to my knowledge, no liberal has acted on my words to round up all Republicans and shoot them. Right wing blowhards cannot say the same.

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    They have not apologized. It’s because they mean it.

  2. anon says:

    There is only one thing that can silence the Limbaughs, Becks, and Hannitys:

    Low ratings.

  3. No one has advocated an armed and violent revolution — and no one except for the sick mutt who killed those cops is responsible for their murder.

    As for yourself, you actually advocated mass murder. As such, you are much worse than those you criticize — and come close to the mutt in Pittsburgh in your depravity.

  4. R Smitty says:

    To date, right wing blowhards continue with their talk of armed and violent overthrow of our federal government with no regret…

    Not implicitly stated, but knowing where Jason goes, this was not said nor intimated by Dave Burris.

    This blame-Burris shit is real old. Any surprise shock at today’s post is disingenuous. Responses? Fine, I’d expect that. Shock? Disingenuous.

  5. anon says:

    Joke was that after the 200o election, angry liberals got together and planned to storm the Supreme Court, then they realized that none of them owned a gun.

  6. R Smitty says:

    OK, I do need to remind all that DDem DID IN FACT APOLOGIZE and did it in a separate post, to boot. Considering I was the rabid beast that held his feet to that fire first and hardest at that time (through the apologizing moment), I do recall with clarity that he did do it.

    That this constantly gets tied around his neck (like an albatross, let’s not get evil), I don’t agree with that. However, that the reaction is now more sensitive, well, that’s the shit that happens as a consequence, and thanks to search engines like Google, we’ll forever be reminded that is was even posted once.

  7. Geezer says:

    “As for yourself, you actually advocated mass murder. As such, you are much worse than those you criticize — and come close to the mutt in Pittsburgh in your depravity.”

    Wow. For a bunch of insensitive assholes, you conservatives sure love to play “gotcha.” The guy writes one thing in haste and you fucksticks run with it for months.

    My favorite has to be Hube, with his heartfelt sentiments about the sanctity of human life — almost always followed by something along the lines of “fuck you, scumbag.” Ah, I can feel the compassion washing over me in waves.

    Let’s put it this way, all of you, liberal and conservative: If you don’t believe in the power of words, why do y’all spend so much time and energy typing?

    And why, conservatives, do you dismiss this pitiful gunman as an unbalanced nut with one breath, then consign him sole control of and responsibility for his actions with the next? Even the law, which despite your paranoid fantasies greatly favors the state, includes exceptions for mental illness.

    Do you practice holding contradictory thoughts in your head so you can do it effortlessly when required?

  8. Delaware Dem says:

    Actually RSmitty, the Burris v. Jason aspect is not what I am addressing. My hyperbole was singled out today by Hube in response to my posts about the right wing murderer Poplawski. That is what I am talking about. I am not talking about Burris.

    And RWR, in your mind, advocating mass murder through hyperbole, and then apologizing for it is WORSE than actually killing three people.

    Thank you for proving my point.

  9. R Smitty says:

    The spirit of this conversation in the whole was invoked by Jason of equating Dave to the likenesses of Shamnity, Dickbaugh, Fleck, etc. It’s freaking terrible to do and trivial at best. All of the sidetracks and branches of barely-related conversations came from that. Unfortunately, so did the reminder of your post, which I do stand in your defense with exhibit Mea Culpa (you like the term-slinging there?). However, all that said, while I believe what you said to me in #8, I also believe that there will be plenty of readers who take this to imply Jason’s take of Dave’s culpability (of which there is NONE) of what happened in Pittsburgh.

    Let’s not easily overlook the mental state of this jagass, either (the shooter). I am not dismissing that he may have believed to have received his orders, but jumping to that as an end-all solution shouldn’t be as easy, either.

  10. anonone says:

    The spirit of this conversation in the whole was invoked by Jason of equating Dave to the likenesses of Shamnity, Dickbaugh, Fleck, etc. It’s freaking terrible to do and trivial at best.

    You really believe that? Read Burris’ post and let it sink in. Burris is every bit cut from the same mold as your repub party leaders.

  11. R Smitty says:

    Er…uh, A1, J didn’t just start this. This goes back months. Cripe, J and I have had email and phone conversations on this shitty topic back then.

  12. anonone says:

    RSmitty, of course it began months ago. So what? All I am pointing out is that Burris’ post reveals far more truth about his personal propensity for right wing thuggery is than it does about Jason.

    When I pointed this out, most of the remaining posts were desperate attempts by Burris and his “crew” to change the subject to irrelevant nonsense, like Del Dem’s long since-retracted statement.

  13. smitty,

    I think the problem is when you don’t say “hey, asshole, knock it off” then you run into the hey, “go ahead, it’s cool” crowd. Then when the shit hits the fan you don’t get to say….ooooooo whhhhoooaaaah I didn’t mean go kill people. That is the fine line that I think is trying to be addressed elogquently or not here.

  14. R Smitty says:

    I still won’t budge from saying Jason is wrong for wanting to lay this at Burris’ feet, no matter the level of detest he has.

    HOWEVER, constantly bringing up DDem’s inappropriate post as a defense (or an offense) is empty as well…something I addressed here (#6) and in the thread on DP.

  15. Rebecca says:

    If we learned nothing else from the last eight Orwellian years, it is that you simply can’t shrug and walk on from this stuff. I’ve always believed that is what DL is all about. Calling them out! Identifying the right-wing propaganda machine for what it is. Dangerous to our society.

    Sometimes the nature of blogging leads to hyperbole but that doesn’t make the mission less noble. It must be done and this crowd is all over it. You learn from your mistakes, like DD, but you keep on keeping on. That is what is so crucial. Success, as they say, is 90% persperation and 10% inspiration.

    Mistakes will be made but please keep on persisting. We need you guys.