Delaware Liberal

New Rules.

Hyperbole: A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in I could sleep for a year or This book weighs a ton.

Writers generally and bloggers specifically tend to make use of the above referenced literary tool quite often, whether they lean left or right politically.

Today we discover that hyperbole is the same as, if not worse than, actual crimes.

For example, when I said that I wanted to round up all Republicans and shoot them back in September, in admitted haste and out of anger due to the rapid collapse of the economy due to Republican policies (words that I have profusely apologized for ad nauseum for months), I revealed myself to be as bad, if not worse than, an actual right wing murderer who killed three cops as a result of his political beliefs and shows no remorse or regret.

If our “friends” on the right wanted to make a logical argument for the first time in all history, they would compare my hyperbole to that of Glen Beck and Michelle Bachmann. That would be at the very least plausibly analogous, except for the fact that I at least admitted I was wrong and stupid to say what I had said. To date, right wing blowhards continue with their talk of armed and violent overthrow of our federal government with no regret (even today after three police officers are dead because of it. And to my knowledge, no liberal has acted on my words to round up all Republicans and shoot them. Right wing blowhards cannot say the same.

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