Filed in National by on April 6, 2009

What Itouch/Iphone app is your favorite?

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hiding in the open

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  1. Mark H says:

    N/A…No Macs here….Amiga forever!

  2. a. price says:

    still waiting for the “ultimate pleasure” app

  3. Unstable Isotope says:


    My hubby’s favorite is called Pandora (not our pandora), which allows you to enter a song or artist and it suggests songs and artists that you may like. You can vote them up or down. It’s pretty cool.

  4. anonone says:

    Whatever game app keeps one kid busy while the other kid is doing something else. 🙂

    I love the synchronized calendars.

  5. Not Brian says:

    UI called it – the Pandora music app is pretty sharp…

    Kindle? News in the tech blogs has been about the hundreds of thousands of 10 inch LCD screens Apple has been taking delivery of. The Kindle is cute, but when there is a 10 inch internet tablet/e-reader/ipod touch in the same price range with a HD quality color touch screen the Kindle is dead.

    Supposedly will have the same operating system. Can use games or Pandora, or whatever on it…

    I won’t buy one (but I say that about all their new toys, like the iPhone I finally broke down and bought last month).

  6. Unstable Isotope says:


    There’s a Kindle app for the iPhone. It’s free. The books cost money though…

  7. Not Brian says:

    Great! One more thing to entice me to get that reader when they release it…

  8. Mrs XStryker says:

    The one I use more than any other? SolFree. Honestly. I’m a little addicted to it. Beyond that what I love best are the Facebook, Myspace, and Livejournal apps, because they let me keep in touch with my friends all the time.

    The two that I forced onto my front screen (even though I may not use them as much as I ought), are Lose It (dieting app) and Recorder (for when I come up with song ideas and I don’t want to lose them).