2012 Here we co…..not…

Filed in National by on April 8, 2009

The train wreck that is the Alaskan Governor keeps getting better and better. I can’t think of a better example of hypocrisy when it comes to representing Christian values.

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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    I can’t wait to watch this at home. I hope Levi opens a giant sized can o’ whip ass on the Palin tribe.

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    I can’t wait to watch this later as well. Palin seems to be the type that stepped on a lot of heads on her way up the ladder. Now some of them are speaking out. It should be interesting. So, DV, can you give us a little hint – do we need popcorn or alcohol when watching the clip?

  3. a. price says:

    you may be in for a surprise. there are no major revelations. my prediction is, this will end up looking more like a media staged hit job. it is white trash calling white trash, white trash.

  4. pandora says:

    I just watched it, and all I can say is both families deserve each other. Levi lays it on a little thick – I was so happy when Bristol told me she was pregnant, my mom cried in joy, but the Palins weren’t thrilled. Now what’s really scary is that for one second I actually related to the Palins. OMG! I am still shaking!

    This feud has the makings of a reality series.

  5. Unstable Isotope says:

    It’s Jerry Springer material, pandora.

  6. pandora says:

    True, but I think there’s too much material to be covered in an hour! 😉

  7. anonone says:

    I think that this must be sponsored by Romney and Huckabee.

  8. Von Cracker says:

    I, for one, am still waiting for the sex tape release….grainy night vision version.

  9. Jason Z says:

    So this is the same kid who’s name is tatooed on his little sister’s wrist, right?

    And he’s trying to get closer to his baby by trashing the mother and grandmother?

    And he appears on Tyra to warm up for The Early Show? What’s next, The Daily Show?

    Talk Soup is going to be great this weekend.

    amend: The video isn’t playing through…stops at the same spot on the CBS site too.

  10. Susan Regis Collins says:

    That guy is handsome enough for prime time…if he keeps his mouth shut.

    Hollywood may be calling his name soon….

  11. jason330 says:

    1) I don’t think he is being honest when he says that he was “happy” when he found out she was pregnant.

    2) If the biggest misconception that you want to clear up about yourself is the impression that you are white trash try shaving and being photographed in shirts that have sleeves.