Delaware Liberal

National Quick Hits

  • NY-20: Jim Tedisco (R) now leads Scott Murphy (D) by just 24 votes in the latest count in New York’s 20th congressional district special election. House Race Hotline: “If these numbers hold, it would be a bad early sign for Tedisco — and for his camp’s confidence that the party’s 700+ advantage in absentees will carry them to victory.”
  • McCain-Palin economic adviser Douglas Holtz-Eakin, once a defender of Bush’s tax cuts, now says they should be allowed to expire on Dec. 31, 2010.
  • Candace Gingrich tells her brother to stop lying about Harry Knox, whom the bloviator calls “an anti-religious, left-wing zealot.” Knox has been appointed to serve on President Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.

    I know Harry Knox. We work together at the Human Rights Campaign, where Harry serves as director of the Religion and Faith Program. He is a person of great wisdom who deserves his appointment. He is also someone I am honored to call a dear friend. When my brother Newt attacks Harry, he’s attacking me. And I don’t take too kindly to bullies.


  • Speaking of Rethugs not getting things right, they are now attacking Obama on his Afghan and Iraq policy, which they support.
  • Conservatives are truly idiots. From Jesse at Pandagon:

    I came up in a world where “socialism” was defined in popular parlance as “liberalism”. Bill Clinton, effectively a liberal Republican, was a socialist. Barack Obama, a moderate Democrat, is a socialist. There’s an actual socialist in the Senate, and yet all the Democrats in the Senate (except Ben Nelson and Evan Bayh)? Socialists.

    The main people responsible for the embrace of “socialism” are the pro-capitalist conservatives who’ve so diluted its meaning that it’s okay to embrace socialism, because the majority party in the country and our tremendously popular president are socialists.

    Good job, suckers.

  • Republicans want to amend the Constitution again. This time, they want an amendment preserving the right to….. get this…. spank your children. I really wish I was making this up.
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