Delaware Liberal

The Lost Verses of Dante’s Inferno

And as my companion and I moved along to the next area, we saw a large metallic conveyance riding atop a parallel set of metal rails.  My companion explained to me that this was called a train.  Inside of this train were the tortured souls of some of the most heinous creatures ever to walk the Earth.  They were all Americans that had committed the sin of voting for George Bush.

As the train moved through mountains in a land called Western Canada, the nature of their punishment became clear.  They were sharing the car with a horrific beast that spewed the fire of imbecility and caused the travelers to be struck dumb by the shear force of teh stupid.  The creature was a most foul beast capable of spreading his affliction for a hundred miles in all directions through a power called radio.  My companion told me that this creature was called Jensen.

No matter how the humans inside the train screamed, the next stop never came and teh stupid washed over them like lava, burning their skin until they could stand it no longer.

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