Around the Horn II: The Sequel
In compiling the Around the Horn post every week, I am making it easier on myself by adding the various great Delaware blogs to Google Reader. And I thought Google Reader would make reading the Delaware Way less seizure inducing. I was wrong.
And did we piss Shirley of the Delaware Curmudgeon off? I mean, it is understandable why Burris wouldn’t have us on his blogroll, given the recent… er um… unpleasantness, but Shirley? Oh well. I have lost count of how many have sworn to never comment or read here again, like Burris and Matthews, only to be found a week later writing about something said here. I guess we are just that addictive. 😉
Speaking of Delaware Politics, I forgot them yesterday in ATH. Maria Evans has been doing great work covering committee hearings, and I want to highlight them.
The link above should clear up some of the misinformation being put out by Fox Noise
Let see the right wing is blaming Obama for the Pirate attack so in order to set things straight here is a list of the ships that have come under attack. please note the dates and numbers and who was in charge at the White House during these times.
I posted this here because the attacks are taking place AROUND THE HORN>
DD, that’s the GE plant doing the layoffs, I think. The GM plant is near Newport and makes stuff that runs on gasoline.
Ditto what EK said. I read your ATH, had to rub my eyes, looked at it again, and thought, wtf is not right with this? Couldn’t figure it out, so I went back to DP and thought again, ah, GM, GE, good ol’ DD, made yet another typo. Feh, it was Burris’ fault, anyway, that DD typo’d. Friggin Burris.
That’s the spirit. It is always Burris’ fault. LOL.