All Conservatives are Hypocrites.

Filed in National by on April 13, 2009

Did you hear that every conservative alive on the planet joined in unison and screamed for the resignation and imprisonment of Associate Justice Clarence Thomas?


Well, how could that be?

Because they have been screaming about the alleged intentions of President Obama to take away the rights of Americans. So surely when they hear what Justice Clarence Thomas has said, they will go ballistic, no?

Let’s review what the learned Justice has said:

Thomas noted, among other things, that he thinks Americans have too many rights.

The evening was devoted to the Bill of Rights, but Justice Thomas did not embrace the document, and he proposed a couple of alternatives.

‘Today there is much focus on our rights,” Justice Thomas said. “Indeed, I think there is a proliferation of rights.”

“I am often surprised by the virtual nobility that seems to be accorded those with grievances,” he said. “Shouldn’t there at least be equal time for our Bill of Obligations and our Bill of Responsibilities?”

It’s not at all encouraging when one of the nine members of the Supreme Court complains publicly about a “proliferation of rights.” I hesitate to even wonder which protections Americans currently enjoy that Thomas would like to see taken away.

If conservatives have any integrity whatsoever, they will immediately and without qualification rise up against the TYRANNY of Justice Thomas. They will organize nationwide Pubic Hair on a Coke Can parties.

That is… if they had any integrity. And they don’t.

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  1. mikeb302000 says:

    I wish Justice Thomas would ask me which “right” should be curtailed or reinterpreted.

    I’m preparing to take the bull by the horns soon and write directly about the 2nd Amendment. I think part of my selling point will be that when you feel you have to carry a gun everywhere you go, you are not free at all. A more profound freedom would be an America where that’s not necessary. Do you think that’ll convince anyone who’s not already convinced? I’ll flesh it out a bit.

  2. Tom S. says:

    ‘Today there is much focus on our rights,” =/= take away the rights of Americans.

    Try again tomorrow.

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    Tom S.,

    So the passage of stimulus spending has curtailed your rights, but actually saying Americans have too many rights doesn’t.

    This has been an example of conservative logic. Tune in next time if your brain hasn’t exploded.

  4. anonone says:

    Hey Tom S,

    Could you find me the “Bill of Obligations” and “our Bill of Responsibilities”? I don’t remember reading about them in the Constitution anyplace.

  5. a. price says:

    tom s, the desire to take high powered weapons off city streets =/= take away all of Tom S’s guns

    suck it

  6. anonone says:

    By the way, Tom S., “proliferation” means “a rapid and often excessive spread or increase”.

    Do you agree that there has been a “a rapid and often excessive spread or increase” in “our rights” in this country?

  7. Unstable Isotope says:

    I wonder which rights he wants to remove. Probably the right to vote for anyone but Republicans.

  8. a. price says:

    the right to sue for sexual harassment

  9. Miss AO says:

    Cripes, I don’t know how much more out of context you could get here.

    He was intimating that people believe they have rights not ennumerated in the Constitution:

    He gave examples: “It seems that many have come to think that each of us is owed prosperity and a certain standard of living. They’re owed air conditioning, cars, telephones, televisions.”

    Those are luxuries, Justice Thomas said.

    He could probably give the example that people believe they have a right to affordable housing, while no one really goes into what affordable means.

    What he is saying is that we have to take a responsibility, and obligation to work to earn things, rather than an entitlement by birth as Americans to a certain standard of living provided to us by Uncle Sam.

    Such tyrrany! We don’t have a right to three square meals, air conditioning, cars, telephones, televisions!

    Sounds conservative to me.

  10. cassandra_m says:

    The people who would think that they are actually owed those things are probably quite small — although I’ll stipulate that conservatives need to think that there are hordes of people who just want stuff without working for it.

    But it is also pretty hard to dispute that if you are going to be a functioning person at any level in this economy it is going to be hard to actually function without access to a phone, a car (or public transportation). AC is a luxury unless you are sick and TV is a luxury. I certainly live without it and can definately afford it.

    Thomas, though, is tilting at a windmill that barely exists. The people who think that they shouldn’t pay taxes for all of the government they access and support are a much bigger and just about as delusional a group.

  11. Tom S. says:

    “actually saying Americans have too many rights doesn’t.”

    Remind me again, where did Justice Thomas actually say Americans have too many rights?

    “tom s, the desire to take high powered weapons off city streets =/= take away all of Tom S’s guns”

    No, as all of mine are high powered the former would actually equal the later.

    “Do you agree that there has been a “a rapid and often excessive spread or increase” in “our rights” in this country?”

    No, but the man prefaced the statement with “I think” and didn’t end it with “So I’m going to fuck America”. With that in mind, I’m not really bothered by it.

    “The people who would think that they are actually owed those things are probably quite small”

    Wait until folks can’t afford those things anymore. There are more than a few who feel those things are rights.

  12. anonone says:

    “So I’m going to fuck America”.

    He doesn’t have to say it; he has already done it.

    And it is nice to see that even you disagree with him regarding “there is a proliferation of rights.” happening in America.

  13. cassandra_m says:

    I’m starting to think that we should ask Tom where he is from, exactly, that he could have such limited English skills.

  14. Tom S. says:

    “He doesn’t have to say it; he has already done it.”

    Would you care to elaborate?

  15. anonone says:

    Bush v. Gore, 2000

  16. Tom S. says:

    ahhh, that glorious day. Thanks for reminding me.

  17. Miscreant says:

    “… when you feel you have to carry a gun everywhere you go, you are not free at all. A more profound freedom would be an America where that’s not necessary… I’ll flesh it out a bit.”

    You can flesh it until your nose bleeds, Sparky, but as long as the strong preys on the weak, there will always be a need for some kind of equalization. Ironically, that’s a concept which is a basic premise of liberalism… to *level the playing field”.

    Wanna buy some bullets?

  18. Susan Regis Collins says:


  19. I think you have offered a grave misinterpretation of what the Justice has said here. He no where suggests curtailing rights. Instead, he notes the tendency of too many folks in this country to place their own notion of “rights” first and the obligations we have to each other and to society in a distant second place. In addition, he is commenting on the fact that when someone makes a talismanic invocation of the word “rights” they are presumed to be acting nobly, with no examination of their motives or the substance of their claim following.

    And he does have a point — today we acknowledge a host of “rights” that the framers of the Constitution would not recognize — and certainly would not have included in the document they wrote. This has happened through the invocation of the idea of a “living and evolving” constitution and the consideration of “emanations of penumbras” that go far beyond the clear meaning of the text.

    So might I suggest that you cool your jets?

  20. a. price says:

    YOU TYRANT!!!!

  21. cassandra_m says:

    Somehow, I’m pretty sure that if Justice Ginsburg had made this same speech both Tom and RWR would be whining their asses off about activist judges.

  22. a. price says:

    they would be planning on how to teabag RBG

  23. Now there is an image that I didn’t need in my head!

    But seriously, I actually have a great deal of respect for Justice Ginsburg, though I disagree with her on many aspects of her judicial philosophy. Indeed, she recently offered in a New York Times in profile one of the best explanations of the proper way to consider foreign laws and court decisions. And if I don’t entirely agree with her, I certainly don’t find her position outlandish — any more than I find Justice Thomas’ argument here to be that outrageous.

  24. kavips says:

    That pubic hair on the coke can… I was just reminiscing about that last weekend…

    If the same standards were applied to me, I would fail miserably… who wants to live in a world where you can’t have fun?

    If it’s offensive… you got a point… But I guess we were naive then… For today,… that is so funny that a pubic hair on a coke can almost cost a justice his position on the Supreme Court…

    What’s that?

    Looks like a pubic hair….

  25. Funny? No, tragic, given that Anita Hill lied.

  26. a. price says:

    ALL VICTIMS OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT ARE LIARS!!! NOw put on that wonder bra, undo that top blouse button, and get to bending over to pick up that piece of paper honey. you want that raise so you can afford medicine for your kids doncha?

  27. John says:

    Justice Thomas was right. The story in this link might throw a little light on why so many people feel entitled to everything but refuse to take personal responsibility: