Delaware Liberal

The Can of Worms is Opened.

I was struck by the juxtaposition of two items on Daily Kos open thread today.

The first is this:

Glenn Beck backs out of keynoting San Antonio tea party.

Could that be because of the next item:

Speaking of Glenn Beck, from his website’s message boards (all errors from the original):

My son, is an operator with an SF team and we are in reg comm. they are ready. we are ready. and if you start reading between the lines, you will see it. L presidente obama bin osama, is breathing borrowed air. as are all of congress. it has gone to far. they will all hang. just be ready.

Emphasis mine.

Yes, a teabagger just implied the assasination of President Obama and the whole of Congress.

If anything violent happens to President Obama during his term or terms in office, it is on Beck’s (and those like him) head, given his calls to a revolution and his talk of tyranny. And maybe Beck is beginning to realize just what he has unleashed.

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