Delaware Liberal

LiveBlog of Wilmington Teabaggery

Donviti is on the ground in Wilmington covering the teabagging. These are his remarks as best as I could transcribe them

>Copeland talking. Talking about repaying the debt. “My children are too young to protest for themselves.” Debt and spend liberals. Someone tell Copeland that his children are Duponts.

>Protack coming up. One MC thanked Protack for getting the event together. The moustache looks good.

>Mike Matthews And Dana Garrett are also here.

>Mike Matthews has a live blog going.

>It is really packed.

>The amount of signs are unbelivable

“Is this what we voted for?”
“Impeach congress”
“US out of Iraq”

> They have Pork sandwiches for $5.00

> Not one African American on the scene. Older people mostly. One asian.

>People are too suspicious to interview.

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