Delaware Issues Forum Mystery Solved-With Inspirational Music Video!!

Filed in National by on April 16, 2009

The News-Journal’s J. L. Miller has broken the news that the mysterious force(s) behind the so-called Delaware Issues Forum site is none other than Charles Irenee Augustus Alexis Eleuthere Lammotte Bouvier de Flanders Copeland. 

And, of course, Copeland says that there “…was no intent to be all that mysterious.”  He simply didn’t want to ‘influence the results of the (anonymous on-line) survey’. An admirable sentiment indeed.

Except, of course, the self-same Copeland put the site up on National Teabagging Day (‘bulo wanted to participate, but his wife was having none of it), and that the same duPont heir led the crowd at the Wilmington rally in a chant of “No more debt! No more debt”, which, of course, could hardly be considered trying to influence public opinion. (And, of course, if Wilmington Trust hadn’t bailed  the Copeland family out of debt with an extremely favorable financial settlement years ago, Copeland would be slinging Slurpees right about now.) The Beast Who Slumbers is betting that someone from that rally has a paper with the website address on it, just guessin’… 

Before he gets to his favorite quote from Miller’s article, and before he links to the Most Perfectly-Apt Music Video Ever (copyright pending), it is time for another angry MEANDERING ASIDE! The Beast Who Slumbers believes in giving credit where credit is due, he really does. J. L. Miller wrote a neat story about this in today’s News-Journal. ‘Bulo went to Delaware Online to provide a link to their Bleeping Website (copyright also pending). He searched and searched for the story. He simply could not find it. It may be there somewhere, but El Somnambulo flunked Chinese Algebra, so he failed in his mission. The News-Journal website flat out sucks. Even when you WANT to give their website some hits, you can’t do it.

Now, back to ‘bulo’s fair and balanced reporting on Copeland, already in progress. Quoting from Miller’s unlinkable article, we find this gem:

Asked what’s in it for him, Copeland replied, “I don’t know the answer to that question.”

Now, ‘bulo is nothing if not sympatico. He has traveled from tank town to tank town seeking to realize his dream of someday wearing that gold lucha libre belt. Although he and  silverspoonista compadre Copeland come from different universes, both share the same existential questions about what to do with their lives.  Whenever the Beast Who Slumbers finds himself staring at the abyss, he gains succor and solace from the following. He hopes that Carlito Copeland listens, and understands that he is not alone in his profound search for meaning:



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  1. jason330 says:

    The tubes in that music video represent the empty internet tubes that Charles Irenee Augustus Alexis Eleuthere Lammotte Bouvier de Flanders Copeland is heroically trying to fill up with fake data for no particular reason.

  2. anon says:

    I have started to develop a tiny ember of respect for Copeland for being willing to mix it up on his resolutedetermination blog. He’s still wrong, but he can take a punch and hit back. Debating style uncannily similar to one D. Burris.

  3. jason330 says:

    Debating style uncannily similar to one D. Burris.

    Go figure.

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    I knew it!

    ‘Bulo, I feel your pain. I’ve also had the very same trouble trying to find an article on the NJ website. It’s frustrating when you can see the article right in the printed version but can’t find it on their website. You might want to try Google.

  5. anon says:

    I guess the link was a bit slow to show up. Have pity, they are short-handed.

  6. Rebecca says:

    Hey Bulo!

    I loved thereisnospoon’s article. Back in the founding days of PDD we went through this debate and the group realized that it was elections, elections, elections. The kos post makes this very clear.

    Many of our members are also involved in “single issue” organizations and we are so grateful that they have joined in at PDD. They are the backbone of the group. But, we are all about electing progressives.

    Loved Dusty and it was so appropriate for poor ole Charlie who is wandering in the wilderness right now.

  7. jason330 says:

    Hey – I’m famous! Thanks for the link anon.

    Also, I have to compliment Dave on his quote. He does a great job feigning ignorance.

  8. jason330 says:

    By the way the statement that they were collecting info to provide to Demcorats…does not exactly jibe with Copeland’s “didn’t want to ‘influence the results” BS.

    There was an intent to mislead, but we are talking about Republicans – so that is just another day at the office.

  9. cassandra_m says:

    he didn’t buy an e-mail list but instead used the addresses he’d gathered during his statewide campaign.

    This is not Good Internet Behavior — using emails collected for one reason to jumpstart another effort. Certainly while trying to keep who you are on the DL — that doesn’t give the people who gave you their email addresses a chance to know if what they got was spam or something legit from someone they already agreed to hear from. And probably par for the course for folks who needed to collect some data under cloak and dagger.

  10. is it me or is Copeland always behind these obtuse web sites?

  11. Susan Regis Collins says:

    Bouvier de Flander?…..what a great choice for describing that joker. Bolu you are a hoot!