Deep thought: Remember Socialism under Bush?

Filed in National by on April 17, 2009

I was reading, I do that occasionally, and in the book it reminded me of that huge Medicare Prescription Drug Program that Bush signed. Something about the largest in history or under a R or something. Anyway, it was big and socialist and under Bush. I missed all the news coverage and teabagging of that one I guess…

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hiding in the open

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  1. RSmitty says:

    They’re planning a colostomy bag party for next month. I think Mike is planning it.

  2. edisonkitty says:

    I think those protests were about holes in their donuts, or something. Maybe to go with the tea.

  3. edisonkitty says:

    As I recall, that program wasn’t just socialist, it had a hint of communitst, central party planning to it, too. The recipients got some social geetus to buy drugs with, but they had to buy them from party approved vendors – no Medicare bulk negotiations for the senior comrades.

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    I missed the teabagging when Bush passed his tax cuts for the rich – there was something about how surpluses are bad because…

  5. Part D should have been part of an overhaul of Medicare, a wasted opportunity.

    The only way Medicare exists is by a constant reduction in payments to providers not enhancing care.

    Tax cuts for the rich? More stupdity, go to the IRS website and you will see the total dollars and percentage of taxes paid by the “rich” has gone up.

    Obama’s spending and borrowing which we will all have to pay for makes Bush look like Scrooge.

  6. Dana says:

    Oh, believe me, a lot of Republicans protested the Medicare prescription drug plan. It should never have been passed and was a known budget buster when it was.