I wonder if Rick Jetson will rally his base for this one

Filed in National by on April 17, 2009

Hey…lookie, lookie

Susiemadrak.com had this lovely find:

This month, every Republican senator, joined bizarrely by 10 Democrats, pushed for yet another tax break for the super-wealthy — the elite 5,854 estates in all of America valued at $7 million or more per couple.

Who are these senators so distressed that the children of the very wealthy won’t be able to afford a second yacht? Every Republican plus these 10 Democrats: Evan Bayh (IN), Max Baucus (MT), Maria Cantwell (WA), Mary Landrieu (LA), Blanche Lincoln (AR), Patty Murray (WA), Bill Nelson (FL), Ben Nelson (NE), Mark Pryor (AR), and Jon Tester (MT).

They voted to raise the full exemption on inheritances from $7 million to $10 million for a couple, and drop the top rate on fortunes over $10 million from 45% to 35%. Many of these senators regularly decry deficit spending, yet this boon for the very, very wealthy will cost the rest of us more than $300 billion over ten years.

I need to make a sign about this!

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hiding in the open

Comments (7)

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  1. anon says:

    Maybe they will have their butlers go drop a teabag into the river.

  2. jason330 says:

    I’m pleasantly surprised to not see Tom Carper’s name on that list of Dem douche nozzles.

  3. anonone says:

    Must be a typo.

  4. J,
    me as well…sort of; I shouldn’t have to be shocked he ISN’T on it, but sadly that’s the way it is with him.

  5. John Manifold says:

    Carper’s been very strong on the estate tax issue – including during gut-check votes throughout the Bush Administration.

  6. must not be enough uber wealthy in Delaware trying to protect their monarchy’s

  7. The point is simple. Wealth or income should be taxed once not multiple times.

    Mike Protack