Friday’s Open Thread

Filed in National by on April 17, 2009

In Around the Horn, our weekly Friday feature that focus on local stories from around the Delaware blogosphere, we focus on our comrades and ideological and partisan opposition. We don’t round up our own posts. But I think Donviti and Geek deserve kudos for marching into the lion’s den, so to speak. Here is their work:

Donviti’s thoughts on the whole affair.

Jason notes that the Protack v. Copeland battle for the soul of the DE GOP begins with teabags.

In’tea’view 1

An In’tea’view with a Gun Nut

Our version of the Return of Pornstache.

The Teabag Dance.

I see crazy people.

You can’t teabag without pork.

The Spirit of Teabagging.

Chris’tea’na Riverfront photos.

Donviti and Geek’s Liveblog.

My thoughts on what comes next for the teabaggers.

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  1. RSmitty says:

    What, no mention of the “return of the router-comment-bot”?

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    I did mention the “Return of Pornstache,” didn’t I?


  3. RSmitty says:

    Oh sheesh, completely missed that. You should have tagged it as Ron Jeremy or cue-the-porn-soundtrack.

  4. Joe M says:

    Way too much mention of teabagging here.

    Time to go pray to the porcelain pope.

  5. Unstable Isotope says:

    Speaker of teabaggers, a new report shows that Faux News donated at least $500,000 in free commercials for the protests. That has to be the most organized “grass roots” initiative I’ve ever heard of. That’s about $2/participant. Do you think Faux gained anything from it?

  6. Delaware Dem says:

    No, but whatever credibility they had (and 0 is a number), they lost it.

  7. It was great to see members of Delaware Liberal at the Tea Party. I know they were impressed by the turnout and quality of the event. I enjoyed talking with them.

    Now for the stupidity of your post, Copeland vs Protack. There is no versus anyone or anything. We are two different people with different backgrounds but with fairly similar political beliefs.

    The struggle of the GOP in Delaware is to offer a set of ideas people can relate to and support not the petty personal things which motivate some on this blog.

    You speculate on differences which don’t exist but I look forward to having the Democratic Party try to wipe out the non stop poltical assault by then Treasurer Markell against the Lt Gov Carney.

    By the way, the turnout was over 800 people in Wilmington.

    Mike Protack

  8. The tea party’s couldn’t have been a bigger gift for the D’s

  9. Unstable Isotope says:

    Protack has mastered the art of taking a talking point and strangling the life out of it.

  10. Truth Teller says:

    Off the subject a bit but here is Susan Boyel’s first song she recorde a few years back.

    Enjoy folks this lady is GOOD

  11. R Smitty says:

    I have to admit that I am a bit disappointed that my one-post-a-month post didn’t generate much opinion. Of course WDEL totally hacked up my five minute response! 😉

  12. Lily says:

    From radical militia group to bogus tea bagging, to seccession talk to torture, to a party whose base is nothing more than angry middle aged white guys and southern rednecks, just how low can the GOP go?

    How about Scott Murphy winning a special election in a republican district after Michael Steele guaranteed victory?

    With all of the unchallenged absentee and overseas military ballots counted, Democrat Scott Murphy leads Republican Jim Tedisco by 273 votes. It’s over. Murphy has won.

    So much for all that anger that would result in GOP wins.

    And then there’s Al Franken, who may be seated by mid-May.

    Um. And the dems are raising a ton of money, espeically the new House freshamn. On the Senate side, only Roland Burris is in danger of losing in 2010, but the dems are in position to pick up three or four Senate seats and may have a fillibuster proof majority by 2010.

    And some republican governors who cried and whined about stimulus money and then took it (Sanford, Jindall, Perry) are being targeted by the dems.

    The point: It could get way worse for the GOP before it gets better.

  13. anonone says:

    The point: It could get way worse for the GOP before it gets better.

    It will NEVER get better. Political parties come and go. It has happened often in our history. The GOP is going to fracture into pieces and disappear.

  14. xstryker says:

    On the Senate side, only Roland Burris is in danger of losing in 2010

    Not true. Dodd’s in danger. And if the GOP can recruit former gov. Bill Owens, then Colorado’s new Senator, Michael Bennet, could face a tough challenge.

  15. preerfunc says:

    I’m the only one in this world. Can please someone join me in this life? Or maybe death…