I’m callin it, it’s only because she’s ugly

Filed in National by on April 18, 2009

Can we freaking move on from this heinous singer supposedly discoverd on Europe’s version of American Idol.  OH MY GOD!  She is UGLY and she can sing.  Holy shit do you people see that?  Good god that is one ugly woman….but wait….she can sing.  What are the odds?  This is…this is….this is a freaking miracle!

Who knew?

Go figure, people that aren’t models and are not hot as myself really do have talents.

I’m watching something yesterday.  Inside Edition or some crap and there was even some blonde bobble head on tv saying that she didn’t think the lady should change her hairstyle.  It’s part of her allure she said.

Are you freaking kidding me?  Her allure?  You mean, it’s unattractive as hell and if we go gussying her up, my god it would take away from how f’ing ugly she is.  WTF?

If there was ever any doubt that there were egotistictal and superficial people reading you the news, this story leaves no doubts.


I’m waiting for them to bring out an over weight person and have them wipe their ass…

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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    I object to ugly people being allowed on TV. Even if they can sing. I mean what next….smart people?

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    I’m with you DV. I don’t understand the big deal. Everyone automatically thought she would be terrible because she didn’t conform to traditional beauty standards? Is our society really that shallow?

    LOL, Jason about smart people. I know a lot of people like CSI and it’s kind of science-y, but my husband and I laugh at it. We say it’s like doing science but everyone is hot. That’s not too much like real life.

    I thought she sang really well and I hope she has a long and prosperous career.

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    Hahahaha. She is a great singer, and singing is for listening, not watching. LOL.

  4. anonone says:

    You’re heartless, man.

  5. Joanne Christian says:

    Yes, UI our society really is that shallow.

    Hef, I’m not going to even address where you place Miss Boyle on the “DV Tail Scale”, but what best highlighted her appearance to me–was the fact, she got the heck out there and just SANG. No costuming gimmick of “daisy dukes”, crocheted halters, come hither wear, and sequined stilettos. She was the purest form of amateur–and probably the very intent and purpose of the show’s original mission. She’s unclaimed treasure in my book–raw talent identified–and now Hollywood can step in!! That’s the story I applaud her for–and not the usual strategic road to this spot of opportunity.

  6. You think he’s heartless? I took one look and said “Never been kissed? I can see why. Your foreheads would collide before your lips met.”

    …and how’s this for cynical. I thought her singing was only ok. It was good at first, but she didn’t build the song as the song was building. Sang with no emotion, didn’t feel it. I wasn’t sold.

    If she was pretty, someone would have said that to her.

    Just like that damn blind kid on American Idol. Paula criticized him once, ONCE, and everyone jumps down her throat. So she told a blind kid he had no stage presence, big deal. He didn’t.

    His singing was mediocre (by AI standards) and America had to vote him off because the judges didn’t have the balls to tell him to go home.

  7. Dana says:

    UI asked:

    Everyone automatically thought she would be terrible because she didn’t conform to traditional beauty standards? Is our society really that shallow?

    Depends on what you mean by “shallow.” The episode certainly indicated that we — the Brits, actually, but the same would]ve happened here — have our prejudices and preconceptions. Had Miss Boyle been a babe, people would still have been surprised that she is as good as she is, but not so absolutely stunned as they were.

    Part of it is due to the video music culture: music isn’t good anymore unless you can make it into a video, and for female singers, that means dressing scantily and hot and being able to do a film which makes them objects of desire and lust.

    Miss Boyle has range, depth, clarity and projection; for a virtually untrained singer, her performance was amazing. If she had had some real training behind her, she’d have been a top operatic performer by now, if that was what she wanted.

  8. jason330 says:

    But she isn’t good looking, so what’s your point?

  9. anonone says:

    I thought she’d be bad not because of her looks, but because of her speaking voice. But she did a great job with that song, regardless of your critique, Brian. It is not an easy song. She “sold it” to millions; you not withstanding.

    And, yes, heartless, DV. You too, Brian.

  10. jason330 says:

    Just like that damn blind kid on American Idol. Paula criticized him once, ONCE, and everyone jumps down her throat. So she told a blind kid he had no stage presence, big deal. He didn’t.

    I missed the whole set up and had no idea that kid was blind. I remember saying, “Okay singer, but what weird dude. It is like he has never been around people before.” When Brian Selander Brian Seacrest tried to high five him, I was like – “Who in the world has never heard of a high five?”

  11. Unstable Isotope says:

    Ryan Seacrest, Jason. Brian Selander works for Markell. LOL. That high five mishap was pretty funny because it made Seacrest look like a dope. Who tries to high five a blind guy?

    I think it is very difficult for women to break through in the music business if they aren’t good-looking. Look at some of the pop stars they’re selling us now – the record labels are much more likely to take a good-looking but mediocre singer than an average-looking great singer. They can use voice correction software and canned music during shows. How else would Jessica Simpson or Britney Spears have a career?

    Even great singers that aren’t as beautiful (like Christina Aguilera) feel the need to sex themselves up. How many pictures of pop stars have I seen lately wearing hot pants on stage?

  12. The Beast Who Slumbers wants to thank Joanne for writing “daisy dukes”, crocheted halters, come hither wear, and sequined stilettos.” In less than a full sentence, she has summed up his entire fantasy life from high school to the present (well, maybe she could have thrown in that Robert Palmer video…).

    Actually, El Somnambulo doesn’t see why it’s such a big deal. He always knew that John Cleese could sing. Add in that fright wig and frumpy dress, and what did you expect?

  13. truth teller says:


    Can’t make up my mind which one i like the most

    sweeter yet

  14. Unstable Isotope says:

    Ah, the backlash is beginning. I don’t think she’s an untrained singer. She’s obviously been trained. But I think that she probably wasn’t given much of shot because of the way that she looks. Did Simon bring in a ringer? I don’t really believe it, but anything is possible.

  15. delacrat says:

    Don V.

    The gal’s had a hard life and now she gets a break.

    So what if she’s not easy on the eye.

    Feel good for her.

  16. delacrat,

    It has nothing to do with me. The reason she is famous is because she is ugly. They are treating her as if she is special because she is ugly and has talent. All I’m saying is…no shit…people that aren’t in media and tv aka real people can do things like sing, dance, play football and ….gasp….aren’t pretty. It’s not shocking…at all

  17. Joanne Christian says:

    Got it DV–like a bottled blond with brains–or Patrick Swayze on toe.

    But you can’t deny the usual marketing package that comes with the performer, intrigues the second or closer look. She had to come out and be “tolerated”, before her vetting.

    People aside–name a product that is probably under the radar commercially, but is GREAT when discovered. ( Hey–there’s a poll suggestion!)

  18. The answer to the question is


  19. Reply to Joanne: Fabreze. ‘Bulo’s kids swear by it and, considering the alternative, who is the Beast Who Slumbers But Can Still Smell to disagree?

  20. Dana says:

    Don’t see how she’s a “ringer.” Even if someone knew about her talent early and brought her in for this, it’s clear that she was a virtual unknown. If Mr Cowell knew in advance, so what? It’s clear that the audience didn’t, both live and watching the broadcast.

    As for the suggestion that she’s a trained singer, it hardly seems likely that she got much training: anyone in a position to do the training would have moved heaven and earth to get her some sort of contract, because that would have been money, money, money.

  21. anonone says:

    She is a trained singer – she has been singing since she was 12, but not professionally, mostly in Churches and Karaoke places.

    The great part of the story was the she took the chance and auditioned despite her age and circumstances.

    It’d be like DV starting a blog and telling the world he wanted to me the next “DailyKOS.” 🙂

  22. cassandra_m says:

    I just saw the one video on You Tube, and I don’t think that she was a ringer , nor do I think that Cowell knew. One of the things that I think is so compelling about that video is Cowell’s reaction — the cynical armor just fell away and you can see that in the video.