John Carney for Congress

Filed in Delaware by on April 18, 2009

is now on Facebook and Twitter.

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    You learn interesting things on Facebook. Jerry Northington is signed up to the Carney for Congress FB group. I guess that means he isn’t planning on running again. We’ll have to watch to see if Karen Hartley-Nagle signs up too.

  2. I signed up for both the Twitter and Facebook groups, doesn’t mean I am not opposed. It just means I want to keep an ear to the ground.

    He could just want to keep a close eye on his potential adversary. A “keep your friends close and enemies closer” sort of thing.

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    true, it is not necessarily a sign of support. But for the candidate himself to follow another candidate, I think that is a statement.

  4. True. Espionage is so much more entertaining an idea.

  5. Rebecca says:

    No espionage Brian. Jerry supports John.

  6. Thanks, ruin my fun.