At What Point Does The Exception Become The Rule?

Filed in National by on April 20, 2009

Having been away this weekend I missed this gem of a message left on Kel Munger’s voice mail.  I believe it speaks for itself and accurately sums up the mindset behind the Tea Parties.  How many more signs, interviews, and comments similar to the one below have to take place before everyone stops pretending that these “protests” were about anything substantive.

Uh, yeah, Kel, my name is Liz and I was at the same Sacramento tea party you were. And I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about about the black stuff, you’re probably black yourself, I guess. I don’t know whether you’re some kind of hate monger … maybe goes with your last name, Munger.

Anyway, as far as the black people showing up, there were quite a few black people and they were probably intelligent ones that weren’t home on welfare where the rest of ‘em probably were, and a lot of hispanics that we’re paying for that are illegally here. So next time you write an article you better write it right because there was a black man that sung the tea party song in case you missed that one, and there was also a black guy from Hollywood, a comedian, who was up there speaking to the crowd.

The next time you decide to write your slanted view get your fucking facts straight you fucking asshole.

Welfare?  Illegal immigrants?  The scary thing is… the caller believes she was being complimentary to the intelligent ones.  Seriously, how many vile comments have to occur before we acknowledge the racism festering in the heart of the tea parties?   I winced as I typed the “R” word, but I’ve reached the point where racism is the only explanation for the overwhelming displays of hate rampant last Wednesday.  And don’t even get me started on the secession talk and the symbolism being employed by certain politicians of the South Rising Again.

It’s time to stop turning a blind eye to what’s really going on.  How many signs and comments are needed to tip the scales; to turn the one crazy person defense into the rule rather than the exception?  And for those few of you (aka the exceptions) seriously concerned about the country… get your damn political house in order!  Your silence is speaking.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (45)

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  1. Tom S. says:

    Were you at the Wilmington Tea Party?

  2. Von Cracker says:

    Open Mouth.

  3. Von Cracker says:

    Same mindset as the GOP saying that they aren’t the party of racists just because Lexington Mike Steele is black.

    A token black man from Hollywood absolves the re-re’s of all their sins! LOL!

    Gotta love the intellectual detachment of the caller…

    “We’re not fearmongering, selfish racists! The only 3 intelligent blacks on the planet protested with us!”

    And Tom S, what does your question have to do with anything? Or are you just speechless from the stupidity that permeates from your party’s base?

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    The Republicans are stoking this resentment. Why do they act surprised when the supporters they have left express these feelings?

  5. pandora says:

    Tom proves my point by attempting to make the Wilmington Tea Party the exception – which it wasn’t.

    You guys are running out of exceptions.

  6. Von Cracker says:

    Well according to DV there were about two persons of color at the Wilmington “event”.

    From what I’ve seen, all of those “events” were just de facto Palin 2012 rallies…meaning, of course, no clear coherent, non-contradictory messages….just an opportunity to whine about the president being a black person.

    “Socialism” most certainly has become a code word, a dog whistle, if you will, for ni**er. If not, then why wasn’t the Bushes, Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower levied with the same critique from the right?

    Gov’t spending as a % of GDP has consistently hovered between 30-40% since Nixon

  7. Tom S. says:

    “Tom proves my point by attempting to make the Wilmington Tea Party the exception – which it wasn’t. ”

    Damn right it wasn’t. You should have been there, it was nice.

    ““Socialism” most certainly has become a code word, a dog whistle, if you will, for ni**er.”


    Or maybe its for socialism….

  8. Von Cracker says:

    Maybe you’re ignorant?

  9. cassandra_m says:

    You have to give Tom S some leeway — he, like most of his GOPer brethren have no idea what socialism really is.

  10. Tom S. says:

    Do you guys know me? At all?

    You are trying to comment on a movement from afar, from secondary sources. I’m actually in it. I think I’m a tad more qualified to comment on it.

    You wish we were racists. You want a simple narrative where a bunch of rednecks dislike your policies because the head of your party is black. I’m sorry to disappoint.

  11. liberalgeek says:

    Tom – I did come to the event. There were one or two African-Americans in the place. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the movement is racist, but it certainly didn’t appeal to many African-Americans.

    I also would guess that the movement does appeal to racists. This doesn’t mean that the movement is racist either, but it certainly didn’t go to any lengths to tell those people that they weren’t welcome.

  12. cassandra_m says:

    What we do know is that you have no idea what socialism is — you’ve been repeating that since McCain/Palin introduced that to your lexicon some months back. Most people didn’t beleive that they knew what they were talking about, either.

    And the simple narrative is that the tea parties were about 200K hard core repubs who had no idea what they were protesting other than they were mad they lost.

  13. Von Cracker says:

    Can’t educate a tree stump, I guess.

    Seriously though – they tried to brand Obama as nothing but a Community Organizer, even though he practiced and taught law, became a state senator, then a US Senator well after….

    Ask 10 white conservatives what and who do you think of when you hear the term “Community Organizer” and I’ll bet you 10 to 1 that a majority will say “Jesse Jackson”, “Al Sharpton”, “Welfare”, “IV Drug Users”, “Half-way Houses”. In other words, it’s all about minorities sucking the System Teat.

    And to the sheep, the leap from CO to Socialist is not a far one to make…yes, it makes no sense to the educated, but the words are similar enough for the dittoheads.

    Why did the GOP harp on Obama’s time as a CO, again?

  14. cassandra_m says:

    Don’t tell these guys that the teabaggings were exercises in Community Organizing.

  15. liberalgeek says:

    No, Community Organizers don’t have access to cable news networks.

  16. nemski says:

    Tom S wrote You wish we were racists. You want a simple narrative where a bunch of rednecks dislike your policies because the head of your party is black. I’m sorry to disappoint.

    Laugh out fucking loud.

  17. Von Cracker says:

    That’s the point Cass; most of the rank and file has zero idea….

    This sums it up pretty well.

  18. Dorian Gray says:

    Tom – Where were the protest for Medicare part D prescription drug plan or whatever? No cries for socialism, that’s interesting.

    When pallets of $100 bills from the Fed disappeared in Iraq… nobody tossed Tetley into the Christiana.

    This is about Obama and Obama only which stinks of partisan hackery and racism. I don’t wish you were racists – I frankly could not care less. You are delusional and stupid though, which, as Nemski said, is fucking hilarious.

  19. Dorian Gray says:

    VC – YouTube removed the clip at your link. Sorry buddy.

  20. Tom S. says:

    “What we do know is that you have no idea what socialism is — you’ve been repeating that since McCain/Palin introduced that to your lexicon some months back.”


  21. Von Cracker says:

    Sorry for the link – it’s pathed correctly but goes to a different page…

    here is it:

  22. pandora says:

    Actually Toms’ been talking the Obama is a socialist meme for quite some time.

    The Democratic party had two options; a moderate liberal and a rather extremist liberal. If they had gone with Hillary they would have had a better shot at the 2008 election, the 2012 election and so on but they would have advanced the leftist agenda less. Barack’s Socialism will be unpopular and if he somehow manages to capture the 2008 election he will be packing his bags by 2012, but how much damage can he get done by then?

    Barack will play poorly in the polls and if elected will pave the way for a very conservative president in 2012 (it takes a Carter to get a Reagan) but in those 4 years a lot could happen.

    So, in the long run are we better off with the moderation of McCain right now or would we be better off with Reagan part II trying to undue 4 years of Socialism in 2012?

  23. a. price says:

    if only Obama really was a socialist.

  24. cassandra_m says:


    And I note that I told you didn’t know what the word meant then, either.

  25. Von Cracker says:

    Good work ladies!

    And to your point, Cass….why would someone continue to use a word without ever taking the time to understand its meaning?

    Does it mean something else we’re not aware?

  26. Unstable Isotope says:

    Pandora and Cass just proved how smart Tom S. isn’t.

  27. Tom S. says:

    Socialism is state control of the means of production.

    I’ve seen the government take a controlling interest in several banks, automobile companies, investment groups, I’ve seen them pay off people’s mortgages. I hear talk (from the president) of government intervention in health care, tertiary education, even the energy sector.

    I know what socialism is and I stand by what I’ve said.

  28. Von Cracker says:

    Then I’m sure you’ve been pissy about all the socialism going on since Nixon, eh?

    Shorter – Why now?

  29. Tom S. says:

    “Then I’m sure you’ve been pissy about all the socialism going on since Nixon, eh?”

    Indeed I have been.

  30. if you know what socialism is, why do you vote for the people that keep pushing the country that way

  31. cassandra_m says:

    Well it took you long enough to look it up, but you still don’t quite have it right:

    controlling interest in several banks, automobile companies, investment groups, I’ve seen them pay off people’s mortgages

    The banks and the auto companies were on the brink of catastrophic meltdown. Right now, the government has controlling interest in a few banks and there’s technically no controlling interest in car companies — just a few companies eager to do what they can to not have to face bankruptcy. Car companies are pretty free to say NO and go under. I have no idea what investment groups are being bailed out, except for the AIG financial products group, but the government pretty much owns all of AIG right now because otherwise it is BK for them and a bunch of the banks that just posted their profits.

    And there’s always been government intervention in health care, tertiary education, even the energy sector, but that intervention (not controlling ownership) doesn’t make it socialism.

    One wonders why one has to continue to explain these business basics to the so-called Party of Business.

  32. Von Cracker says:

    Then my apologies, Tom.

    My criticism on this topic isn’t towards you….especially if you consider Nixon a Socialist! 😀

  33. Von Cracker says:

    Tom got mad when we bailed out Pan Am.

  34. pandora says:

    Tom’s outrage is suspiciously convenient. Was he out tea bagging Bush’s prescription drug program? Thought so…

  35. cassandra_m says:

    If Tom understood budgets at all he would have been teabagging the BushCo tax cuts — because those tax cuts wiped out our surplus and introduced structural deficits over the past 7 years.

  36. Tom S. says:

    “if you know what socialism is, why do you vote for the people that keep pushing the country that way”

    Do you know who I vote for? Between the Republicans and the Democrats I think you’d be pretty hard pressed to push the argument that I’d see a shrinkage of government under the D’s.

    “The banks and the auto companies were on the brink of catastrophic meltdown.”

    Let them collapse, aren’t you the folks always complaining that no one buys Americans cars anyway?

    “that intervention (not controlling ownership) doesn’t make it socialism.”

    Would you argue that it isn’t a step in that direction?

    “One wonders why one has to continue to explain these business basics to the so-called Party of Business.”

    We’re running on what? 17 years of Democratic control? How is this state doing again?

    “Was he out tea bagging Bush’s prescription drug program? Thought so…”

    Remind me again, adjusted for inflation, how many Louisiana purchases could have been made with Bush’s prescription drug plan?

    “If Tom understood budgets at all he would have been teabagging the BushCo tax cuts — because those tax cuts wiped out our surplus and introduced structural deficits over the past 7 years.”

    Those tax cuts were made to force a cut in government to be politically necessary, don’t act like you don’t know that.

  37. cassandra_m says:

    aren’t you the folks always complaining that no one buys Americans cars

    No, actually. The fact that they can’t sell their cars is why they are on the brink. I would prefer to let them go, but there are no pols out there who would let this business go. If anything because they will take some suppliers with them, which will pretty seriously damage those that are left.

    Would you argue that it isn’t a step in that direction

    No. Not in the way that they are managing those shares at any rate. The banks still tell them how to vote those shares to the detriment of us all.

    17 years of Democratic control
    We’re still talking about the US here, Sparky. You are the only one here who would have fallen for that lame head fake.

    Those tax cuts were made to force a cut in government to be politically necessary

    No government was cut, fool — they added the prescription drug program, the War on Terror and the Patriot Act costs at least to the budget and they cut nothing.

  38. cassandra_m says:

    Wish I had seen this photo last week!

    So true.

  39. pandora says:

    LOL, Cassandra! That made my night!

  40. Unstable Isotope says:

    LOL Cassandra!

  41. Von Cracker says:

    That sign is AWESOME!!!

  42. pandora says:

    Our counter-protesters are more clever than their protesters!

  43. Miscreant says:

    “Socialism” most certainly has become a code word, a dog whistle, if you will, for ni**er.

    Apparently, you get your talking points from Jill Tubman. It was stupid and inflammatory when she said it. That same statement… *borrowed, enhanced* and used by you, merely remains stupid.

    “…There were one or two African-Americans in the place. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the movement is racist, but it certainly didn’t appeal to many African-Americans.”

    Which is (with the notable exception of yours truly… long story) two more African-Americans than write for, or comment on , Delaware Liberal. Not even a “token” (reference post # 3 – by VC) .

    Why do people hate African-Americans?

  44. liberalgeek says:

    Hmmm. Well, we do have an African American contributor here and a few that comment here. But in the blogosphere, no one knows what you look like. Although I usually picture you as a leggy blonde, Mis.

  45. Von Cracker says:

    You attack, Mis, by calling my observation “stupid” and “inflammatory” but offer no reason on why it is so…..

    The totality of the evidence – Palin and Paul supporters (who were overtly racial in their criticism toward Obama during the election) made up most of the ‘protesters’. There’s plenty of evidence of consistently calling, no screaming that a sitting president is a “SOCIALIST”, even though that term has never been levied by so many detractors before to another president. Consider that when you look at the marginal increase in gov’t spending as part of GDP over the past 30 years; it hasn’t increased much. And considering the problems we have today, the spending would have been less than what it was under Bu$hCo, if the economy was in fine shape.

    All in all, I believe my assessment is a valid one. And btw – I began talking about the “Socialist” dog whistle before the posted link above was ever written…..So there!