Delaware Liberal

At What Point Does The Exception Become The Rule?

Having been away this weekend I missed this gem of a message left on Kel Munger’s voice mail.  I believe it speaks for itself and accurately sums up the mindset behind the Tea Parties.  How many more signs, interviews, and comments similar to the one below have to take place before everyone stops pretending that these “protests” were about anything substantive.

Uh, yeah, Kel, my name is Liz and I was at the same Sacramento tea party you were. And I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about about the black stuff, you’re probably black yourself, I guess. I don’t know whether you’re some kind of hate monger … maybe goes with your last name, Munger.

Anyway, as far as the black people showing up, there were quite a few black people and they were probably intelligent ones that weren’t home on welfare where the rest of ‘em probably were, and a lot of hispanics that we’re paying for that are illegally here. So next time you write an article you better write it right because there was a black man that sung the tea party song in case you missed that one, and there was also a black guy from Hollywood, a comedian, who was up there speaking to the crowd.

The next time you decide to write your slanted view get your fucking facts straight you fucking asshole.

Welfare?  Illegal immigrants?  The scary thing is… the caller believes she was being complimentary to the intelligent ones.  Seriously, how many vile comments have to occur before we acknowledge the racism festering in the heart of the tea parties?   I winced as I typed the “R” word, but I’ve reached the point where racism is the only explanation for the overwhelming displays of hate rampant last Wednesday.  And don’t even get me started on the secession talk and the symbolism being employed by certain politicians of the South Rising Again.

It’s time to stop turning a blind eye to what’s really going on.  How many signs and comments are needed to tip the scales; to turn the one crazy person defense into the rule rather than the exception?  And for those few of you (aka the exceptions) seriously concerned about the country… get your damn political house in order!  Your silence is speaking.

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