If You’re Okay With Water Boarding Then…

Filed in International by on April 21, 2009

… Would you understand if the Iranians water boarded Roxana Saberi?

Reporting from Cairo and Tehran — An Iranian American journalist accused of spying for the U.S. was sentenced Saturday by an Iranian court to eight years in prison, a move likely to put a chill on the Obama administration’s efforts to improve relations with Tehran.  Roxana Saberi, 31, who had reported for the BBC and National Public Radio, faced espionage charges during a trial Monday before Iran’s Revolutionary Court.

Such slippery slopes.

I think this is tragic situation, and I’m in no way making light of it.  I’m trying to show how we, as a country, have lost the moral high ground when it comes to torture.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. anonone says:

    That is exactly right, Pandora. People who support torture of “them” don’t understand the what that does to “us.”

    You’re on a roll today!

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    The ticking time bomb exception never made much sense. If you knew there was a bomb and you knew the person you had in custody knew where it was, THEN it’s ok to torture? If so, is it ok to torture that person’s kids or wife or neighbors?

    Really what the torture apologists are saying is that the ends justify the means and that it’s ok when we do it because we have good intentions.
    Do they even realize that the U.S. executed Japanese soldiers for doing the same thing? And we really did drop a couple of atomic bombs on Japan.

  3. kaveman says:

    And now we know that Obama has gone to CIA HQ and said they’re all protected from prosecution for water-boarding suspects.

    Who has the moral high ground now? Sometimes I get confused.

    Don’t even try to retort with the recent statement that Holder can prosecute the Bushies who ordered the torture unless you REALLY believe that’s EVER going to happen.

  4. pandora says:

    Didn’t answer the question.