Miss California Brings On The Stupid

Filed in National by on April 21, 2009

… Or, given her stunning answer, perhaps her country of California wants to secede as well.



About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. Miscreant says:

    While I don’t agree with her views on gay marriage, she had the courage to speak them… only to be ridiculed and demonized by an elitist poseur.

    Wait a minute. That happens here on a daily basis.

  2. pandora says:

    My problem with her answer has nothing to do with being for or against gay marriage. My problem is that she sounded like an idiot. But maybe I’m being too hard on her – it’s not like gay marriage has been an issue in California.

  3. nemski says:

    Pandora, you’re an elitist poseur? Well, good for you.

    BTW, could you share how you demonize people? If not, could I send you a list.

  4. pandora says:

    Well, I know how I annoy people, but demonize? Send the list, Nemski.

  5. Unstable Isotope says:

    Opposite marriage. She sounded pretty dumb but now she’s playing the Christian martyr card.

  6. anonone says:

    If they want the show to be a success, they need to have a homely 47 year old contestant that everybody thinks will be really really smart so she can surprise everybody with an utterly dumb answer.

  7. anon says:

    Dozens of men in Sarah Boyle’s village probably looked at her and decided to marry other guys instead.

  8. cassandra_m says:

    Who knew that Miscreant was a devotee of the self-esteem movement — where all you have to do is just show up to get your gold star of the day. If you look at that clip there wasn’t even much courage — her message was that it is really great that people can choose who they marry (which is wrong, that applies if you live in the right places) and then goes on to say that she doesn’t think that is right. There isn’t much courage in looking to support both sides of an argument.

    And for nemski — the demonization is in actually noticing that she was talking out of both sides of her mouth, but blaming her loss on the homosexual agenda. Can’t wait to hear how that is courageous.

  9. anonone says:

    You know what? Since I am a liberal type of person, I’d still teabag with her.

  10. Miscreant says:

    … on a daily basis…

  11. Unstable Isotope says:

    Haha Cass…

    Her answer was isn’t it great people can choose who to marry, I don’t like it.

  12. anonone says:

    I think we should give her a break.

    It is hard to answer a question when all you’re thinking about is in what direction you should be pointing your breasts.

  13. Geezer says:

    Are we supposed to think you’re a swell guy, Mis, just because you support gay marriage?

  14. Miscreant says:

    Is that it? You shot your wad on that question? It’s totally irrelevant what you think of me, as long as you dance for me.

  15. Von Cracker says:

    If you know who owns the Miss Barbie pageant, then you know who wrote those leading questions.

  16. Mrs XStryker says:

    A pretty girl opened her mouth and said something stupid, and for some crazy reason it’s news.

  17. a. price says:

    I see this backfiring on the libs. Perez Hilton is an annoying, loud mouthed, vapid, joke. Yes, what White-Teeth Titties-McBlondie said was dumb, however, she DID seem to be trying to communicate a right to choose. Meaning she would support “same marriage” being legal, but wouldn’t choose it for herself… a very liberal (lowercase) idea. and for that, she was called a “c word” by a .. let’s face it….. flaming homo.

    before everyone gets upset, yes she is dumb….. but looking at it as far as public opinion goes… i think she wins, Perez… and thus the movement he claims to lisp… er uh .speak for.. loses.

  18. callit says:

    Opposite Marriage.

  19. pandora says:

    Too much coffee this morning, a. price?

    This isn’t about Perez Hilton – although he’ll do everything in his power to make it about him. In fact, I deliberately didn’t include his rant in the post.

  20. a. price says:

    FirstOfAllPandora,ThereIsNoSuchThingAs TooMuchCoffee!!!!!!!!!!!!! I understand YOU didn’t make THIS post about Perez, but, the way it is playing out, it his Perez against .. well a beauty queen who wants to marry a man.. c’mon we all know this country..

  21. Gina Lola says:

    Look DUDE! She is just another typical dumb blond from California. If she had more than just two brain cells to rub together, she could have given a less obvious and diplomatic comment like “I don’t have the right to make a comment on that issue because it is only God that can truly judge what is right and wrong in other people’s person lives” ….if she wanted to be a good little Jesus girl. Of course how good of a so called Christian could she be since is she is parading her half naked A$$ out for America to see. It’s a SIIINNNN isn’t it?…. for men to see you like that outside of marriage eh? I mean Jesus was a virgin dude who died around the age of 35 with no wife and kids and hung out with 12 nomadic dudes …….HMMMM….so Jesus was just a good virgin too right, he wasn’t gay…nor married with kids and the Catholic church just covered that up after the fact eh?……but if that was me up there, I would have been like ” I support equal civil rights for all Americans regardless of what that right is and whether I personally agree with it or not.” It’s called kissing ass, cuz this is the real world dumbitch! That’s how you win with brains and bullshit!

  22. R Smitty says:

    I disagree with her attempted answer, but at least she (tried) to answer for herself, not what she thought people wanted to hear. In the bigger picture, I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about this pageant.

    Anyway, although I disagree with her answer, it’s getting even worse in that the director of this pageant organization in CA twittered that this is why they have judges, so people like this (Ms CA) won’t have a place. Not verbatim, but to that effect. So, what looks worse now, the bubble-headed-bleach-blond (thanks to Don Henley for that line) and her answer, or the organization for the dipshit leader wanting to play thought police as a screening criteria?

    Drop all these pageants, anyway, and reallocate the scholarships for people who earn it academically.