Poll: Favorite Stooge?

Filed in National by on April 21, 2009


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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

Comments (45)

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  1. nemski says:

    I left Shemp off the list as well as Curly Joe and Joe Besser, because let’s face it — we all know that Shemp is the Ringo of the Three Stooges.

  2. RSmitty says:


    nyuk nyuk nyuk

  3. pandora says:

    Hey, where’s the none of the above choice? I am convinced that the biggest difference between the sexes is the Three Stooges. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. RSmitty says:

    Curly, of course (the original, thank you).

    Poor Shemp. Had the task to replace the real superstar. The man did well, and deserves respect, as well.

    Curly Joe and Joe Besser? Eesh.

  5. RSmitty says:

    I am convinced that the biggest difference between the sexes is the Three Stooges.

    Well, Pandora went and admitted it. Males are the ones with a sense of humor.

  6. nemski says:

    pandora just keeps on proving her elitist poseur creds.

  7. I think Shemp is the obvious choice

  8. RSmitty says:

    Nice modification on the poll, BTW, nemski.

    Hey, P, look! You have a poll choice now!

  9. nemski says:

    RSmitty, I have to disagree with Males are the ones with a sense of humor. After all, women marry men.

  10. RSmitty says:

    No, nemski, that apparently is a lapse of judgement to many. Um…my wife notwithstanding.

  11. nemski says:

    And Donviti continues to prove his loser creds by picking Shemp.

  12. pandora says:

    I will proudly – dare I say, elitistly (my new word) – vote for the new option.

  13. RSmitty says:

    That’s why he was my first choice for stooge (#2)!

  14. anon says:

    You may as well ask me to choose my favorite among my children.

  15. Miscreant says:

    Wasn’t Shemp the gay stooge?

  16. pandora says:

    Allow me to point out that as I type this the elitist poseurs are tied for first place.

  17. Unstable Isotope says:

    I’m also an elitist poseur. I don’t like the Stooges, and pretty much every woman I know doesn’t like the Stooges. They hit each other a lot. What’s funny about that?

  18. nemski says:

    They hit each other a lot. Whatโ€™s funny about that?

    I’m sorry, I don’t understand your question.

  19. pandora says:

    Psst… UI, we’re now in the lead!

  20. cassandra_m says:

    Oh dear. I like the Three Stooges. Is this going to mess with my elitist poseur or my demonization cred?

    My brother, my dad and I used to watch the Three Stooges almost every morning. My mother hated that. To this day we can still rattle off some of the routines — not that we do that much. That stunt was way cuter when we were really young.

  21. Unstable Isotope says:

    Woohoo for elitist poseurs!

  22. Another Mike says:

    I can’t believe I was the first vote for Moe. What’s going on here?

    My wife also thinks the Stooges are not funny. I think she’s humor-challenged. Reach into a phone and poke the person on the other end in the eyes? Now that’s funny.

    And Shemp was pretty good.

  23. anonone says:

    After all, women marry men.

    Only because they don’t have another legal option in most states.

  24. anon says:

    If this were a Stooges movie – Pandora by now would be covered with pies and clutching her pearls while water poured out of her chandeliers.

  25. RSmitty says:

    …all the while DV is doing a shuffle-circular dance, chanting, “nyuk, nyuk, nyuk” off in the corner.

  26. Von Cracker says:

    Where the love for Joe?

    Gotta go with Curly!

    Moe’s a dick and Larry’s weak….

  27. As a Stern fan, I had to vote for Larry.

    “I’m warning you….”

  28. Truth teller says:


  29. a. price says:

    Larry was a local guy…. i have to root for the philly vote out of reaction. … moe was always seen as the Leader, than Curly as the sweetheart… everyone who replaced Curly…. Larry got no love or attention, but he really held the group together. He is like the Tom Hamilton of the 3 Stooges
    (5 theoretical dollars to anyone who gets it without looking it up)
    now, if you REALLY want to get into it, i like Abbot and Costello better than the Stooges. Laurel and Hardy were hacks

  30. RSmitty says:

    He is like the Tom Hamilton of the 3 Stooges

    I love it…an Aerosmith reference in a 3 Stooges post!

    How true…in the late ’70’s, early-80’s…Perry goes on, thinking he can make a go alone, almost dies and ends up homeless. Whitford, already looking like death, goes it sort-of alone, does some duo piece of crap. Eventually comes back, still looks like death. He’s akin to the Tony Kaye (keyboardist) days of Yes: “WTF?!” You have Joey Kramer, but he’s a standard drummer, totally replaceable. Steven Tyler…how that dude even LIVED past the early-80’s is a chapter out of the Keith Richard’s book of cheating death. That gets us to Tom Hamilton. Decent bassist, but handled all the extravegance of stardom and “let it flow.” Despite that, he’s “that bassist dude.” Yup, definitely the LARRY of Aerosmith.

  31. a. price says:

    thankyou RSmitty! (btw, just got my july 3rd tickets for Aerosmith and ZZtop in Hershey!!!)

  32. RSmitty says:

    ap – I am the youngest among three brothers and I am pushing 40 right now. They span upwards to 9 years older than me. Even though I was way too young at Aerosmith’s first peak, I knew all I needed to know about the early toxic twins by the time I was 10.

    Honestly, though, getting back to the nature of this post, I really can’t stomach much of their product from mid-90’s, onward, I give that era a Curly Joe / Joe Besser rating.

  33. anonone says:

    Does anybody remember poor old Larry in his wheelchair doing commercials during afternoon cartoon shows basically begging for money to help him out in his old age?

  34. pandora says:

    Hmm… anyone check out the poll results lately?

  35. RSmitty says:

    Are you freeping the pols, P? Using a page out of the wingnut handbook?

  36. a. price says:

    oh, totally R, they cleaned up and got a little lame.. the Blues cover album was my favorite since Rocks… and that is saying a lot. apparently, the new album in the works is a little more akin to the Pre-Permanent Vacation days… and btw, i was born AFTER they got clean in the mid 80s.

    and pandora… i bet your favorite Aerosmith songs are like Angel and Crazy you snobby high brow humor elitist… rather than manly Badass songs like Sweet E, and Walkin the Dog. I refute those poll results because I think you have access to manipulate the results. this is just like the 2000 election, and you are cathy harris.

  37. Dorian Gray says:

    I was the oldest of three brothers… so I was always partial to Moe… ringleader and enforcer. But as VC said in #26 and as VC can attest as a real life witness… I am a huge dick. ๐Ÿ™‚

  38. pandora says:

    Nope! No need to freep. The Elites are speaking! The rest of you stooges can… eat cake.

  39. a. price says:

    watch it P…. i bet you have some idea how us Stooge fans settle our arguments….. think gun nuts and second amendment debates…

  40. Von Cracker says:

    LOL, DG. At first I thought it read: “I have”!

    Whoa – I never peaked in the locker room, I swear!

  41. liberalgeek says:

    I am an elitist.

  42. Dorian Gray says:

    HA! Truth be told I also got lucky in that department as well, so I’m told. Funny story about that. I’ll tell you tonight at the boozer. It’s a good story over beers with the other lads.

  43. miscreant says:

    Elitist stooges? Try the Marx Brothers. They were phenomenal.

  44. pandora says:

    You started this, Mis.

  45. liberalgeek says:

    I would be all over the Marx Bros. Those guys really were funny…