Poll: Do you have any phobias?

Filed in National by on April 23, 2009


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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. nemski says:

    I don’t have a fear of heights so much as a fear of falling.

  2. pandora says:

    I have a fear of heights, and I’m not that thrilled with flying either.

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    You don’t have “none” as a poll answer. I don’t think I have any phobias. Maybe I just haven’t discovered them yet.

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    I thought of one! I have a phobia that someone like Bush/Cheney will get into the presidency again.

  5. R Smitty says:

    Fundamentalist righties entering my bedroom.

  6. jason330 says:

    Poll questions & threads that get a million comments but don’t have much flair.

    (uh…Did I say that outloud?)

  7. R Smitty says:

    New fear: Jason criticizing polls.

  8. anon says:

    Fear of using my real name.

  9. For some reason, I have this thing with crowds. It is not the space factor, like claustrophobia. You could lock me in a dark closet and I’ll be fine, but take three people and place them within 5 square feet of me and I’ll move to some open space quickly like I’m being surrounded.

    I went to see Blake Lewis (who?) in a standing room only concert with my wife at the North Star Bar in Philly, surrounded by harmless screaming teenie boppers.. and it was all I could do to stand there and not get freaked out, leaving her there. All because they pushed up to the front and people were bumping into me constantly.

    I dunno, I don’t get it, I just can’t handle being in crowds.

  10. cassandra_m says:

    I have crowd/space phobias too. Space phobias is not a good thing for someone who has to be in a plane fairly often, although this is not really a big problem unless I have to be on very long flights like to Alaska or Guam. Big concerts used to be quite the production, although I could go to a sporting event with no real issues.

  11. Von Cracker says:

    Fear of a Black Hat. 😎

    Actually no fears except maybe for extreme heights. And I think that’s due to the plethora of ear infections I had as a child. I get vertigo-like symptoms, but I’m usually able to overcome it after getting used to the environment.

  12. R Smitty says:

    LOVE THAT MOVIE!!! “My Peanuts!”

    Damn! I didn’t know anyone outside my house even heard of that movie!

    Fear: making obscure references.

  13. a. price says:

    Tasty Taste bitches!!!!!

    i hate spiders. with an unfathomable passion. they are evil creatures who bring death and sadness wherever they go.
    if I’m in bed, and i see a spider, can’t sleep until i know it is dead.

  14. Von Cracker says:

    “Sometimes you gotta take out a bus, or a building or a whole bunch of motherfuckers.”

    – Tasty Taste on why he owns a bazooka

    Yup, this is one of those movies I watch anytime I come across it.