Just so I understand…

Filed in National by on April 26, 2009

….according to President Obama’s Republican critics, what the United States did during the Bush years was not torture. But torture is necessary.


Aren’t the Republicans, in their cowardice of not wanting to admit that they tortured when we all know they did, admitting to an even greater sin in their minds: that they did not do everything to keep America safe? For if torture works, and keeps America safe, then why are the Republicans scared to death to proudly admit that they love torture?

Like always, they are cowards.

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  1. pandora says:

    Gotta love logic. LOL, DD!

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    One of the ironies of this torture debate is that even Ronald Reagan declared the exact techniques used was torture and immoral. Perhaps their cowardice stems from not wanting to go against St. Ron.

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    I think they’re just trying every defense they can think of. So far we’ve got:
    1) partisan witchhunt!
    2) criminalizing politics!
    3) torture works!
    4) they’re bad people, much worse than us. They’d do it to us!
    5) it wasn’t so bad, we do it to our own troops
    6) 9/11!!!

    They’re incoherent, so that’s why they’re contradictory. When you believe what you’re saying you don’t have to keep finding new justifications.

  4. David says:

    I believe that enhanced interrogation is not torture.
    The treating of it as such is absurd and disingenuous at best and an unpatriotic undermining of our national security at worst. It was necessary, limited, and proper and I stand by the proper use of it. America will rue the day that this administration of panicky penny weights pretended to be securing our nation because they will either prove to be hypocrites when they have to do the same or we will suffer innocent deaths. Either way will hurt us.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    How very Christian of you.

  6. Geezer says:

    “I stand by the proper use of it.” Nobody cares where you stand, asshole. You can’t be imprisoned for doing it, more’s the pity.

    These are nothing but opinions stated as facts. And, as always, you are An Ignorant Man.

  7. David says:

    It is immoral to put the comfort of killers over the lives of the innocent.

  8. Unstable Isotope says:

    So now torture is the moral choice?

  9. anonone says:

    Ah, David show his inquisitor’s blood lineage when he assumes that all who are tortured are guilty. Because in his dark heart he knows that torture brings forth the guilt in all…

  10. pandora says:

    I’m not religious, but how on earth does David reconcile comment #7 with turn the other cheek. And wasn’t “The Passion of the Christ” about how Jesus suffered through torture?

    Everyone picks their own martyrs, David.

  11. cassandra_m says:

    It is immoral — not to mention profoundly stupid — to base prisoner interrogation policy on a TV show.

    Ronald Reagan would bitch slap all of you guys for reneging on his treaty.

    Not to mention Jesus.

  12. anonone says:

    but how on earth does David reconcile comment #7 with turn the other cheek.

    That is easy, pandora. That is what the person who is being tortured should do. After all, Christianity’s primary religious symbol is an instrument of extreme and barbaric torture.

    Maybe David should start wearing a waterboard pendant around his neck and a “Who would Jesus torture?” bracelet.