Delaware Liberal

Media Question of the Evening

A torture related media observation/question from Eric Boehlert:

Does anybody else think it’s odd, albeit telling, that for chunks of the corporate press corps, the emphasis surrounding the release of the Bush era torture memos is now centered on the political problems they’ve created for the Obama administration–how the memos reflect poorly on the current White Houseand not, y’know, what the memos say about the administration that actually okayed the law breaking in the first place?

Please note how the press has (surprise!) turned the torture memo story into a Beltway process one (i.e. the Obama White House is “creating confusion and political vulnerability”), and turned away from the larger issues at hand.

This is an interesting question, and goes to a fairly routine set of behavior that seems to want to find landmines for Democrats at the expense of looking at possible wrong-doing by Republicans. What do you think about this?

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