Breaking: John Carney To Run For House Seat

Filed in National by on April 29, 2009

Granted, it is only breaking news if is your only source for political news.

I guess Celia was feeling burned by not cottoning on to the fact that Carney was running when she made her triumphant return to blogging on April 23rd.

Anyway, it is official now. Carney is running. Everyone who has been wondering about that can now breath easy.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (9)

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  1. Reis says:

    Celia’s back!!!

    I always thought she should team up with Matthews in a kind of ‘sugar n’ salt’ type blog where one played the good cop, and the other played….

  2. jason330 says:

    She’s back. No “blue & gold” update though. (I’m refreshing the page every 8 minutes.)

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    The news is exactly two weeks old. So we now have seven time zones in the United States: Eastern (-5 GMT), Central (-6 GMT), Mountain (-7 GMT), Pacific (-8 GMT), Alaskan (-9 GMT), Hawaiian (-10 GMT), and Celian (- 2 weeks GMT).

  4. MJ says:

    Reis – it would actually be like Harold & Maude.

  5. Unstable Isotope says:

    Wow! I’m excited!

  6. Can’t get that kind of info anywhere else…except in some 3-month-old magazine in your dentist’s office.

  7. anon says:

    I hadn’t heard that Copeland was being talked about for treasurer, so that was one sentence of news in the article.

    Great – a useless guy for a useless job. Just what we need.

  8. Susan Regis Collins says:

    If my memory serves me properly wasn’t Scott Spencer the first to announce for congress?

  9. John Manifold says:

    Yes, and the Mets were in first place after Opening Day.