Delaware Liberal

More Tales from the Lunatic Fringe

Two more stories you couldn’t make up even on days when you took acid by mistake.

From the Moonie (aka Washington) Times:

RNC to Vote on Resolution Labeling Democrats ‘Socialists’

The funding fight comes on the heels of another open challenge to Mr. Steele’s authority. Unhappy RNC conservatives secured the signatures to force the committee to convene next month’s special meeting to vote on a resolution labeling Democrats as “socialists,” despite the chairman’s reservations about the political wisdom of the move.

The entire article describes all kinds of Rethug unhappiness with Michael Steele, and details an attempt to keep the party checkbook out of his hands. 

And, from Media Matters:

U. S. Rethug Congresswoman Calls Matthew Shepard Hate Crime Murder  a ‘Hoax’

North Carolina’s Virginia Foxx elucidates all of us (watch the embedded video on the link above, you have to hear that accent):

“The bill was named after a very unfortunate incident that happened, where a young man was killed, but we know that that young man was killed in the commitment of robbery. It wasn’t because he was gay. The bill was named for him, the hate crimes bill was named for him, but it’s, it’s really a hoax, that that continues to be used as an excuse for passing these bills.”[House Floor Speech, 4/29/09]

When is the national press gonna report the obvious, that most of the leaders of what’s left of this party are certifiably nuts?

BTW, a ‘bulo tip of the sombrero to AmericaBlog , which reported these stories, and which is a daily go-to for ‘bulo and should be for you as well.

LATE-BREAKING UPDATE: The Hate Crimes Bill so vigorously opposed by Foxx has just passed in the U.S. House of Representatives by a vote of 249 – 175.

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