Delaware Liberal

…Because, Of Course, Black People Really Don’t Matter

Rethug talking butthole Bryon (oops, it’s Byron, like the Lord) York says that Obama’s high job approval ratings are deceptively high b/c, well, let’s just let the Duke of York provide his own steel-trap logic:

On his 100th day in office, Barack Obama enjoys high job approval ratings, no matter what poll you consult. But if a new survey by the New York Times is accurate, the president and some of his policies are significantly less popular with white Americans than with black Americans, and his sky-high ratings among African-Americans make some of his positions appear a bit more popular overall than they actually are.

You see, black support should be downgraded on a curve. It shouldn’t count as much as white support b/c, ‘bulo guesses, whites are more…important? More…American? More…likely to read his crap? More…like the Lord of the Manor himself? 

Anyway, John Amato and his merry band of deconstructionists over at ‘Crooks and Liars’  give York the verbal flogging he deserves. Read it and just remember: The Republican Party truly is dominated by certifiable loonies.

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