Delaware Liberal

Around the Horn Friday Evening

Today is my birthday, so that is my excuse for this being late. But real life work keeps intruding.

Resolute Determination points us to a profile on Tom Kovach (a Republican we will be targeting) in the Delaware Today.

Kavips recaps the showdown between McCain campaign manager Steve Schmidt and Obama campaign manager David Plouffe at Clayton Hall on the University of Delaware campus (I suppose both men are dead from swine flu by this time, right?) Read for some nice revelations about Sarah Palin.

RSmitty battles for the soul of the Republican Party over at Delaware Politics.

Do you want to protest the proposed 8% pay cut for state employees in the Markell budget? Dana Garrett and Charlie Copeland give you the info.

Steve Newton and Art Downs prove that libertarians and conservatives are good, kind human beings too.

FrankKnotts of Delaware Politics is against Sen. Peterson’s school district consolidation bill. Larrimore wonders if it will save money.

Brian Shields reports on more tea bagging goodness to come. July 4? September 12? Excellent!!!

Steve Newton apologizes to the Delaware Libertarian Party and its Chairman.

RSmitty wonders if it is time to junk the Democratic and Republican party labels and just call our respective parties the Progressive and Conservative parties. Not to confuse RSmitty, but remember that during the 1980’s the dominant party in Canada was the Progressive Conservative Party. The joke was that the party did not go forwards or backwards, but was stuck in neutral.

Ever wonder where NYC subway cars go to die? Tommywonk has the answer.

Mike muses about his upcoming Census duties.

Tyler questions how an electric car would work for him.

Conservative, Republican Sussex County talking tax increases? Shocking what Republicans will do when actually faced with governing.

Shirley remembers Corporal Brandon Hardy, who died serving our country in Iraq three years ago this week.

Dana likes Governor Markell’s dose of reality to the racino lobby.

Kavips cheers the return of Aragon, who in our story is Governor Markell. He also decided that it was his turn to slam wRong Williams.

David Anderson offers his assessment of Governor Markell’s first 100 days in office.

Tommywonk covers the shareholder revolt at Bank of America.

Kavips shows how the Recovery Act has helped Delaware.

Nancy reveals that the Delaware Army National Guard has gone green.

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