Comment Rescue: Ted Kaufman Totally Pwns Tom Carper

Filed in National by on May 1, 2009

Nancy Willing points us to this Ryan Grim story at HuffPo which reports that Carper pulled in 1.5 million from the bank lobby.  And what did the banker’s get for their investment? Not simply Carper’s vote on the Durbin amendment, but a PR flack embedded in the Senate.

“Carper, however, the no vote from Delaware, said the issue was finished in the Senate. “My guess is we’re not going to see it again,” he said.

Spoken like a good little industry spokesperson. But wait, we have two Senators. What does our Jr. Senator think about our Sr. Senator’s vote?

It is easy to discern from this comment:

Sen. Ted Kaufman, a Democrat from Delaware, a state nearly wholly-owned by the financial industry, voted his conscience, opposing the banks. He is not running for reelection. “I’m liberated from fundraising,” said Kaufman afterwords. His Delaware colleague, Democrat Tom Carper, voted with the banks.

Yes. Everyone knows Carper is a fucking fraud and a loser owned outright by the banks. Even the Jr. Senator is candid about it. Too bad for America. Great for the banks and Carper’s campaign coffers.

How will this effect his next election? Not at all. Go back to sleep everybody. Carper will be Carper.  He does not need the banker’s money.  He just wants it.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (13)

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  1. anon says:

    The seeds are now sown for an “Out of touch with Delaware been in Washington too long” campaign against Carper.

  2. jason330 says:

    A decent primary challenge could only be presented by someone with tons of money and nothing to lose.

    …and everybody has something to lose.

  3. anon says:

    If Biden gets sick enough of Carper killing his administration’s agenda, maybe he can shake his tree and make something happen.

  4. You don’t need tons of money if you run a Lawton Chiles ‘nobody owns him’ type of race. You can turn lack of money into a positive that way. Besides, as Obama has shown, you can raise lots of $$’s from small donations.

    If progressives don’t identify a serious challenger to Robo-Candidate in 2012, then they shouldn’t bother bitching about him. Time to do something.

  5. jason330 says:


    Carper cannot be beaten in a Dem primary. I think I’m done with following this crap. Carper will never change and he will never be challenged. It is just a fact.

    I’m done yelling at the clouds.

  6. Unstable Isotope says:

    When you stop complaining and trying to do something, that’s when they win.

  7. Unstable Isotope says:

    That was some sweet pwnage from Senator Ted. Perhaps this is the beginning of Biden pushing back on Carper. Those so-called moderate Dems should be ashamed of themselves. Can we get mortgage cramdown through reconciliation or put it on a bill praising the great and wonderfulness of Tom Carper?

  8. I’m done yelling at the clouds.

    don’t write checks your poker playing butt can’t cash

  9. anonone says:

    Statements like Kaufman’s are the reason I think Carper would love to have Castle as his junior senator.

  10. Art Downs says:

    As a free-market enthusiast and an avowed opponent of state socialism, I suspect that Adam Smith never met a loanshark.

    There is a neo-populist streak in me that makes me question some contemporary banking practices.

    We are paying more and more and getting less and less. Fees are becoming more numerous and costly and have nothing to do with the cost of a service. They are imposed to maximize profits that often go into bloated salaries for a few executives.

    At one time, the fee for the bouncing of a check was rather modest but even $5 was a warning to keep more accurate records. Such mistakes were typically inadvertent and funds were quickly deposited to cover the shortfall. If the check was returned, the cost to the bank was minimal. If the check was honored, the cost of interest lost was likely a mere fraction of the earnings from interest on the ‘float’. Now a fee of $35 on an overdraft measured in pennies can trigger a chain reaction of overdrafts. This is just one of the rackets that some bankers play. Many regional banks play it straight and offer real service to the customers. Even the big boys and be very forgiving if you have a substantial ‘relationship’ with them.

    Credit card operations are rife with ripoffs. Perhaps the goal is to compensate for mismanagement in other sectors of the economy by boosting often automated responses to some indiscretion.

    This is not being 60 or even 30 days late but having a bill mislaid and not paid until a few days after the due date. That enticing ‘promotional rate’ suddenly goes up to ‘roach rates’ that were once associated with loansharks.

    Scum in the ‘financial industry’ have their financial lackeys in both parties and the recipients of their largesse should be targetted for political extinction.

    Yet the danger is an overreaction that will produce a cure worse than the disease.

  11. Rebecca says:

    As Dick Durban said, the banks own the senate and I fear that Senator Carper is just another example of this.

  12. skippertee says:

    I call all his offices and bitch whenever this carpet-bagger pisses me off.Especially today when he went to work for his true lords and masters;BANKS. Letting those loan-sharks set up business here was bogus.But when they say “JUMP”,old Tommy-boys like”HOW HIGH?”on the way up.Fucking creep.

  13. jim center says:

    I’m so pissed with Carper, I’ve called both of his offices every time he’s voted like a Repug. Last year before the election I told the person that answered the phone that I had asked Joe Biden to kick Carper’s ass and straighten him up. Lets all call his office and ask him to switch over to the Rethug party!