Delaware Liberal

Comment Rescue: Ted Kaufman Totally Pwns Tom Carper

Nancy Willing points us to this Ryan Grim story at HuffPo which reports that Carper pulled in 1.5 million from the bank lobby.  And what did the banker’s get for their investment? Not simply Carper’s vote on the Durbin amendment, but a PR flack embedded in the Senate.

“Carper, however, the no vote from Delaware, said the issue was finished in the Senate. “My guess is we’re not going to see it again,” he said.

Spoken like a good little industry spokesperson. But wait, we have two Senators. What does our Jr. Senator think about our Sr. Senator’s vote?

It is easy to discern from this comment:

Sen. Ted Kaufman, a Democrat from Delaware, a state nearly wholly-owned by the financial industry, voted his conscience, opposing the banks. He is not running for reelection. “I’m liberated from fundraising,” said Kaufman afterwords. His Delaware colleague, Democrat Tom Carper, voted with the banks.

Yes. Everyone knows Carper is a fucking fraud and a loser owned outright by the banks. Even the Jr. Senator is candid about it. Too bad for America. Great for the banks and Carper’s campaign coffers.

How will this effect his next election? Not at all. Go back to sleep everybody. Carper will be Carper.  He does not need the banker’s money.  He just wants it.

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