Delaware Liberal

Common Sense tells me this post is trying to say something

I venture over to the so called Common Sense site every once in a while to see what the oxymoron’s have to offer. I have those writers that I care for and those I don’t.  The kind hand that Art extended to me a few weeks ago not with standing, this post speaks volumes to me and I would like some other opinions before I fly off the handle on the name calling that appears to be one step removed from using a more common term close to the hearts of some people.

Obama appears to be making a play for the ghetto rat portion of his base by revising the penalty differential between powdered and processed cocaine. Crack possession is treated more harshly (for equal quantities) than the powdered variant. This seems to discriminate against minority offenders and this claim has a statistical basis but one can always lie with statistics.

uhhhhhh, wow. Ghetto rat.  Minority.  Crack.  No doubt Art is referring to the Irish Catholic segment I guess.

We have just begun to evaluate a short post but we have to digress a little into typical Art assumptions. Art has been pelted around before when it comes to his answers and his facts most recently by UI the chemist. Art isn’t a chemist and he was schooled by one.

Cocaine (unlike opiates) is not physiologically addictive. In the powdered form, it was considered an elitist treat. A gold coke spoon might be openly worn on a chain in a disco while a hypodermic syringe would mark one as a low-life. Coke was the ‘in drug’ with many of the beautiful people. Yet it is destructive to most users and is rather costly. I have never seen a regular user been able to escape a social harm from use of the drug and there are credible reports that some surgeons in California enjoy a nice income from restoring badly damaged nasal septums. Powder is still considered ‘cool’ in some circles. I would not snort a line if it were free and legal.

Uh, Anyone want to take a stab at the first sentence? Ok, I will. WRONG. It is physiolically addictive. Television would have been a better example but this is Art and in his own mind his facts are facts.  That is the world according to Art.

As far as his regular user comment.  I guess Art doesn’t know people on ADD meds…As for the rest “credible reports”? To use a Daily Show reference…”Some Guy” comes to mind.

And this little piece of booger sugar is priceless:  “Powder is still considered ‘cool’ in some circles.”  Hilarious in some circles for sure.

Now back to the real meaning of the omnipotent one’s post

Crack is processed cocaine and it is not associated with the allegedly beautiful people. It offers a relatively quick and cheap effect. While the snorters may blow their salaries and trust fund on junk and even dip into the till, they tend not to knock over liquor stores and mug people to subsidize their pleasures.

Wonder who Art is referencing on this one? Any takers?  Must be Obama’s German Bratwurst voting bloc.

Thus the rationale for the difference in penalties.
As a thug-hugger, Obama will certainly act in behalf of the criminal element in his base.

I could be wrong and I won’t jump to conclusions. I will allow you the reader to draw an assesment.

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