Earning a “Perception”

Filed in National by on May 1, 2009

If I were a Republican I’d write off the minority vote – and I’d stop pretending I don’t know why.

Conservative talker Jay Severin via Think Progress:

So now in addition to venereal disease and the other leading exports of Mexico — women with mustaches and VD — now we have swine flu. … We should be if anything surprised that Mexico has not visited upon us poxes of more various and serious types considering the number of cimminalieans already here. […]

[W]hen scoop up some of the world’s lowest of primitives in poor Mexico and drop it down in the middle of the United States. Poor, without skills, without language, not share our culture, not share our hygiene. … It’s millions of leeches from a primitive country. … Now they are exporting a rather more active form of disease which is the swine flu.

Stay classy, Jay.  Not to be outdone, Boehner’s fearmongering video upsets the Hispanic caucus while Byron York disses the black vote.  Meanwhile, Rep. Broun wonders if the the baby who died of Swine Flu was an illegal immigrant.  Let’s not forget the gays either, since they’ve been taking their conservative hits as well with NOM declaring war and Rep. Virginia Foxx calling what happened to Matthew Shepard a hoax.   And don’t even get me started on teh stupid surrounding the NY Post’s cartoon, or FOX’s precious little Obama’s Baby Mama.   And there’s plenty more where these come from – feel free to add other examples of their body of work in the comment section.

What are they not getting?  Do they seriously believe they can talk like this and grow the party?  I know, I know, I have an unhealthy obsession with the workings of the Republican Party.  I’m just gobsmacked by the disconnect.  Here’s a hint:  White men do not get to decide what blacks, Hispanics, women, gays, etc. find insulting.  They are not the arbiters of what’s funny, insulting, racist or bigoted.  And for a bunch of delicate little flowers whose feelings are constantly hurt you’d think they’d be capable of some degree of sensitivity.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    dKos says Severin has been suspended. And apparently that surprised him — the station was using the inflammatory stuff as promo material. Go figure.

  2. pandora says:

    It’s quite a body of work they’ve got going. And I didn’t even touch Steele’s insulting nonsense.

  3. jason330 says:

    Fast forward to the Republican Convention:

    “The border fence is just the beginning. Phase two is the border airlock and the border shower/ decontamination units.”

    And the crowd goes crazy…

  4. nemski says:

    And everyone wondered why we laughed and laughed about the DE GOP having a Cinco de Mayo Happy Hour.

  5. pandora says:

    Wingnuts prefer their cultural diversity sanitized – think Epcot.

  6. Perry says:

    There is a reason that the Repubs are down to 21% now, and this behavior is a main reason.

    The symbiotic media love to pick up on this stuff to attract attention to themselves, = money, and the Repubs crave/love the attention too, which demonstrates how totally out of touch they really are!

    And I don’t see them changing any time soon, as they continue to gamble that Obama and the Dems will have failed in time for 2010.

  7. Unstable Isotope says:

    Didn’t you know that white men are most picked upon? Did you see this, from Drudge-sycophant Halperin?

    White Men Need Not Apply

  8. anonone says:

    And this is the party you want to resurrect?

  9. pandora says:

    Sarah Palin came way too close to the White House for my comfort. So, yes A1, I think getting the crazy out of the Republican Party is a good thing. I consider it a community service.

    And, if I can’t get out the crazy, then I’ll keep working on getting the moderates to wake up and smell the coffee (so far, the Far Right has done a lot to help).

    IMO, moderates can take back control (long shot) or the party can die a political death. Those are the only two choices I support.

  10. David says:

    Republicans didn’t have anything to do with any of those incidents. That would be like like calling Democrats Anti-Christ because of what some Hollywood radical says. This is a free country and people have a right to say what they want. That also means that they are solely responsible. If a guy’s own radio station disowns his statements what makes you think that anyone else cares.

    This silliness doesn’t work. I hear there may be a public disinformation officer position opening in sunny Cuba. You ought to apply. 🙂 I hear that they have a great health plan according to the last officer, Mr. Michael Moore.

  11. David says:

    The incidental quotes from the elected Republicans are out of context so much so that it is smile provoking.

    I could have fun all day with in context quotes from Democrats like Dick Durbin or Maxine Waters.

  12. pandora says:

    So, Boehner, Foxx, and Broun aren’t Republicans? How about the guy who sent out “Barack, the Magic Negro?” (I’d forgotten that one.)

    And FOX is a liberal station? And what about all of Limbaugh’s gems?

    Sorry, but these are your guys.

  13. cassandra m says:

    And like clockwork, here’s David to just make stuff up again. All of those quotes are accompanied by video and text that give them plenty of context. Just because you won’t look doesn’t mean it isn’t true.

    And you should have whatever fun you like with anyone’s quotes. We already know that you make up what you want to say.

  14. David says:

    Boehner is under fire for what? Including a picture of the Hispanic Caucus with President Obama. They should be proud to stand with their President. That is not real.

    Foxx was right that the initial motivation in the Shepard case was a robbery. She was wrong to say that the aftermath had nothing to do with hatred based upon his sexual orientation. That is being misinformed not spreading hatred.

    Broun– I don’t have enough information. It is fair to ask the question, but I don’t know the context or attitude. Was it met to blame and fan flames of fear or just trying to understand if we are currently being affected through both legal and illegal border crossings. We have to know that to make good policy. We absolutely can not make this into some anti-Mexican witchhunt. That would be wrong and I would oppose it vigorously. You don’t politicize public health and you don’t impune a group of people for something they have little to do with.

    I am confident that is not happening, but it won’t stop you from pretending that it is.

  15. cassandra m says:

    Keep working on your spin. They’ll let you sit at the grown-ups table any day now.

  16. pandora says:

    You really can’t discuss this if you don’t click on links. Boehner included the picture in a video that if you haven’t watched, you should.

    You are beyond wrong with your remarks concerning Matthew Shepard – you are horribly wrong. I suggest you read the reports compiled here. Hell, the murderers’ girlfriends testified that the men had targeted a gay man.

    And, how on earth you justify Broun’s musings as fair escapes me – other than being more Republican stupid.

    Talk about pretending.