Delaware Liberal

When History is written for W and for America

There will be comma after comma after comma, but one sentence will eventually stand alone and out as the single worst thing this country has ever done.  America under Bush 43 Tortured. That alone will catapult W to the top of the worst presidents list.  He will stand among disgusting men that tortured people.  The leader of the “Free World” authorized torture in the name of safety.  The irony is amazing in that sentence alone and the people that are unable to see that irony are what make this country less safe.

It will be hard for this country to rebound from this tragedy.  Especially when we have one party that refused to accept the illegality of the act and points fingers saying that the other party was aware of it, that we got results or that it isn’t torture or some variation of all the above.

What’s worse is that not only did our military torture, but in the outsourced world our government now believes in we have privatized it.  Yes, privitazed torture.  Because, we all know that the private sector can do it cheaper and more effectively.  Sickening.  I can’t even imagine that I served my country anymore.  What the hell is wrong with us?  That this, this heinous act of violence toward another human being happened and was ok’d by the highest servent of the people, for the people and by the people.  Oh, and it was outsourced as a cost cutting measure to save the country money.

We have sunk to a new low as a nation and we are only learning how low we, yes WE allowed this country to sink.  All in the name of safety.  Privatized Torture.  Pol Pot must be wondering why he didn’t think of privatizing torture first

Former U.S. officials say the two men were essentially the architects of the CIA’s 10-step interrogation plan that culminated in waterboarding.

Associates say the two made good money doing it, boasting of being paid a $1,000 a day by the CIA to oversee the use of the techniques on top al Qaeda suspects at CIA secret sites.

Why is it so hard to figure out that ‘they’ hate us so much. We became the vicious animals that our Government said that THEY were. How are we better than them? Oh, because our government said they are doing it to keep us safe? Well, aren’t they doing what they are doing to keep their people safe from us? Jesus Christ in Heaven I am ashamed to be an American, strike that, I’m ashamed of my government. We are paying guys $1000 a day to torture? What is that?

How hard is it to process that torture is illegal, which I think in this country means it is wrong to do.  Where are the people that think this is a “Christian Nation”?  I’m pretty sure in the Bible there has to be something about this whole torture thing being sort of a no-no.  I could be wrong.  After all some of our daily commenters are against abortion but are fine with Nuclear war.  My guess is the “christiany” people found a loophole in Leviticus that makes not quite killing people in the name of freedom and liberty okey-dokey.

What is alarming though and what people refuse to discuss is that other countries that are pretty friendly to us have put us on a pretty sweet list saying we torture.  One being that country that sits above us and has pretty decent beer and talks with a funny accent.

Canada said we torture,

Pretty Sweet list of Countries That Canada puts us in with too:

Saudi Arabia

Rock on Baby! And yes I realize that Canada removed our name later, but I’m confident that our name will go back up on that list once they catch that news their Canadian citizens read to us most nights. And I’m not Done, I’m about to quote the National Review (where’s Hube?)

At National Review, Jim Manzi

When you ask the question this way, one obvious point stands out: we keep beating the torturing nations. The regimes in the modern world that have used systematic torture and directly threatened the survival of the United States — Nazi Germany, WWII-era Japan, and the Soviet Union — have been annihilated, while we are the world’s leading nation. The list of other torturing nations governed by regimes that would like to do us serious harm, but lack the capacity for this kind of challenge because they are economically underdeveloped (an interesting observation in itself), are not places that most people reading this blog would ever want to live as a typical resident. They have won no competition worth winning. The classically liberal nations of Western Europe, North America, and the Pacific that led the move away from systematic government-sponsored torture are the world’s winners.

That’s right! The Nazi argument used by a National Review writer….and he was referencing America.

Torture is illegal. PERIOD. We privatized torture. We tried some Japanese citizens for waterboarding, which is torture. PERIOD. We waterboarded therefor we TORTURED. Therefor someone committed an ILLEGAL act and needs to be held accountable.  It’s not a hard argument to make, what’s hard is to try and make it sound like it was ok.

America Tortured it’s own Citizens and the Citizens of other nations.  I remember when I used to watch movies and think how terrible Russia was and hearing about Turkish Prison’s.  Now, we torture and are the bad guys.  I can’t imagine why ‘they’ hate us…It’s soooooo hard to fathom.

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