Delaware Liberal

Fear of an Ass (Backwards) Hat –UPDATED

From the Man Beyond the Cutting Edge:

“You wear your hat one way. You like to wear it, you know, kind of cocked to the left, you know, because that’s cool out West,” Steele said. “In the Midwest, you guys like to wear it a little bit to the right. In the South, you guys like to wear the brim straight ahead. Now, the Northeast, I wear my hat backwards, you know, because that’s how we roll in the Northeast.”

I’m sure that this kind of branding is making the GOP check writers very happy.

UPDATE: Apparently the check writers want a whole lot of oversight on Steele’s ability to spend money:

Randy Pullen, the RNC’s elected treasurer, former RNC General Counsel David Norcross and three other former top RNC officers have presented Mr. Steele with a resolution, calling for a new set of checks and balances on the chairman’s power to dole out money.

The powers include new controls on awarding contracts and spending money on outside legal and other services.

Remember that Steele has outstanding campaign finance issues, one of which is paying his sister’s firm a lot of money when his campaign was done, and after the sister’s company had closed:

The funding fight comes on the heels of another open challenge to Mr. Steele’s authority. Unhappy RNC conservatives secured the signatures to force the committee to convene next month’s special meeting to vote on a resolution labeling Democrats as “socialists,” despite the chairman’s reservations about the political wisdom of the move.

Critics said the “socialist” resolution battle was a sign of Mr. Steele’s rocky start as RNC chairman and his continuing struggle to assert control of the party’s message since his election in January.

And they want to control what he says too.  That is a fair bit of leadership humiliation for someone who is supposed to get their beyond cutting edge on.

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