Filed in National by on May 2, 2009

What movie have you recently seen at the theater?  Rented or Borrowed?

Me, I am on a man-date to see “Wolverine”.  I now have a buddy that I c an call up and ask if he wants to go see the latest Dick Flick.  It is awesome!  My wife is fine with it, his wife is more than fine with it!

Last night I saw the movie “Body of Lies” with Decaprio and the bloated Aussie aka, Russel Crowe.  The movie had some depth to it, but it wasn’t one of DiCaprio’s best.  The premise was DiCaprio was teh awesome CIA Field agent that was after a mad Muslim Bomber.  Ohhhhhhh, how tense right?  There was of course a torture scene that was sort of horrible, but could have been worse.  Given the point it was trying to make it should have been.  All in all I give the movie 3 Medium pizzas.  The acting makes up for the plot.  Being that is was these two heavyweight actors you should expect more, but because it was these guys they made it a good movie and worth watching. 

What say you?

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hiding in the open

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    I don’t see movies too often. The last one I saw was Wall-E. I’d like to see Star Trek when it comes out. I’ve seen movies by myself. The last one I saw by myself was Brokeback Mountain ’cause my hubby wouldn’t go.

    When guys go to the movies together, are they required to leave a seat between them? Just wondering.

  2. Not me, I’m secure in my manhood.

  3. pandora says:

    Last night we watched Rachel Gets Married. Pretty intense, not the sort of movie you “like.” That said, I would recommend it, especially if you’re into dialogue-driven films.

    Anne Hathaway shatters her fluffy (but fun) Princess Diaries and Devil Wears Prada image.

    I’d give it 4 large pizzas.

  4. Miscreant says:

    – “Body of Lies” was good. Rented/Netflix.
    – “City of Lost Children” was excellent, a classic. Bought it. (And I hate subtitles)
    – “Burn After Reading” was very funny. Rented/Netflix
    – “Delicatessen” is another subtitled classic. It was a gift.
    – “Quarantined” scary, timely, didn’t like the filming technique (even in Blu-Ray. Rented/Netflix.

  5. anonone says:

    When guys go to the movies together, are they required to leave a seat between them?

    No, but they don’t share popcorn.

  6. My wife and I saw Wall-E, on my insistence. It is not often I pull that card, I think it is the first time I made her see a movie she didn’t want to in the 7 years we have been together. I loved it, she didn’t.

    After that she dragged me to some other movie I am trying to pull from my repressed memory, but it isn’t coming. Probably another Will Smith movie. She will drag me to every single Will Smith movie. Just because I enjoyed “hitch” because I like Kevin James’ comedy…

    Oh yeah, we went to see “Paul Blart, Mall Cop”, again, we both liked it. It really was a rental, but I didn’t want to wait, I loved the idea of Sandler and James getting together on a movie, and I wasn’t disappointed. I love James’ physical comedy.

    What’s up with the pizza ratings?

  7. Mark H says:

    1) I will go to the theater to see Star Trek and will probably watch it at least twice (If I like it)
    2) I will be dragged into the theater for Transformers 2 (although considering my daughter just turned 5, it’s not like she will be really forcing me to see this:) )
    3) Terminator Salvation, although if the buzz is as bad as the Wolverine buzz has been in the geek world, that may wait until Blue-Ray for it.
    4) I’m watching Quarantine tonight at home.

    I also go to a lot of movies alone as I work a 4 day work week and usually go Monday afternoons to movies, unless my wife is dragging me to a Tyler Perry movie 🙂

    “When guys go to the movies together, are they required to leave a seat between them?”

    Mostly, but it depends. If the crowd is big for Star Trek, I’ll ignore that rule

    Miscreant, I find that my Blockbuster Online queue is filled with Spanish/French language films.