DE Blogger News

Filed in Delaware by on May 3, 2009

Brian Shields of The Mourning Constitution is now the Sussex County Chair of the Libertarian Party of Delaware. Congrats Brian. Now that your a politician, don’t go start hating bloggers. 😉

About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. jason330 says:

    Good news for Delaware. We need a viable second party.

  2. nemski says:

    God, I hope Brian doesn’t start a blog called, Rebuild the Libertarian Party.

  3. LOL. Thanks.

    My goal is to focus on building the LPD presence in Sussex. We are starting off with meetings every first Wednesday of the month at the Seaford Public Library at 6:15pm, and at the Milton Public Library every first Thursday of the month at 6:15pm.

    That just happens to be next Wednesday and Thursday.

    A DVD will be shown as an introduction to the Constitution at each location. It is free to attend and everyone is welcome.

    Sorry to hijack a plug. Honestly, to even become a viable third party we will have alot of work to do.

  4. You’re already saner than the formerly-viable second party. That’s a start.

  5. Excellent choice for Sussex County Chair! I guess one thing that the Libertarian Party has over the GOP is the ability to attract younger people.

    I think job #1 is probably candidate recruitment.

  6. pandora says:

    Congratulations, Brian. I can’t think of a better, more thoughtful choice than you.

  7. Miscreant says:

    Good News:
    Congratulations. They made a great choice.

    Bad News:
    Brian will probably experience a compulsion to behave more responsibly. Resist!

  8. Susan Regis Collins says:

    Congrats Brian & Sussex LP members….remember you must crawl (or end up w/reading deficits if you don’t) before you can run… not make the mistake of most early party builders and run for high office first. Start w/something you can organize to win…even if it’s the lowliest seat in Sussex. Remember what happened to the Greens and the Independent Party…they imploded. Good luck.

  9. Do they elect dog catchers down here? In the town I grew up with they actually did, spawning the phrase “He couldn’t be elected to Dog Catcher.”

    Miscreant: Yes, feeling the pressure to curb the language just a bit. Not from anyone, but from myself.

    Susan, UI: That’s my plan. From the ground up, building a reputation, recognition, and a resume. Noone in Sussex is going to vote for somebody they don’t know, and doesn’t trust. Building the trust through example instead of talk is the plan.

  10. Susan Regis Collins says:

    You go, Dude! You have my total respect.