Hey Everyone, Look At Me!

Filed in National by on May 3, 2009

As my inaugural post, I’d thought I’d post an interview with Delaware Liberal‘s newest contributor.

Why you?  What are your qualifications?

Well, I think Delaware Liberal wants to bring a diversity of voices and opinions.  I’m probably different than the regular contributors: I’m not a Delaware native or even a long-time Delaware resident.  I’m still learning things about Delaware, which I think is really a great place to live and work.  I grew up in the Bible Belt, in Kentucky.  Things are different there!  I’ve lived in a variety of places – Kentucky, Wisconsin, upstate New York and now Delaware.

I’m not a political professional – my professional qualifications are as a chemist.  I come from a scientific family.  Every one of my immediate family is involved in science in some way.  My father taught high school biology.  My husband, brother and sister-in-law all teach science at the university level.  So, my family is heavily involved in science and education.

What are your interests?

As I said above my interests are science and education, especially communicating science to the public.  Science is going to be the engine of growth for the future and I think it is important to communicate it effectively.  I’m also interested in feminism and national, state and local politics.

Any hobbies?

What, besides surfing the internet?

Is there anything we should be warned about?

I tend to develop mini-obsessions on some subjects, but I don’t think that is unusual.  My current mini-obsession is on the GOP rebranding effort but it looks like some people around here may share it as well.  I may also sometimes develop “oh noez, someone is wrong on the internet” syndrome.  It’s unhealthy, I know.

What do you hope to accomplish?

Hey, I’m just here to make the world a better place. I hope I can keep us up-to-date on science in the news and whatever else tickles my fancy.

What bothers you?

I hate it when people use feminine terms to describe things as bad or undesirable and masculine terms to describe things as good and brave. (Like pussy for weak and balls for brave.)  Did I just give everyone the secret to getting on my nerves?

I’d like to open up the floor to questions.  What questions do you have?  What suggestions?  Are there any topics in particular you’d like to see covered?


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (32)

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  1. Hooray, it worked!

  2. Susan Regis Collins says:

    What are your ‘signs’? Astro & Chinese.

  3. Astrological: Leo
    Chinese: Boar

    Yes, I’m responsible for swine flu.

  4. pandora says:

    Ah… GOP re-branding obsession. I know it well! 😉

  5. liberalgeek says:

    Welcome, UI. It takes a lot of prostate to do this blogging thing. 🙂

  6. Free Radical says:

    What a cute post! I didn’t think you’d find the balls to post so much about yourself.

  7. jason330 says:

    I guess calling Mike Castle a girl is out.

  8. liberalgeek says:

    Free Radical – You are such a fallopian tube.

  9. nemski says:

    If you could be an element what element would you be?

  10. jason330 says:

    Neptunium or krypton.

    No wait. Bismuth.

  11. Kilroy says:

    “Well, I think Delaware Liberal wants to bring a diversity of voices and opinions.”

    But long as they are left of center, LOL

    “I’m still learning things about Delaware, which I think is really a great place to live and work.”

    Cook your scapple, don’t eat fish from any river, stream, creek north of the canal aka crick south of the canal and spit the watermelon seeds out!

    “my professional qualifications are as a chemist.”

    The brew up some Tetrahydrocannabinol.

    “I’d like to open up the floor to questions. “

    Do you prefer cooking with
    Polytetrafluoroethylene or disambiguation? I prefer both!

    Welcome to the state that started a nation and most likely where that same nation will die!

  12. a. price says:

    UI, you blog like a girl!

  13. Joanne Christian says:

    You speak of your family, science, education, and feminism. I am of the belief if you teach a daughter, you teach a nation–and push that way in this house. You are an obvious success in your field. Any contribution from mother?

    Also, thank you for your patience in waiting “the decision” to rebrand ( I personally think repackage) the GOP–I have seen your increased tolerance since a bit before, and ongoing from the election in this arena.

    Just don’t post junk science, and pop medical stuff, and we’ll continue along just fine around here. Oh, we don’t eat hoagies–no matter what WAWA sells, and we go to the beach around here. Thirty miles up the road is a whole ‘nother world.
    So what is the skinny on Delaware’s “own element” Teflon? Welcome UI–darn I’m going to miss you in the stands!!

  14. anonone says:

    UI is probably the only blogger in Delaware that understands what a backside attack by a lone pair means.

  15. Element – probably carbon because it’s so useful and versatile. It has three isotopes, at least one of which is unstable so I’m o.k there.

    Hopefully I won’t be posting junk science, unless it’s to debunk it. Pop medical – I think there’s too much of that already. But, I hope if there’s something scientific in the news that they want to know more about, they’ll contact me.

    LOL@A1. Yes, I maybe one of the few political bloggers who understand that reference. And, get your minds out of the gutter, everyone else!

    As far as my mother’s contribution – she feels very strongly about the importance of education but was good enough not to be too pushy. (“I think you can do better” is one thing she used to say). I think my mom’s biggest influence was in the feminism. She had that kind of common-sense practical kind of feminist wisdom. Not a bomb thrower, but she could stand up for herself and would explain why things were “fair” and “unfair” in her view.

    I can’t comment on Teflon and I can’t help with the THC. I think you can get that by extraction. 🙂

  16. I tend to develop mini-obsessions

    Fatal Attraction meets Madame Curie…wonderful. I think Jason is the first to get wacked

  17. Kilroy says:

    Joanne Christian
    “So what is the skinny on Delaware’s “own element” Teflon?

    “Polytetrafluoroethylene” You’ll need to ask Bucky Bailey down in Parkersburg, WV. They have a play group down there called the
    C-8 Kids CF2+CF2 = ammonium perfluorooctanoate /C-8 . Just please don’t bring up PFIB =
    Perfluoroisobutene. I can’t believe that shit in it.
    Tomorrow class discussion will be on Octafluorocyclobutane, LOL.

    “pop medical stuff”
    Come on Joanne,
    3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine will bring you closer to God!

  18. Perry says:

    Great to see a fellow chemist here, UI!

    And Kilroy — impressive!

  19. Joanne Christian says:

    From Kilroy to Pillboy, all in the same show!!!

  20. anon says:

    I see the chemists are bonding.

  21. John Tobin says:

    Hi UI,
    I look forward to reading your insights.
    In high school chemistry class I tossed the leftover ingredients from an experment into the trash can.
    I was wish you and I could have had a discussion of flammable solids before I did that.

  22. Joanne Christian says:

    Chemists ignite.

  23. Kilroy says:

    “And Kilroy — impressive!”

    What’s impressive is how a simple name like Teflon can be so really complex and so deadly, What’s more inpressive is how Teflon is exposed to high temperatures breaking down the componds . I think the FIBF breaks down around 1000 degrees releasing the sweet deadly gases. FIBF as you know is a World War II chemical warfare nerve agent and putting it in cookware and Stainmaster is a social war crime. PFB and CF4 does wonders for global warming 6000 time more harmful than carbon dioxide.
    Zyro 8020 aka OFCB is more deadlier dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane or rather a quciker death.

    I came across all this infomation when I was doing some family genealogy and discovered the ancestor (Bailey) family’s farm might be part of the Washington Work’s site.

    Joanne Christian
    “From Kilroy to Pillboy, all in the same show!!!”
    Low blow! lol I am living proof that doing drugs in the 60’s and 70’s don’t mess you up later on in life! I turned out normal, didn’t I? lol I have all my hair and very little grey at 54. Dam, public drinking water has more harmful pharmaceuticals in it than pot. Did you know when they treat waste water before releasing it as clean water they only treat for bacteria not pharmaceuticals? I don’t think the city sewage plant employs reverse osmosis.

    Swine Flu , lol we got more to worry about from our frying pans.

  24. Another Mike says:

    UI, I’ve enjoyed your contributions as one of us. Just don’t get too scientific. I sucked at science when I was in school, and I’m fairly certain I haven’t gotten any better since.

  25. Kilroy says:

    John Tobin
    “In high school chemistry class I tossed the leftover ingredients from an experment into the trash can.”

    Dude never put Potassium Nitrate next to your coffee sugar. That shit makes great smoke bombs, lol

  26. ..and I thought learning about temperature glide properties of near azeotropic refrigerant HFC’s was complicated.

    Although I did figure that Kilroy was talking about pot at one point.

  27. Joanne Christian says:

    Brian, At one point he was…but pot being the gateway drug it is, he went on from there….INCOMING!!!!!!

  28. mikeb302000 says:

    U.I., I’ve enjoyed your comments and look forward to your posts.

    Good luck.

  29. Kilroy says:

    Brian Shields
    I was talking two subjects one for Perry in reference thermal decomposition of Teflon and reference toTetrahydrocannabinol the special properties within Pot. However, we can expand that subject to 3,4-Methylenedioximethamphetamine and it’s 5-H and MAO-B properites.

    Let’s just move onto C4F4 / C-318 -C4f87
    E-mail if you need help with your homework I did do quite well on my GED, lol

    Joanne behave! I’ll post some yearbook pictures of you,

  30. Kilroy says:

    oops, typeo drop the 7 on C4f87