Delaware Liberal

Hey Everyone, Look At Me!

As my inaugural post, I’d thought I’d post an interview with Delaware Liberal‘s newest contributor.

Why you?  What are your qualifications?

Well, I think Delaware Liberal wants to bring a diversity of voices and opinions.  I’m probably different than the regular contributors: I’m not a Delaware native or even a long-time Delaware resident.  I’m still learning things about Delaware, which I think is really a great place to live and work.  I grew up in the Bible Belt, in Kentucky.  Things are different there!  I’ve lived in a variety of places – Kentucky, Wisconsin, upstate New York and now Delaware.

I’m not a political professional – my professional qualifications are as a chemist.  I come from a scientific family.  Every one of my immediate family is involved in science in some way.  My father taught high school biology.  My husband, brother and sister-in-law all teach science at the university level.  So, my family is heavily involved in science and education.

What are your interests?

As I said above my interests are science and education, especially communicating science to the public.  Science is going to be the engine of growth for the future and I think it is important to communicate it effectively.  I’m also interested in feminism and national, state and local politics.

Any hobbies?

What, besides surfing the internet?

Is there anything we should be warned about?

I tend to develop mini-obsessions on some subjects, but I don’t think that is unusual.  My current mini-obsession is on the GOP rebranding effort but it looks like some people around here may share it as well.  I may also sometimes develop “oh noez, someone is wrong on the internet” syndrome.  It’s unhealthy, I know.

What do you hope to accomplish?

Hey, I’m just here to make the world a better place. I hope I can keep us up-to-date on science in the news and whatever else tickles my fancy.

What bothers you?

I hate it when people use feminine terms to describe things as bad or undesirable and masculine terms to describe things as good and brave. (Like pussy for weak and balls for brave.)  Did I just give everyone the secret to getting on my nerves?

I’d like to open up the floor to questions.  What questions do you have?  What suggestions?  Are there any topics in particular you’d like to see covered?

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